Thirteen families effectively control the central banksTHIS IS THE FAMOUS "NEW WORLD ORDER"
Thirteen families effectively control the central banks of all the hard-currency countries. The Rothschilds, (above,) and 12 other families. They "control banks" and all practice FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING, which is perfectly legal in the USA.
Fractional reserve banking means that the bank is only required to hold on hand a small fraction of money (5%) that is needed to cover (daily activity. The rest they can loan out at huge rates.) So only a fraction of deposits is likely to be drawn upon and / or cashed. That is a PYRAMID scheme dependent on good faith. THOSE are illegal.
Moneys deposited in accounts go into a reserve upon which credit can be issued. In the US credit can be issued to seven times the reserve, in international banks (off shore establishments) twenty times the reserve can be issued as credit. It is important to understand this concept in order to understand the larger picture.
In the mid 1970s, the final phase of System 2000, a "global creditors' unilateral totalitarian plan" was put into effect. A Pentagon official and three other US officials went to the Prime Minister of Nigeria and offered him fifty million dollars in cash to double the price of light crude oil. Nigeria is one of only two countries in the world that
produce light crude, which is an extremely pure form of oil whose price sets the standard for all other forms of crude oil.Armed with the knowledge that, because of their deal with Nigeria, the price of Mid-east oil was about the skyrocket, the international bankers went to the Arabs and said, "We will send the price of crude oil as high as you want if you will promise to invest some of the money you make in the United States."
Nigeria doubled the price of light crude, the price of oil from the Mid-east went up and the price of a gallon of gasoline in the United States jumped to $1.20. (My note: In Italy, where I was living at the time, it was costing $1 a LITRE after the oil price was sent through the roof.) Unwittingly, Americans began to finance System 2000 with every tank of gas they bought.
As the money began to pour into the Arabian countries, the sheiks fulfilled their promise to invest in the U.S. and began buying stocks, bonds, and real estate, also. More importantly, they put their money into thirty-year timed certificates (drawn up by the international bankers). Remember that Arabs went from camel-riding nomads to wealthy international investors in a very short period of time and they had no grasp of how the banking system worked; in particular, they did not know about the concept of fractional reserve banking.
The international bankers now had millions of dollars locked into timed deposits, and they took that money and loaned out TWENTY TIMES AS MUCH. In 1983, the international bankers created two groups of holding companies to handle all this Arab money. One of the groups took the funds coming in from the Arabs and loaned it out to Third World countries. The purpose of the holding companies, as you will see later, was to remove the responsibility for the money from the banks to a less accountable entity. Many of these were the S&L's that collapsed during this period, losing all that ARAB MONEY. (CLICK ON THIS URL)
The international bankers were aware of the fact that most of the Third World countries knew nothing about running a country or allocating funds. Most had been colonies of some other nation and had only recently begun to govern themselves. The bankers were counting on the Third World countries to squander their money in a short time. They fully intended for these countries to go bankrupt and to be unable to pay back their loans.
The Phillipines is one example of what happened to Third World countries in the next stage of the plan. The international bankers went to President Marcos and presented him with a way out of the enormous debt his country faced. They said, "We will forgive your loans - you'll have to pay none of the principal, none of the interest - if you will just sign this agreement: 1) do away with its national currency, 2) go to a debit-card system where each person is assigned a number and his purchases are debited from his account on a computerised system and 3) sign over perpetual rights to all natural resources in the country.
The offer was tempting since it would put much of the labor force back to work and solve many of the country's economic problems. But Marcos realised that becasue of the word "perpetual", he was virtually giving away the sovereignty of his country. He refused to sign the agreement. Weeks later he was deposed and his country was torn apart by riots which Jonathon May says were incited by the internal bankers.
Other countries decided to accept the agreement when it was offered to them. Recently Brasil, Argentina and other nations have announced that they do not plan to pay back their loans. They failed to mention that the loans had been excused in exchange for the rights to their natural resources.
