What's Wrong With Money;
What needs to be RIGHT
When we were children, back in the 50’s, the salary of one lower class, male worker was sufficient to put down a down payment on a house for wife and family. In his lifetime, the worker would easily pay it off and he knew he could leave the homestead to his children who'd pay a mere 5% inheritance tax on it.

Today, the labor of a lower class man and his working wife will allow them only to live in an apartment ---and with their nose just out of debt. If any worker were so lucky as to buy a house and leave an estate to his child, junior would pay up to 60% inheritance tax. (Unless he knew the tricks to avoid paying taxes on inheritance.)

Something went wrong with money in this century and as 2012 and the End Times draws nigh, its time to analyze what happened. It didn't happen accidentally. Someone created this.

First, we deserved it. Some wit once said that Mankind always gets the rulers they deserve. Maybe, if we could identify this particular Ruler that we deserved and shake him out of the White House, we could deserve a better government and achieve a real economy. Not hard to do, takes a little very amusing, fun  ACTIVISM by a few clever families or living room groups. Look what Cindy Sheehan did, she was one woman who went after Bush and the war when her soldier son died.

Different folks are motivated to participate in activism by different tragedies. Each of us has our tale of sorrow, how we have suffered being enslaved by the Empire, a trend that has increased to dire levels now. I look back on the sufferings of my father and see a man who bought the house for twice its real price if you count bank interest. When he sold that home, he got half the profits he had due, thanks to federal taxes. At age 87, he had a lawsuit with an impending judgement. He did what he could, THE HIDE THE ASSETS routine but faced foreclosure on his second home for a long time, then when it sold just in time, he got almost nothing from the sale. He has worked 67 years without stopping yet he was never able to scrounge the surplus cash to pay for one of his 5 children going to college. He will die watching his uneducated children flounder, knowing they face even less prosperous times than he.

Of such stuff tragedy is made. And my Dad is not a single incident. Citizens of the wealthiest, capitalist country in history live in a highly taxed, INTEREST-CHARGING, BANKERS’ society, drudging away at slave labor jobs we hate, paying huge rents, or if were lucky, buying property that will lose its value even though the payments double when they change the interest rates, so that our uneducated children will never inherit a house. Our reward is to die in grief knowing that we couldn't give them a start in life.

Then sky high tuition, deadly stick-to-your-shoes-and-credit-rating-for life- student loans, Our students should not have to pay $l00,000 to a state-owned university for an education. As few can pay these fees, or negotiate the straits of student loans, everyone out there is dumb as a deer in the headlights. Few middle or lower class people are educated and few can qualify for jobs or start entrepreneurial businesses that might enrich the community.

Creative workers who accidentally learn a trade and want to start a business and have an idea should be able to borrow start-up money from the government but as the Small Business Administration rarely lends to anyone who has no Ph.D. and cash equity, loans don't happen either.

When few can get an education, start a business, buy a home, have a mate, have a child or educate one --- is it any wonder that so many of us have gone stark, raving mad? When I think of all the people I know who have gone totally cuckoo from economic and familial stress and lack of a way out, people who wander the streets, unwashed, babbling, starving and without hope I know something's wrong. When I see all the elderly who wander the streets insane, sleeping on grates, homeless, I realize something's very wrong with the wealthiest country in the world in the 20th century.

As I see it the five enemies of the citizen are 1.) wage slavery, 2.) USURY or bank loan interest and no micro lending to productive citizens, 3.) Federal taxes 4.) Limited educational subsidies to middle I.Q. kids. And 5) exorbitant licensing fees, DMV, traffic tickets and other penalties for minor infractions by otherwise exemplary drivers.

These pocket picking, greedy systems of the establishment are the five ways the corporations, banks and politicians prove to us that they are after self enrichment, not a happy, well functioning society.

Shafting the citizen with these hardships is as unfair to us as indentured labor, slavery, racial prejudice or any other form of mistreatment or discrimination.

The profiteering of government and banks harms society, impinges upon our spiritual, mental and finally, our bodily health, ending up costing the welfare entitlement and health system millions, yet this could easily be outlawed by an amendment to the constitution called the Golden Rule Clause.

Ok? As long as we're dreaming about a stress free Utopia where men are educated for and work in their chosen field, and hoping that dreaming aloud will help make it real, let's start with the first thing do unto others that must come and the first shaft that must go. The first ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE, --- the SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. SBA they call it, S.O.B Administration they SHOULD call it and its an entirely bogus deal. Who do you know who's ever had a leg up from it? Ever heard of anyone?

We deserve the SBA of our DREAMS! We citizens can make it real, by demanding it appear. If a million black men can march on Washington and announce they're STILL not going to ride in the back of the bus and have it make a difference, I know that you and I can organize around, imagine (and then create) a group that reforms the SBA and gives us a world where your daughter and my son could get interest free start-up cash for their biz from the government.

After all, this is the government that today out of nowhere has a twenty trillion dollar budget surplus. Where did Uncle Sam get that cash? While I'm suspicious, I say if he’s got it, he can damn well lend it so that our children can do the business that they dream of doing,.

Happy workers make big profits. My son the electrician and your daughter the Computer Graphics designer, /website maker could be very happy in a little cottage industry (if our government hadn't outlawed them!) and create a heckuva tax base for Uncle Sam if they didn't have to work at Walmart or flip burgers at McDonalds. What if Thomas Edison and Henry Ford had been denied their garage workshops? HUH?

So, Uncle Sam, lend them the money to start their business. One of my three sons wants to do an urban business he dreamed up which is a real light bulb. It's called AIR REPAIR and its where he goes into your home and turns your ordinary air conditioner into a HEPA filter so your babies don't inhale one particle of smog. It actually costs very little to do for people. Then, he returns yearly to clean the filters for you. He's someone with good ideas. Uncle Sam should be there for him. Instead, he's flipping burgers and his wife left him and he's a moment away from being a depresso drunk.

The painful path of dismal, wage slavery, determined to be sooo productive by short sighted, private sector IMF BANKERS who rule over the planetary TAX BASE like farmers sucking blood over a rabbit hutch, will eventually deprive all our children of their dreams. Private Bankers running countries can be the death rattle of a planet, a plague that should be taken seriously. What is needed is a true, U.S. bank, run by national level financial genius bureaucrats who see to the welfare of that country's citizens and who do lending inside the country via city and village banks.

When a European Banking consortium of 14 gadzillionaires runs international finance for their own profit, and controls countries through the IMF, all the individual country will end up with is a lot of burger flippers and we all lose, including banks and industry.. The low level of the work forces’ earnings as well as their decaying mental and body health, and the increasing weakening of the consumer base, eventually will bankrupt every corporation on the planet and cause every government to fall. And so it is that governments and corporations have a vested interest in wresting control away from those who lend to them and doing so as hastily as possible, because obviously, very soon, there will be no one who can afford a Ford because there will be no more middle level employees left in the first world. We will all become junk techs, learn to fix old refrigerators, old clothing, old PC,s and old Fords and those manufacturers won't be able to unload new Fords here. They sure can't sell them to China. They'll go broke.

You think not? Factories have stopped wanting to bust trade unions to dust, which they used to when there were sassy, demanding union workers up in Michigan. The bosses infiltrated unions and turned us into a meek, mostly non-union work force. Now, they are abandoning their un-enfranchised workers entirely and exporting manufacturing to third world countries. They tell us they had to do it, to make the huge profits Ford Inc. Stockholders demand. Bull. I don't know a Ford stockholder who's made a whole lot anyway lately. Not while the CEO has got to earn that l billion a year salary and can't make do on less, Lear jets costing what they do.

So Ford just had to move to Brazil. Poor Flint Michigan. Their workers lived in dismal apartments when they had jobs. What will they do now when they don't? Turn the old factory into condos? I'm talking about post 70’s and 80’s and 90’s workers. For a brief moment during the heyday of the great society, back in the union 50’s, auto workers WERE able to afford a home with a garden where they could grow food, have chickens for eggs, goats for milk. That was a luxurious time and I remember it well. Having something to contrast today with, I'm mad enough to scream for fifteen minutes, go blind on rewrites and publish on e-zines where there's no money for the effort, because what I see sickens me.

Nowadays, besides enduring huge rents, inflated utility companies, (probably the 6th horseman, really, which also should be attacked) the modern worker must pay enormous prices for the food he is unable to produce himself. Unripe Oranges $1.49 a pound? Gimme a break! The 7th horseman and all of them sent by the System.

We have become uncreative wage slaves kept in cages all our short lives and forced to buy unripe fruit and over-priced Webers junk bread from the company store. Many of you don't recall that the coal mines of the l9th century and early 20th required workers to shop at management's hugely overpriced store where lousy groceries finished the job that coal miner's black lung started. So I'm reminding you. Same deal today. Government has colluded with industry and created a world where a toothbrush is 3$, almost an hour of labor for a burger flipper, and the Tooth paste is another hour of labor and the Dept. of Water and Power is a solid week of do you want fries with that?"

So mankind has clean teeth and a glass of fluoridated water and a McMadCow but who can save for a vegetable and fruit garden that would make us smile with those beautiful teeth?

A very few of us, by virtue the accident of birth, education and then salary, may scrimp and find a way to save and buy a small home. But city codes warn us we may keep no milk-goat or egg-chickens. The legal codes allow to grow a zucchini. That’s the only pleasant thing about a city property. But you can't have fresh milk, eggs, meat and grain so you are condemned to be a slave to the super market. That's only part of the conspiracy to part you from your meager earnings. City codes also do not allow you to open your Computer Fixing service in your home, have clients visit you there or earn money under the table and bank in your mattress and later buy a home with that money. All of that has been made highly illegal because the gov can't squeeze a business dry if it can't see the cash register and get its big paw in it. The gov can't drain your profits dry as income tax either. So forget a cottage business.

Squeezing is the name of their game. You think not? Say you buy a $180,000 house from the bank at 7% interest; you really end up paying $452,000 for it. The interest and bank costs alone costs $273,097 which the bank drains from your vein, steals from the sweat of your productive brow and that makes you a sucker, or a slave. Or both.

Modern man is a dupe who's been programmed to say, ‘aw, shucks, that's o.k. Interest is deductible. I can deduct that ten grand a year interest from whatever income taxes I pay.’ Examine the frailty of that logic.

People in our bracket don't pay much taxes. Only a rich man needs the ‘interest break.’ Workers pay every cent of interest that the bank gets from them over 25 years. The house costs Joe Smallguy a full $452,000.00 smackolas.

Say Joe got the house. He worked and sweated and paid all that money to a banker who has five wives in five palatial mansions, who flies a Lear between houses with his bejeweled mistress in the back seat. Joe lives in this garden-free box with no chickens or goats, his wife has to pay 4$ a gallon for milk, 3$ for eggs, 6$ for a chicken so that this single meal costs him two hours of labor and yet he's been programmed to believe that he has personal freedom and is participating in the economic boons of the Great Society. Joe will live in this glorified apartment and not protest because ... here's the other lie they give you. That you can sell the house for a hefty profit when it appreciates. Total MYTH!

Twenty five years later, true, the house appreciates. You get to sell the house you bought for $452k but guess what, you can only sell it for 400K. (That’s if you're lucky because plenty of people bought in l989 and had to LOSE IT TO THE BANK in 1996 because the house had halved in value!) But let's say you get lucky and it appreciated, --- well, the thieving IRS taxes you as if you'd paid 180k, and sold it for 400k and as if you had made 220k profit which you really didn't! On the back end, you don't come out with anything! Nor will your kids get the next house you buy because when you die the government confiscates the house to repay Med-i-Care and your Old Age home bills at the rate of $263 per day!!! And if you die in your own bed, the government can still get most of your house via inheritance taxes!

Mind you, you risked your money in a home, saved and scrimped to pay it off, hoping selflessly to just be able to leave something to your children but the bankers and the government are not going to let you do it. When you sell that house, you will end up with minus 5 digit profits (what we call losses) yet you have to share those profits that you really didn't make anyway, with Uncle Sam who risked nothing. Go figure.

That’s just one of the many unfair shell games the government has going, so wise up. Don't be a rabbit in their hutch one second longer! GET OUT OF THE money jungle run by the IRS, IMF, World Banks and the American Government. Get out, once and for all. (Unless you've got a million dollar job, cuz the rest of us can make a mil in our own cottage industry!) Run for the Hills! Subtract yourself from the machine where you are being JUICED like an orange. Enter the world of GUERILLA CAPITALISM, make it a religion, get rich that way, urge all your pals, relatives and their businesses to join you, right up to and including million dollar family businesses. This offer does not include GM and FORD and AT&T.

I can hear you frowning right now. Only not at them, at ME. I understand. We have all programmed to believe that we’d best be good little boyscouts and a good boy valiently gives part of his money (it's such a little PART, right? ) to his nice father figure government so that the nice government Daddy Man can build bridges and roads. And you get brownie stripes in heaven, right?

MYTH PART DEUX. You’re still a squeezed ORANGE! And a fool for believing the politicians who have been mouthing these platitudes since the day of Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, back when our government was first strong-armed by Alex Hamilton into purchasing its money supply from a foreign, world bank. Our entire Congress was forced into swallowing this NOTION of paying interest on a borrowed principle. We could have printed our own money, hired our own Alan Greenspan (of that day) and run our own money supply but oh no, somebody said, 'let's let this European banker do it. He wants to. His ancestors have been banking since 1415. He's volunteering. He funded Queen Victoria'.

Today, guess what, we still owe that banker the interest and the accumulated interest on the FIRST dollar we borrowed in l776! PAYBACK can NEVER be ACHIEVED! What is more, our government gets none of this foamy, churning money sea its workers dredge up from their labor, not a drop. It all goes to the Renaissance Bankers that slipped us this wienie of a Trust note concept 200 years ago, this Federal Reserve idea early in our own century and then created the IMF and Bretton Woods and a lot of other bankers, consortiums that hold the reins to the stallions of humanity making us pull their profitable cart 24 hrs a day with every calorie in our straining gallop.

Get the full Cinerama picture. The IRS takes half to sixty percent of your profits from your house sale, and takes the rest when you’re in an old age home, or when your kids inherit. It's not particular but it isn’t just squeezing ONE valorous citizen to death, its squeezing 250 million of us. Strangling us for every drop of WAGE SLAVING BACK BREAKING SWEAT that’s in us. But here’s the capper. The same government gives all the INCOME TAXES on our so called "earnings" or in the case of real estate so-called "profits", and gives this money to the Federal Reserve, which is a FOREIGN BANK. Which is really and truly ONE a handful of old banking families and a few oligarchs that were able to buy their way into this good old boys banking club.

Don’t believe it when they try to tell you and your fellow rabbits that the FED is a U.S. government institution, it is anything BUT! MYTH NUMERO THREE!

Look on the back of your tax check from last April. See? It's endorsed by the "FEDERAL RESERVE." Do a search on these words on the Internet. The Fed,s real identity is covered on many sites. All your taxes went to a foreign bank ---to the world bank --- to pay for the MONEY supply which the USA borrowed from these shadowy billionaires in Europe over the last two hundred years.

America wasn’t allowed to print its own money when it entered the world economy. Alexander Hamilton’s rich, European banking chums, who had been banking since the 14th century and knew about incremental interest, said ‘LET US run your money supply’.

Every president since who has tried to shake free of the world bank has been assasinated before he could make the FED ILLEGAL. Lincoln was one. JFK another and Reagan, well, him too. Sort of. (G Bush Sr's CIA cronies --rather the crazy son of a Bush close tie, missed his aorta by a Millemeter.)

Back when Hamilton created the U.S money system based on borrowing money from banks and having Federal Reserve notes, a politician of that day, named JACKSON, cited cities all over Europe that had gone down in steaming piles of debt when they’d tried the bank’s incremental debt ponzei scheme thing. Everyone in Congress then knew how the Venetian bankers had ruined various countries with their 7% solution interest. They voted no, said, let's print our own money, run our currency ourselves. A no-brainer. Hamilton said. We need professional bankers to get it right. Oh, the Bank got it RIGHT, alright. Permanent incremental DEBT, rampant USURY, compounding INTEREST, and compounding principles, the incremental piling up of %’ points, and THE Magician with all the pidgeons in his sleeves, trust notes, the "FEDERAL RESERVE" and then the IRS a century later, all the wienie tricks created by that group of European bankers, --- frauds perpetuated and allowed by "bought" politicians (as in, "the best politicians money can buy!"). These duped politicos were assured that THIS was a viable banking system which it IS NOT. NOT!

The exponential nature of the PERCENTAGE POINT PRINCIPLE of debt or interest will bankrupt ANY who borrow and pay interest.

Remember the Arabic tale of the servant girl who said she’d sell the wealthiest Sultan in the world the world’s smartest secret? She only wanted to be paid with a penny the first day, two cents the next? Four cents the third day and so on. Sultan said "hey, a penny’s cheap. I’ll pay that. If its the world’s greatest secret, its worth it." And he had promised in front of the whole court so she told him the world’s greatest secret. "EXPONENTIAL ACCUMULATION OF INTEREST CAN BUST even YOU, SULTAN." He laughed and thought nothing of it. A year later the Sultan was broke and she owned the palace.

That is the nature of the percentile point. It is the accumulating principal principle and the basis for all banking. Anyone who goes near it is dumb first, ditched second and dead third.

Now, You may have believed the bribes, lies, boyscout heroic sacrifice myths and that makes you a civilian dummie --- but the BANKERS that lent you money and charged you for it and the government that passed its debt onto the backs of the citizenry—and the corporations that bank with these thugs are professional sized dumb and dumber.

USURY is a CAVE MAN SOLUTION to mankind’s FISCAL CHALLENGE and the whole system loses when they're done. Such solutions are for Neanderthals. They won't solve today’s problems anymore than an ox cart could get on a freeway.

Banks are as bad as Credit cards with interest payments --- modern aberration, like breathing car exhaust smog for air, or drinking extracts of burnt black beans for a morning beverage, or putting 50 cancer-causing pesticides on an apple to kill bugs because tiny nicks displease the future cancer patient. Credit card interest is not deductible. Using plastic is your way of showing us that you're a jerk. These bogus solutions shouldn’t exist, nor should bank loan interest.

We have 7 ½ %-solutioned our way into a DEBTOR Hell. The governments of the planet are in hock to a few planetary bankers who revel in opulence, wander about, addicted idiots, causing inflation to all, and unwittingly pass debt onto the little people’s backs until one half the world is starving and dying and diseased and the other half is continuallly borrowing from Peter to pay Paul like a hamster in a treadmill until we drop dead, never having spent a creative day of joy in our life. Their system doesn’t WORK. But guess what. We can abolish it because we are many, they are one. Not in a bloody revolt, but in a quiet motion sliding you into Guerilla capitalism and urging the captains of industry, the major corporations to follow you.

The Federal reserve should NOT manage OUR cash. The people of a country should manage their cash. Period. Banks should serve us by holding the cash safely, not stealing it blindly.

Banks should do interest free macro-lending to people with good track records, good ideas and strong legs who vow to work, want to work and can attract associates and implement ideas that better life with products or services. PERIOD.

PUBLIC DEBT has skyrocketed since the late 50’s. On a graph the line goes straight up, vertically. A fundamental change must occur with the cash system because today, 3 billion of the 5 billion people on this planet have to be made obsolete, as they, are not needed by that system. In fact, they endanger it.

Among intellectuals and prescient thinkers with their fingers on the pulse of the body economic, it is whispered that the SYSTEM has been forced to and is planning to make 3 billion of Earth’s PEOPLE vaporize. They may already have done so with engineered plagues which are emptying the third world as we speak.

Their next thought can be charted by watching what they are doing right now: building huge amounts of prisons. Emptying military barracks and bases and building prisons, concentration camps. Their next thought is obvious, even now:

NO debt at ALL! Little plastic "DEBIT cards" combined with outlawing cash entirely. It's scheduled to arrive a few years after 2000, we’ve been warned.

Well, NO CASH IN HAND would outlaw the underground economy. You got no job? Your plastic card doesn,t work? Goodbye house, utilities, phone, job resume and goodbye FOOD. You stop existing. When 3/5ths of us are homeless and starving, and wandering the streets, naturally the next thought after that is don't come in my garden and go after my apples. If you do, prison for you, prison for those who steal food for their babies., And then, next thought: the workers in all those prisons which have been built can't languish there like Club Fed. They should make license plates and be REAL SLAVES. But sweetheart, as we're all wage slaves already, what’s the dif? Why fight what is? The painful economic REALITY that we endure now and the inevitable future described here, was created by a few American politicos who were bamboozled by some very savvy bankers. It is the backlash of what was already an unnatural contortion. Add the passing of a little time and you get a whipping motion at the back of the tail that is more severe than the original tilt. Like a tsunami is worse than the quake..

The FEDERAL RESERVE WAS STAGE ONE, the IRS was Stage II, permitted by Woodrow Wilson who later said it was the worst thing he had ever done. The third and fourth stages just followed like the tail of a dragon. And it,s about to whip our society into the dust.

To kill the dragon, we must go for the eye. The Federal Reserve  and IMF. NOT THE IRS. THE IRS will die when you get the EYE OF THE DRAGON.

The one good thing about getting rid of the HELL where GOLD has become GOD is that there’s only one guy at bottom, one guy in the dragon suit. Satan. Only he’s some super rich banker somewhere in Paris or Bern. And he's not the devil, he’s a man of flesh like us and he cried at Bambi and Dumbo and if we tell him we're dying of starvation and we all ask him politely to stop, at the same time, he will modify the way he does business just for P.R.

It would be impolite of us to say, "Satan, you’re useless ballast. Die." We don't have to do that. Satan was useful, for a few centuries. Like a bad first husband, he teaches you what you don't want in a man.

We can ask the head banker to take his winnings from the table and leave. We’ll print our own money, and using the rules of capitalism, learn to create our own wealth thank you very much. A Debt Free barter society or an ITHACA DOLLAR SOCIETY. Look that up at google. Microlending, (meaning the Van Nuys National Bank writes up those scholarships for Van Nuys students. As we won't hate this Uncle Sam we won't shaft him like we've been shafting the Uncle Sam we've got now.

Then, there will be no income taxes for the lower class, no federal taxes, no land or house taxes. How will the government make out? Who knows? How did they suddenly get a twenty trillion surplus when they don't get one cent of income tax? They'll do what ever it was they did. Except that governments selling arms to tyrants will be made illegal. That,s the 8th horseman and were going to ride all 8 of them right out of town on a rail.

It's perfect. FATE is perfect in the sense that what we got was what we needed to learn. WHAT we endure, or what IS --- is an exact response of the universe to dumb thought patterns of the past two centuries. Want better? We must see what,s wrong, learn the lesson, wake up, all of us, to the l00th monkey. We must see how easy it is to get what we need, smile and ask for it. We must energize ourselves and get productive and ready to create money. We must go the SBA and demand and make noise if they turn away. We must say to the IRS, you are illlegal. We must learn to take charge of our lives. We must strangle the banks dead. Take our money out of them. Start popular banks. Heroic dead guys will leave their estates to Popular banks. Buy for cash, Start Ithaca dollars, coupon/ credit barter system. Ask for no credit cards. No loans. No checks, no interest. NOTHING. Get off the power grid, go solar. And get land with food growing on it. There,s plenty of land. Ever see those empty spaces at the edge of town? What is this myth about land scarcity that,s driving the price of rural land and lately homes up?

Offer the man who's selling you his acre and his house a real deal. "Sir, YOU can earn the interest, not the bank. Why should you pay huge taxes on this money? Take a smaller amount over more years. I will pay you an extra l0% of your home’s value. I’ll pay it off month by month. 2k a month the first few years, a 7% increase as a cost of living rise each year, until its paid. Let’s KEEP THE BANK OUT OF IT. " That’s an offer he can't refuse. And no, it,s not called renting. It,s called a land contract, and a separate file on it, is appended. Using it, the seller is safe. If a buyer fails to make payments, the seller can get his house back in a flash, and keep the equity, so the seller can't loose. In fact, some people sell their house twenty times this way.

Land contracts are a fool proof, safe way to take the financial reins into our own hands. We will make money doing it and be able to share our profits with our fellow man, not some jerk in a Rolls Royce in London who doesn,t need it.

This kind of generous spirit will soon enter into all that we do. We will be removing the middle man, hence saving cash. We’ll be happy and productive, hence creating an abundance for our kids. And last, we’ll be sharing our wealth with workers everywhere. I want baskets and windchimes from the Phillippines in my lanai. I want pots from Mexico, hence I’m causing planetary abundance when I shop handmade! Where is a cottage industry that can give me unusual, ethnic goods?

I also want ethnic workers. When hiring workers, we canl FIND pleasant street people to do the work, gardening, painting, getting the house ready for a party. There are street immigrants who will gladly do a 40$ workday on your property. Feed them a good meal. Let their children play with yours. Just have them sign a waiver, if I turn my ankle I can't sue., (As if they knew about suing!) Get a pal who knows about brick laying, or plumbing to supervise. Help the needy to find work, to learn new work. Create friendship feelings in these workers, for they are your students. Inspire them to learn creative work, love the work you teach them. Create career and ambition. Help those poor wetbacks hiding in the underground from the INS. These poor people have been made unemployable, uneducatable by the latest INS and Welfare laws. They need to survive and become Americans as your ancestors did. Help them with a job, in your business, avoiding the colonial mentality which exploits the untutored. Give as much as you receive as a way of being. It reduces to that. The Golden Rule Economy, Not the Golden Bull.

Men of morality and ethics have til now, foresworn the professions of accountant, financier, stock broker and banker because they have been the antithesis of goodness. Money was not a way to educate, care for, and lift up one,s fellow man.

This can change. When banking is opened to do-gooders, hug-a tree, non-profit types will force themselves to learn to crunch numbers. They will staff the People,s banks. We,ll be ushering Alan Greenspan out to the back pasture and putting a rabbi or priest with aPHD in international finance into Greenspan,s chair to run the Money game in our country. But NOT for the IMF and FEDERAL RESERVE. No. All payments to the world banks will be abrogated. Interest payments will cease entirely. We will very kindly make payments on the principal that is owed them but only as we are able to, and do so for the rest of time, but only as convenient. Governments and corporations everywhere wil shun the world banking system that charges interest and instead find that if they put their cash deposits into a Free leg up to the Deserving, Bank , the riches of an industrious mankind will soon multiply those deposits a thousand fold making available the larger amounts of capital that corporations and governments need.

ADDENDUM: WANT TO BUY ---NOT RENT? TRY THE LAND CONTRACT! Fabulous wage earners often spend every cent to live. They don't have downpayments and they get gooseflesh if you mention loans and some bank getting interest. Many of us who have cottage industries bank in the back of our car. Some of us are quite wealthy. We run cash businesses, have high cash flow. We don't pay much taxes and don't need deductions thank you very much. We’d like to make homebuying a person to person thing and leave the corner bank and the World bank OUT OF IT.

The answer is to look for a house which has been on the market for more than a year, something a real estate agent can spot on the computer. They ask the owner if you can buy the place with a ‘land contract.’ It's a kind of installment plan only the bank is left out of it. And so are all those piles of interest that double the price of every house. The old owner retains title to the house until you’ve paid every drop. His property taxes stay the same (and that’s nice as you’re paying them). You see, there’s been no transfer. You, the new owner, get a quit claim deed which will become valid when you pay off a given sum, --- say his asking price. (You don't lowball a man who's going to give you his home, friend.)

There’s no transfer of title until its paid off, so the old owner doesn’t get a huge lump sum of capital gains on which he must pay income taxes which is so sweet because it leaves the GOVERNMENT out of it!

You pay whatever monthly sum you can afford, maybe in cash that this owner might not even fully declare on his income taxes. That would really confound the gov. You do this on a monthly basis. If the OLD OWNER were to die while you were paying the house off, you wouldn’t have anything so what you do is, buy a term policy life insurance payable to his heirs. If he dies, it pays a huge amount to his heirs and you get the house because that’s stipulated in a contract that he signed to you.

But here’s the so hot bonus for him; his heirs do not have to pay any taxes on life insurance. They would have to pay taxes on any house they inherited but not on this trade. So you see, as is true throughout nature, the most beautiful is the most economic and vice versa. A paralegal with brain impairment could make up the deal memo contract on one page. Wheel this baby out on the streets, you’ll see it flies! Now, Real Estate agents don't like it as it leaves them out in the cold, no fees, so don't even talk to one about it.

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