Who me? I'm just a reptile. And hey buddy, I'm in charge here!My psychic journalist, researcher pal G. says "The ETs I talk to have a real bone to pick with the White House. Of late, they complain about Eisenhower letting the creepy ET Lizards into Earth. (Remember all the horrible abductions happened in the 50's. People waking screaming with lost time, being hypnotized and coming up with rape, REPTILE BREATH and cattle prods?) Whoda guessed it? EVEN ET's have standards.
She goes on: "I told my ET associates they were out of their mind. Eisenhower had nothing to do with it, nor did he have any power to stop it. We've now been able
to confirm it was a vampire war, where those who owned Earth lost the
war. Rather than have us all exterminated by the winner, a deal was cut
to let the people be genetically raped by the winners, who at that time
were the Lizards.Many think Hitler had something to do with it. Not true -- It is all off
world manipulated by fiends, lizards, vampires, and someone always owns
Earth and calls the shots. At the moment, it is Lizards that own Earth.
They won the war in the 50's and then they completely vanquished the
Rothschilds in 2004, who withdrew. Everything from that point on has
been Lizard owned and controlled, where before it was vampire owned and
controlled. I know, it's hard to tell the difference. Tell me about it.Humans don't behave that way. Humans have heart and soul, care about and
support each other. Even animals will take care of their own, but
vampires, fiends and lizards are soulless, and will not take care of
anything. They are only on a path of destruction, eating, fighting and
raping their way to wherever they are going.Humans are their property. So, do your yoga, vegies, meditation and ask to
be shown what's really going on.
David Icke agrees with my researcher chum and Icke tells you how to spottem when you seeum! And the fix, to really FIX THEM? --When you want to be sad, don't! They feed on sorrow. We have to starve the buggers. So no self pity, no 'neediness, no desire, no craving, no frustration, no anger. We all gotta go on a negativity fast. The reptile overlords starve, --humanity flourishes!