At this point all the dominoes are in place and the international bankers are ready and waiting for their opportunity to topple them.
HERE IS THE PLAN. When enough of the Third World nations sign the agreement, saying they are not going to repay the loans they received from the holding company, the international bankers can declare the holding company insolvent. (This is where it becomes apparent why the money was put in holding companies instead of in banks. The holding companies were designed to go bankrupt.! Chase Manhattan or Chemical Bank would not have to be sacrified since there were not responsible for the loans.)
Once the holding companie is declared bankrupt, they can legally avoid payment to the Arab nations. The international bankers will say, "Sorry, Arabs. We lost your money. You are broke!" When the Arab nations realise that all their money is gone, they will immediately liquidate all of their other assets. They will dump billions and billions of stocks and Wall Street will collapse. They will put all of their farmland and real estate on the market and land values will plummet. Farmers will have no collateral to borrow against to plant next year's crops and food will become scarce in the grocery stores.
The effect this will have on the American economy will be chaotic. This catastrophic collapse has been purposely designed to throw the American people into a state of confusion. Then the benevolent bankers will step forward saying, "Look what these dirty Arabs have done to you!" and offer a solution to our problems.
Their solution will be to abolish our currency and institute a new form of money. Each person then would be issued a government ID number and would need a debit card to do any business transactions.
Perhaps the biggeste shock in May's story is that the "Star Wars" system is only 40% concerned with defense and 60% concerned with banking! These "Star Wars" satellites would link the debit system to a central computer base - a superbank. Transfer of funds between accounts would be instantaneous and the internal bankers would finally have complete financial control. May says the debate over "Star Wars" is all show because the satellites are already in place!
Perhaps the best defense the international bankers have against protesters is influencing the publics' opinion through the media!!! In his book, "The Naked Capitalist" Cleon Skousen says that, "Nothing panics the international establishment like the possibility of a threatened exposure. Whenever the public has become dangerously aware of the conspiratorial processes operating around them, the vast inter-locking power structure of the entire London-Wall Street combine has immediately shifted into high gear and raced to the rescue. Radio, TV, newspaper, magazines, government policy makers, college officials and other opinion molders in high places have all commenced a recitation of a carefully prepared line designed to pacify the public and put them
back to sleep".Who actually controls the Federal Reserve? Who are the stockholders of this private corporation? In a legislative session regarding abolishing the Fed, the following eight family banks were named as the owners of the Federal Reserve:
Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin (their pictures above,) Queen Victoria's Bankers --thanks to BENJAMIN DISRAELI her Prime Minister.
Lazares Brothers Banks of Paris
Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy
Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam
Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
Kuhn, Loeb Bank of New York
Goldman, Sachs Bank of New York.In his book, "To Seduce a Nation" Lindsey Williams lists the same 8 banks.
Eight Banks by Tom-Scott Gordon from
This is a remarkable overview. If you haven't a bit of financial
background you must check-out Max and Stacy at
http://karmabanqueradio.blogspot.comI didn't know about the politics that were driving any of this when I
photographed the HQ for 'Star-Wars.' While I was there I was treated to
a really subtle form of indoctrination by an important Sargent. I had
asked him about the USAF's ability to detect and capture UFO's, having a
pretty thorough knowledge of their monitoring rig. Confirming all that
we just read, it became rather apparent, post-9/11, that this was the
very facility where the perps must have formally orchestrated the
false-flag attack.He told me that I needed to get real serious, real quick! -"You won't
find a single military man who is willing to tell you what he knows
about UFOs. It's like the Mafia, son. Once you're in, you don't get out!
