New anti- MEDS Vogue coming up!![]()
QUICK, SLIP THIS BUGGER A HANDFUL OF ANTIPSYCHOTICS!They're already Schizy, why dope 'em even more? Clinical Shrinks from boobie hatches across America will tell you it's good for the 'poor lunatic'. Smooths him out. UNTRUE. It's only good for the keepers. Makes everything quiet as tiled rooms tend to have bad acoustics but it's pathetic to see vivid, deep, feeling and quite interesting human beings semi-comatose. And that's what schizies are, deep, poetic, inspired, talented, beautiful people doped to the nines in State run mental hospitals.
Some great men have been raving lunatics. Japanese Director, Akira Kurosawa was schizophrenic at times, and got locked up when he went out into Fantasy land. Inbetween times, he wrote Oscar winning scripts and directed those films. Street car is one you want to find. Give me a case of whatever he was drinking!
R.D. LAING, the Scottish Psychiatrist wrote many great books but was locked up between just like Akira. He thought schizophrenia was like a dessert and sleep after a long day. Didn't mind being in a mental hospital while he was out for the count, emerged to write a new hit book full if inspirations he'd had...every time.
Well, being that this is so, there's a NEW trend in reportorial liberalism is coming up in AMERICA. I heard
it on the MOST WILD INTERNET radio station, KPFK-FM, which is also a Los Angeles FM station. You can listen online. There's a massive ANTI-DRUG movement, totally shunning, nay impugning the slothful, pedestrian doctors who have been Rxing teens with heavy psycho-stun gun drugs --- the critics are now calling their work LAZY PSYCHIATRY. Love that term!Google up a seminal book on the subject by Dr Peter . Breggin (guest on show last nite) who wrote "TOXIC PSYCHIATRY" Another book by him is "Murderers in White Coats" Last nite he discussed wave of teen suicides. MEDICATED TEENS. You can find his titles USED, SECOND HAND at ABE BOOKS for a buck or two. The book busts the psych pharm industry wide open. Drugs give SERIOUS MENTAL PROBLEMS including SUICIDE! These two THINGS go hand in hand. KEEPING teens, children medicated, ritalin, prozac and worse AND then, SUICIDE. SO MANY OTHER WAYS to heal depression or schizophrenia. DIET, loving THERAPY. YOGA. Gestalt auditing, Q&A processes, Primal SCREAM EMOTIONAL RELEASE WORK.
EVERY depresso or shizoid should get mega vitamins and healthfoods but do these mental hospitals try B complex? NO! Do they try the most important vitamin, B-12 which these schizies are all deficient in, found only in organ meats, which insane asylums should invest in, the real deal B-12? Calves liver? With onions, delicious meal. No. Some may give a multi vitamin but here is a shocking truth 99% of the B-12 in the marketplace is NOT real
READ B-12, THE REAL DEAL, just scan it now for one second. Come back with <---Green arrow. GEORGE BERNARD SHAW, the great and very human, vegan English playwright, author, essay writer, turn of Century / pre WWI years in London, knew at that time, that a VEGAN had to supplement only one vitamin, B-12, Not found in any vegan product. DOCTORS today could CURE all schizophrenia with mega vitamins, especially. B12, lab experiments prove it. But guess what? THERE's no money in it for the pharm industry so that cure is suppressed. Disavowed, Ignored. THEY instead MEGA drug the kids on something that makes the PHARMS money They do ruthless drugging even though it's documented that this creates bodies that are like 80 year olds and heart attacks.
Also objectionable, the drugs turn the kids into vegetables. MANY of these kids are brilliant, hyper, fed nutritionless food all their childhood, denatured foods nuked with microwaves, t.v dinners with all the transfat, clog, sugar, topped off with pastry, donuts, coffee, caffeinated sodas. They get burnt out by the time they enter their teens. WHO WOULDN'T, A LAB RAT on that diet would be eating its own tail!
BRILLIANT delicate, wise children. INDIGO children, they're often called....My son Luis was always one of those. He was a bright, funny, candid kid. Now he is in PATTON Mental hospital with other HIGH FUNCTIONING young people and adults, many were COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS. But they're kept so
horribly drugged, and with OLD DRUGS, Haldol, bad side effect drugs that they have no minds left. THE HOPELESSNESS is huge. Many write letters to lawyers, public defenders, psychiatrists for a few yrs, to the authorities, reporting the inhumane system. Luis knows the letter writers. Then they succumb to the madness of piling HOPELESSNESS ON TOP OF MADNESS. ON TOP OF VITAMINOSIS. ON TOP OF dysfunctional family lives. ABANDONED by the courts, by public defenders, by parents at some earlier time and then by the system. A GODLESS zone.THE DOCTORS are always trying out new drugs, experimenting on the prisoners. There can be good or bad results. LUIS is on the inside and can find out who tried what. He personally went into hugely stunned periods with some of these. TO ME it seems you have a reporter on the inside. He's a
NOTE-IT-ALL VIRGO. A reporter crossed with GUINEA PIG.ALL of those patients are just kept in the cooler like turnips. drugged to the point of STUPIDITY, totally pliable, sleeping 24/7. IF IT WERE A VIOLENT GUY, I could understand it. BUT THEY DO NOT SEEM TO DISTINGUISH. THEY put out your lights if you talk, if you're social, if you laugh. if you're human. He was attacked by a psych tech who demanded he play football, in effect tearing his arm out of the socket. Muscles ripped free, need to be surgically replaced. Luis didn't know he had only 2 yrs to sue!
I FORGOT TO ADD some of the worst sins of mental hospitals to the list and so did LUIS....NO SCHOOLING. They do send you to a DRUG/SUBSTANCE group like AA, you go real real regular to that and the kids learn to parrot all the doctrines. THEN a HOW to a MANAGE YOUR ILLNESS group, like teaching them to never go without meals, sleep. VERY REPETITIOUS. They teach you the terms, precise terms for understanding your 'delicacy' but I thought the curriculem overly exact. They became parrot like and were tested to see if they memorized these terms. NATURALLY huge amts of time spent on these parroting classes. WHAT HAPPENED to Science, History? POETRY? LITERATURE? BODY WORK? YOGA? WHy isn't any of that there where it is needed. THERE IS THIRST there but nobody gets a drink. vitaminless, soulless PARROT fodder.
A RETARD would get bored there. No practical or cultural schooling whatsoever. PARENTS are not allowed to send books or magazines unless they come from a vendor. USED bookshops won't do. Must be new. Who can buy a new book?
Luis has heard of classes, he can tell you which they have, he's applied for it, but never gotten any. The schedule conflicts between parroting class and real schooling was the problem. I THINK this madhouse could stand up to Dickens BEDLAM or the one where Marquis de Sade was placed in Paris....and win the HORRIBLE contest! It IS APALLING. He has been refrigerated since NOV 98. TEN YEARS for a crime a judge would have given him six months for doing, setting a fire in the shed at work at midnight with the delusion he was warning an airplane flying overhead!
I wonder. Is there some cuibonum in it for the hospitals/ doctors that we don't know about? Maybe do these docs need all seats filled before they turn on the merry go round? Funding? Are they afraid to get all the loonies well as they'd be out of a 150k a yr job?
There's not a tad of interest in them in WELLNESS, in patient needs. IN THE FIRST year he was held in
county jails only. NO MEDICATION. Yet JUST THE SLEEP AND FOOD got him out of schizophrenia. (He'd been walking around europe, couldn't afford hotels or food when he became delusional.)IMAGINE going to sleep l00% out of your mind, hearing voices all your inner trauma and guilts pressing you perhaps (I don't know that this was the case with him,) into going OUT of reality...and then lighting a fire to warn an airplane off target, at his conscience a realistic, kindly deed. So imagine him going to sleep schizy, having some food albeit a bologna sandwich, some sleep, waking up SANE but in JAIL FOR ONE YEAR with a lot of gangland killers. ATTEMPTED RAPE GALORE at night. YOU SCREAM no guards come. Negligence! Then the insane are in the same room as the killers. LUIS played chess with a gang killer, won the game and got his NOSE smashed in. (CALIF gave him surgery a few yrs back to repair it as he couldn't breathe.) THAT IS HOW LITTLE they were watched by the brass at TWIN TOWERS.
But back to my subject. NO ATTEMPT made by THAT YEAR AT TWIN TOWERS and other jails to heal him with LIVER AND ONIONS or real B12, ---either would have been fine. NONE whatsoever. NO SPECIAL diet or vitamins.
