Nancy Reagan is in her last hours, unconscious in the Motion Picture Home while simultaneously, in Sacramento, CALIFORNIA's Senate is trying to legalize POT to get a billion bucks annual taxes out of its sale to the public (and saving 30k per prisoner as no more jail time) Wasn't this the woman who told us to "SAY NO TO DRUGS?" Yes, and that is just one of SIX IRONIES to Nancy's passing at this precise moment in time.
1.) The first irony is that while Nancy lies breathing her last, the Governator is preparing to legalize MARIJUANA so that BANKRUPT CALIFORNIA can tax weed, drooling over a billion and up revenue a year! The bill is going to the Legislators the very week that Nancy Reagan, FAMOUS FOR "JUST SAY NO" campaign, can no longer see or hear the evening news --- being unconscious for months after a second, failed surgery to repair her broken hip. If the first lady had a clue, she would throw a spoke!
2.) The second irony is one that isn't spoken of in public. The fact is that her daughter, Patti was the most devoted weed smoker in California's history and the head trip it produced in the rebellious daughter (and the vicious criticism of her mother,) totally subtracted her from mom's life. Ronnie Jr. didn't inhale and he intones more politely against his mum, The First Lady.
3.) The third irony: Ronnie's hopless damn war in the historically inpenetrable, nation-sinker Afhanistan has just been RENEWED by OBAMA! Pakistan is the real fountain of terrorism. So it's not GET OSAMA, it's GET OIL! There's a need to get Russian or Georgian OIL through some desert PIPELINE meaning across thousands of miles of Afghan sand to a HARBOR where it can be hosed into tankers and this has produced a need to get all fanatic Muslims out of the area -- to be achieved with some "GET OBAMA" cover story. That renewed war is already sucking up the money, just like Ronnie's war in the 80's did when it sunk the RUSKI but now it's sinking USKI! Ronnie's ghost is seeing his petrol policies become the final coffin nail for America's crippled economy. Afghanistan is of course the "Graveyard of Empires." Alexander the Great, the Mongols, the British (twice), the Soviet Union once and now the U.S.A. all have been or will be defeated there. It's a doomed
mission. Not only hill country but they are true warriors and will never surrender. As Queen Victoria's poet emeritus Rudyard Kipling warned: "When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains, And the women come out to cut up what remains, Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains, And go to your Gawd as a soldier."
I guess Ronnie never read Kipling.4.) The fourth irony. SPACE WARS was Ronnie's favorite science project and even that has come back to bite his ghost in the butt this week as a quarter trillion dollar satellite didn't unhitch right and sank into the Pacific near Fiji 24 February. It was supposed to study C02 stats, a by product of petroleum refining, coal burning, lumber cutting policies and maybe even Catsup is a vegetable ... all the fave Ronnie Policies.
5.) IT's the ECONOMY STUPID! Thanks to the Gipper's COMPETITVE BANKING ACT of 1987, Bankers were freed up to become gangsters ,
THAT BILL cut the nuts off the STEAGALL GLASS prohibitions that FDR wisely created, sending the thieves of Wall Street into pillage and plunder mode, throwing US ECONOMY into the garbage so that the week NANCY is dying, the stock market just sunk to half normal digits! BLAME RONNIE!6.) THE ECONOMY CAN'T even SUPPORT THE OLD AGE HOME where Nancy is parked, the famed MOTION PICTURE HOME which is, as we speak, surrounded by protest pickets screaming and having no idea they're endangering the 24 hour sleep of Nancy Reagan as her stay there is secret, the wife of the man who sent the entire Economy to hell in the first place.
See: DTL&type=politics&tsp=1
Apparently, some anasthesiologist goofed and NANCY REAGAN has been LEFT A VEGETABLE AFTER a SECOND, SECRET SURGERY to her hip in NOVEMBER and she can't be moved. Feeding tubes have been in her nose for 3 months. The Senior Home claims to be losing buckets of money annually and have already started throwing out other long time residents with April as eviction day.. There are angry citizen-pickets going on all sides of the luxurious, fifty acre senior home (which resembles a lush, tropical four star hotel), the picketers angry about the loss of jobs, and the loss of the last, posh senior-care facility good enough for show biz royalty. The CEO earns over half a million dollars a year but that's just a droplet when compared to the TEN MILLION A YEAR that the famed, old show biz retirement hotel and hospital loses. See: for facts on this
Nobody in the media even knows Nancy is in there. Everybody thinks she's in Santa Barbara because after she broke her hip in middle October, 2008, she came to L.A. got hip surgery and then announced to the press that she wasn't ever going to go to a hospital again. Quelle Hubris, as she went back to the ranch in Santa Barbara and realized the hip operation didn't take. Problems in healing resulted and Nancy had to come back, go through a whole, second surgery in November and pelvis-hip surgeries stretch for ten hours. Anesthesia is deadly for that amount of time. Oh NANCY, you shoulda just said "NO TO DRUGS". So three months ago is when the coma trouble began. Not only didn't her HIP heal the way they thought it would, her brain didn't. Ten hour surgeries with anesthesia tend to make the brain different thereafter. And her brain is .. different. Nancy is not even aware that she lies in state, in this Stephen King kind of death hotel, like a true American royal, neither waking nor sleeping, not talking, not even looking at the occasional nurse who checks on her, (my personal friend btw,) who changes her nose-feeding tube,diapers and bedding. It is oddly reminiscent of the Alzheimer's that engulfed her husband at his end.
While other seniors are being moved to other institutions, Nancy Reagan has an ENTIRE palatial WING of the Motion Picture Home, a wing with more than a dozen private bedrooms, all of them empty! Mrs. Reagan, weighing all of seventy pounds, lies in a twilight state. She doesn't read. She doesn't talk and her children do not visit her. It's most peculiar, but you haven't heard the strangest. Sixteen full time body guards are in the hall outside and in abutting rooms. They never leave. If they do, another set replaces them!
What is the Secret Service afraid of? A Martha Mitchell talking in her sleep, complete with State secrets being revealed? What could Nancy know? People who knew how Nancy ran Ron say "she knows EVERYTHING." So any time a nurse goes into see her, a guard accompanies her. MOST PECULIAR!