A San Francisco net contact of my Los Angeles chum, is a charismatic woman by name of
DEBORAH PAULINO who was hired to write up festivals. She wrote what's below.
What she doesn't go into is...WHAT IS A FESTIVAL? A street fair? A swap
meet which is an excellent model of a community joining together to
raise funds for a good cause? West Hollywood has one every late summer,
every decor house contributes gorgeous stuff, it's a garage sale
basically but wow! Sumptuous decorator stuff for pennies. W. Holywood also turned
parking lot of HIGH SCHOOL into another swap meet on weekends. Very lucrative
for all, especially drink stand owners.Anyway DEBORAH writes:
"Looks like I have a new gig, writing and photos about festivals for the
Examiner at, with national syndication
as well as opportunities for paper syndication. So you want to do one in L.A?Rather than just get the info off your press release, I’d like to work with
you on some ideas to make stories about your
festivals have real impact and better chances of syndication.Press releases are great and I do use them, but I also like to check out
the festival people, site, history, causes, personalities,
beneficiaries, new technology, politics, business development, or anything
to get an original or eye opening angle.I probably have only 300 words or less for each story, so need something
succinct that makes you stand out from other
festivals, or this years fest stand our from last years, to help get
editors’, aggregators' (web syndications), and readers’/fans’
attention and web searches.So far I’m seeking positive stories that validate festivals as an economy
boosting industry, community service, and artistic
resource. I’m looking for stories that can be used as enlightened examples,
ideas, problems, and solutions for all festivals as
well as entertaining/interesting reading for general public.As festival producers you know the current political challenges. It was
suggested by Pat from the San Francisco fire department that producers
and festival crew network and unite to gather political clout in the
permitting departments. This is common sense in any part of the world so
I figured maybe some positive and informational press might also help.Info Ideas box:
• Short interview with you, headliner/s, beneficiaries, etc.
• Quirky or poignant back story, festival site, and content.
• Awareness and benefit raising stuff.
• Economic and community impact in your location.
• Impacts political/business on festival industry and employment.
• Historical significances.
• Cultural and sub cultural development.
• Out of the box head turning tidbits.
• Beauty and artistry of location and content.
• Please add to this list if you have an idea.And of course I will check all facts and quotes with you before submitting
to the Examiner.Ok so please send a press release with a cover letter of when you or your
publicist is free, when you would like it published,
and how/when/where we can hook up. Or info on your press meets; whatever
works for you.Oh and I have to warn those of you who don’t know, I’ve worked with a
lot of festivals over 20 years in the field in several different
countries; past 10 years in SF. I’m also a software geek, as well as a
writer, and have strange ideas of improving the entertainment business.
My old web site is Gigslist.orgMy CV is on linkedin. signed Deborah."
So Get in touch with these gals, she's seen the tricks. Learn how to do festivals in your town!
Get your Chamber of commerce involved, ditto local tycoons. If your group is made
up of gorgeous girls/women, it all becomes easier. ART OF TYCOON TAPPING.I would start up, just to sharpen my blade on my first kill, doing a six family garage sale. When you get the feel of working with a dozen people, organizing, creating fun side events that raise cash, like drinks, food, then scale up to a COMMUNITY SWAP MEET. An artisans wholesale marketplace, a RECESSSION SWAP MEET. Each person can give 10% of their profits to some community charity or need. THEN you escalate to creating a genuine CHARITY. Salary yourself annually!