AND THEN in 9 yrs at attempt. HE was part of a population of sensitive people in an institution whose prime care is being MEGA DRUGGED.
Mind you, THEY HAVE shrinks there. Talks with enobling TRANSFERENCE would be possible. There's nothing but an 8 hr day there and shrinks fulltime. YET these bozo PHD's did not bother, even with high
functioning LUIS, to have some loving/ listening/ transference, which FREUD called the backbone of psychiatry. THE BOND alone rescues people who feel unnoticed, uncared for, victimized. YOU FINALLY have a father
figure. SPORADIC infrequent talks with his shrink, Dr. Taylor Cantrell, a very very cool, distant guy with major issues. ONE OF WHICH IS PROBABLY BEING ON STAFF AT a San Bernadino MADHOUSE instead of in a refined setting that might reflect his urban, white upperclass upbringing. SOME DOCTORS got extremely violent and hostile with LUIS. So I am guessing San Bernadino is very low on the pissing order of insane
asylums. Or jobs that shrinks get. I know a KPFK-FM broadcaster who is specialist in this Pharm/ shrink/ madhouse.TARIK OPALASIEN.spoke on KPFK last nite with the same Dr. Breggin who wrote the book TOXIC PSYCHIATRY who was talk show guest last nite ..they were discussing how shrinks overdrug children and what an outrage, and I abebook searched the book and ordered it already.
GOOGLE up "toxic psychiatry" the book at I got that first copy ordered, the cheapest one, $1.98 out of BRONX NYC. Next one was 3$. Abe books has all the oldies but goodies for pennies!
It isn't shops.It's guys who buy/sell old books outta their homes.This lawsuit against PATTON could go a little more global if it could mention toxic drugging of non-violent patients, cruel and unusual punishment of the GUILTY BY REASON OF INSANITY pleaders, BEDS FOR RENT, LOWER CASE DOCTORS WAREHOUSED with the criminally insane and AVOIDING
any interaction, even with HIGH FUNCTIONING patients as they are on career bummers!THE MAD CARING FOR THE MAD. I am betting those docs are self medicating whether with vodka or valium or ? MANDATORY BLOOD TESTS FOR PSYCHIATRISTS! I'll carry that sign at the picket!
I mean, how else can you explain a million dollar education going down the drain? THESE are low functioning jerks if they cannot read literature on B-12 from 1899 and apply it!!!!!!!!
VEGANS can't live without liver once a month. B12 deficiency gets the.
GEORGE BERNARD SHAW a vegan writer in UK in l9th cent. always took liver
powder. ALL B-12 is useless and increases need for other B vitamins, destroys the
body's balance, and algae B-12 fools the CASE OF THE DISTRESSED
google around on the subject. ONLY ONE B-12 product WORKS.methylcobalamin which must be fridged. It is not some pill. Info
also see the only purveyor of REAL VIT B12. has a very cheap, good methylc. avail
SEARCH on their PRODUCTS. It's BIO-active B12
THEN enter your zipcode, many stores all around your home.If you read all the details, you may well find that the
methylcobalimin (ME-B12) that did work in those clinical
studies was either injectable or intravenous, but that
sublingual ME-B12 was never tested nor shown to work.Also, most or all of the sublingual ME-B12 in marketplace says must be
refrigerated, necessary to preserve its bioavailable quality, from what
I read in a medical journal some time ago. The vitamin bottlers must
have missed that point.Injectable methylcobalamin is only available by prescription,
if you can find a doctor willing to try this perfectly-safe
treatment. (As a bonus, injectable ME-B12 is also an
energizing MAOI-type antidepressant, with zero negative
side effects.) It is fairly common for a doctor to prescribe
(ordinary) injectable B12 (cyanocobalamin), which the patient
keeps in their home refrigerator for self-injection per schedule.In May, 1998, someone wrote that her (CFS) doctor prescribed
injectable methycobalamin - which is rather difficult to locate.
It came from Wellness Health and Pharmaceuticals in Birmingham,
Alabama: phone number is (or was) 205- 879-6551 -- or e-mail: . But, be forwarned, they usually only
correspond with medical professionals, and their pharmacist
would not respond to my simple e-mail request for ME-B12
pricing info -- without those magic letters after a name.So hit KINKOS, print up a few pages, or go onine
Sign it JOE and find out what pharmacists use as letters or go to and get theirs.