It all runs on money, that's why we're here. If we could capture one do
you think for a second we would want any other country to know about it?Sadly, the arbitrage game is about up. If you haven't planned a sensible
get-away, you won't escape the coming horror show. I've concluded just
today that the main reason Americans are so unaware that the joke is on
them is because they really are just selfish enough to buy into Bush's
'chosen-ones' philosophy. It's like: "Aaah, maybe I really will get to
meet God, And Jesus in the flesh!!!" -Who are the 13 families? by Bill Fairchild Tuesday, Apr. 11,
2006 at 4:07 AM 1-815-577-3577 Plainfield, ILThe title was "thirteen families effectively control the central banks."
I read the article. You list 8 central banks, but no families. WHO ARE
THE 13 FAMILIES?Here are the names of the 13 families
by Bill Fairchild Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 4:55 AM 1-815-577-3577 Plainfield, ILThanks for the clue. Too bad you responded by giving a clue instead of
listing their names. And the clue had several errors in it. Even worse
that the original article did not mention their names or give the clue
about Fritzmeier's book.For readers like myself who don't like guessing games, here are their
names: Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis,
Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, and Van Duyn. Merovingian
(European royals), Disney, Krupp, and McDonald are interconnected
families. Here is a link to more info: are described in detail in the book Bloodlines of the Illuminati by
Fritz Springmeier (not Fritzmeier - another silly guessing game). The
book is available from I would have included Amazon's link
but it is way too long. I know nothing about the book. All I wanted was
to know the names of the 13 families. And now I know. Global Banking:
The Bank for International Settlements by Solve et Coagula Tuesday, Apr.
11, 2006 at 7:37 AMGlobal Banking: The Bank for International Settlements
Yep, I guess the BIS People are the real "untouchables":
Sovereignty and Secrecy - It is not surprising that the BIS, its
offices, employees, directors and members share an incredible immunity
from virtually all regulation, scrutiny and accountability.In 1931, central bankers and their constituents were fed up with
government meddling in world financial affairs. Politicians were viewed
mostly with contempt, unless it was one of their own who was the
politician. Thus, the BIS offered them a once-and-for-all opportunity to
set up the "apex" the way they really wanted it -- private. They
demanded these conditions and got what they demanded.A quick summary of their immunity, explained further below, includes
diplomatic immunity for persons and what they carry with them (i.e.,
diplomatic pouches)No taxation on any transactions, including salaries paid to employees
embassy-type immunity for all buildings and/or offices operated by the
BIS no oversight or knowledge of operations by any government authority
freedom from immigration restrictions freedom to encrypt any and all
communications of any sort freedom from any legal jurisdiction9 Further,
members of the BIS board of directors (for instance, Alan Greenspan) are
individually granted special benefits:“immunity from arrest or imprisonment and immunity from seizure of their
personal baggage, save in flagrant cases of criminal offense --”“inviolability of all papers and documents;”
“immunity from jurisdiction, even after their mission has been
accomplished, for acts carried out in the discharge of their duties,
including words spoken and writings;”“exemption for themselves, their spouses and children from any
immigration restrictions, from any formalities concerning the
registration of aliens and from any obligations relating to national
service in Switzerland ;”“the right to use codes in official communications or to receive or send
documents or correspondence by means of couriers or diplomatic bags.”10
Lastly, all remaining officials and employees of the BIS have the
following immunities:“immunity from jurisdiction for acts accomplished in the discharge of
their duties, including words spoken and writings, even after such
persons have ceased to be Officials of the Bank;”[bold emphasis added]“exemption from all Federal, cantonal and communal taxes on salaries,
fees and allowances paid to them by the Bank…” exempt from Swiss
national obligations, freedom for spouses and family members from
immigration restrictions, transfer assets and properties – including
internationally – with the same degree of benefit as Officials of other
international organizations.11Of course, a corporate charter can say anything it wants to say and
still be subject to outside authorities. Nevertheless, these were the
immunities practiced and enjoyed from 1930 onward. On February 10, 1987,
a more formal acknowledgement called the "Headquarters Agreement" was
executed between the BIS and the Swiss Federal Council and basically
clarified and reiterated what we already knew: