MICHAEL JACKSON, THE LIFE AND DEATH of... as seen in his HOROSCOPE by anita sands hernandezHe was too delicate and too stressed for a dose of whatever the doc gave him on the last visit and it is known that the doctor was already inside the house when Michael stopped breathing. He was born with SUN CONJUNCT PLUTO, the dark star of sex, death and rock n' roll standing JUST BEHIND him staining his fame (WHICH SUN IS,) with dark shadows. In his 50th year, his ruler MARS moved in progression to SQUARE that PLUTO. Mars in Gemini, an active, worried mind that needs pharm-soothing square PLUTO.
PLUTO kills and it works through delicate health in Virgo. Pluto ( a malefic) was natally in VIRGO of pharmaceuticals, doctors, health matters and closely behind his Virgo, pure, vegan, delicate SUN. And sure enough, a DOCTOR POISONED HIM, albeit INADVERTENTLY. The autopsy will indicate what drug it was. Sun is the purest, best intent. VIRGO to have health and purity. Pluto so close, that's overkill. That's too much vegan lite diet and too much juicing and fasting. And as VIRGO rules doctors, medicines, pills. That's just too much of a death dose of doctors!
The above chart is one of about FIVE speculative birth times, many reported by Michael himself, others have birth hours reported by friends, and these five different horoscopes exist among astrologers. Students should google all five and rectify.The one I like best has GEMINI RISING, (I show that one above,) Mercury his ruler in LEO of show biz, conjunct VENUS, both square Mars, for hyper active....and that's a dynamic triple grouping, what's MORE... URANUS is nearby in LEO making it a TRIPLE IN LEO square MARS, ergo a quadruple POWER. In stars, if you have three planets or four hooked together, it makes you very powerful. HO CHI MINH had NINE planets linked! The picture one has from the GEMINI RISING chart, is that MERCURY his ruler might have been in LEO, creative, dynamic, loving and assisted by THREE OTHER PLANETS BEING ON IT! And Jupiter/ Eclipse Node and SPICE, fixed star of amazing luck together in LIBRA sextile the LEO BUNCH. And that sextile shows his extreme luck with the public.
The chart that I like next best has ARIES RISING, (google, you'll find it online) Mars as a ruler suggests that he was extraordinarily physical, active and preoccupied with TAURUS THINGS like FOOD. (Even though he was super abstinant, I know, my client G.S.K was his cook at Neverland for years). Mars natally in TAURUS of jaw/ teeth/ eating... and MONEY made him food-oriented & a super moneymaker, Taurus being cash and vittles. He was a virtual human cash register which befits someone who spent millions without sense of how hard money is to come by. Well, for him, it wasn't! Except that he died owing 500 million and without intending, will have to welch on those debts. No way those people will be paid! Mars at birth in TAURUS of money was again, square or tied to Venus/Mercury conjunct in LEO, meaning a passion for fun, toys, amusement, show biz and CHILDREN which are ruled by LEO. EITHER CHART we have LEO stressed, for the FUN OF CHILDHOOD. Either chart we have. Uranus slightly behind the Double Ven/Merc is EXCITEMENT AND INNOVATION in the arts. Uranus was in the degree of the arts, 13 LEO. A MARS ruled chart is validated by the fact that HAVING MARS as a ruler makes sense as his MARS had progressed through late TAURUS into 2 degrees GEMINI square that Progressed PLUTO 3 VIRGO, a violent, odd kind of death aspect.
Michael had MOON in magical PISCES at birth, Moon the inner, hidden HIM. That's moon in its own 9th house, which is a dreamer's moon, fantasy. Anything he believed real was. Himself as Peter Pan. The 'Lost Boys,' around him. But Moon square SATURN, landing back in reality with a bang thru THE LAW, Saturn in the sign of law. SATURN IN SAG possibly on the 9th cusp in the ARIES rising horoscope that one stargazer had...equals harsh judges and courts. Wear and tear thru lawsuits. Legal problems dogging him. SATURN rules our pain and hardship. Sag rules lawcourts, judges, morality.
JUPITER and NORTH node in LIBRA, possibly in 7th house of the PUBLIC. SPICA, fixed star of extraordinary success is with natal NORTH NODE. And then Neptune in Sexy SCORPIO on top of it! A triple hitter, powerful. Jup/Nep is easy money. Gives buckets of money. That SUN had progrssed to natal JUPITER so he knew he could make the 500 Million that he owed with one 50 performance tour.
SUN/ PLUTO in VIRGO is fitting description of a shy man behind a wall, behind a mask, typical Pluto, (hidden away in darkness, Underground.) and Virgo so shy. Hiding, always hiding when he wasn't in public.
Masking his children, too. And Pluto is a destructive planet and he destroyed his own face with repeated surgeries.His soul will be reborn in some artist to be born in the next year or century ...and we'll see that slippery, graceful moondance again. And that loose Puppet thriller dance as well.
ANITA SANDS, Hollywood astrologer to Courtney Love and many other artists, actors, Courtney thanks Anita in her last album jacket. "America's Sweetheart" Anita was the STARGAZER to YOGI BHAJAN for 35 years and is the Creator of THE LIFE 101 FREE SEMINARS:
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