in 1929. ALL OUR FAMILIES REMEMBER IT AND IT IS HEADED OUR WAY NOW, TODAY, WITH AN EVEN MORE LETHAL PUNCH! by Anita Sands HernandezBoth sides of my family were hit by the BIG ONE in 1929. It's in my genes to know the full horror of it. But both my grandparents rallied and survived. Granny Elena opened a boarding house in San Luis Obispo, cooked huge California Spanish meals for all.. Grandpa Szendrei moved from Hitler's Berlin to Provence, i.e. Cassis, in seaside France where he taught piano and she taught soprano opera singing & made Vienna torte and other pastries. Talent and willingness to work helped them survive.
I think I have to show you something, a much more recent, violent DEPRESSION, and a description of the HORRORS that happened to ARGENTINA in 2001 when its ECONOMY collapsed. World banks started strangling this country, nasty LOAN RANGERS engineered a meltdown. ( A LOAN ARRANGER is an IMF GUY who gets every dictator and his General and chums to BORROW for the country, get a huge cut, throw the country into HOCK with the IMF so OLIGARCHS in London, Paris,NYC and Wash DC now get to control that country.) Everyone lost everything and international money men sailed in to buy it up at a penny on the dollar. There were bank runs, all the banks shut their doors with THE people's MONEY locked inside! No payouts! No rent money. HOMELESS families roaming the streets and the countryside too, MARAUDING and KILLING or being killed and they were Italians and Spaniards KILLING ONE ANOTHER. There were no previous racial stresses or issues there, on the emotional ground floor in Argentina, issues which we do have here. Bigtime. Here it would be a battleground. So flip to this and come back. > http://www.masterjules.net/cryargentina.htm
Americans are about to have the same kind of engineered plague, a KILLER FLU BUG causing joblessness, feverish runs on banks, panics, a seizure that makes 1929 or ARGENTINA 2001 look like a hiccup. We cannot PREVENT it because our country is already on serious tilt with mistrust in politicians who let Wall Street do what it wanted to us, huge bad will, and shocked citizenry, fragile the way neurotics are fragile, crazy, daffy, even psychotic. Family killing nuts.
We quickly need to inject the HEALING, HOLISTIC nutrition into starved bloodstreams, feeding them COTTAGE INDUSTRY TECHNOLOGY, GOVERNMENT SUBSIDY and SBA MICRO LENDING to ENTREPRENEURS - MONEY into the 'about-to-be-total-meltdown-casualties' outstretched hands before there's a knife or gun in that hand. WE NEED the SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION to go into the workers' hands. We need it for productive MICROLENDING to ENTREPRENEURS which isn't just another standard Chrysler bail out or AIRLINE bailout or BANK BAILOUT. This money cannot reach the hands of any big corporation that had golden parachutes or that sent its factories to Guatemala, that's for sure!
Economists can tell you which businesses are run so badly they're going down now. We know the next guys in line for the BAIL OUT will be FORD and GM. DETROIT is right behind all those bankers with tin cups. Then more airlines and it'll be continual bleating from RICH PEOPLE
You gotta keep some starch in your collar about this. Continue the pressure to stop this CEO bailout nonsense. FINANCIAL industries come and go. They're always the Cronies of the politicians. If BAILOUTS go to the rich, and some law passes, we as nation are done. Finished. WHY would THAT BE?
a.) Cuz you start paying off billionaires the billions they crave, it starts a
hemhorrage. It is the TAPPING of a vein that will never close. THE DOLE
will never stop thereafter and all those ZEROS.ouchey!. Those CEOS are
WELFARE BARBARAS, --. Reagan's favorite deprecatory term
for those who took alms they didn't need & abused the system. Anyway, last I
heard, CLINTON made the dole illegal. Welfare is now workfare. What is
legal is to re-train these CEOs for some new job. Of course, they have to
clean freeways to pay back the county for any food stamps. Hey, it's the
law!b.) GIVING losers money is a losing proposition. GIVE IT TO WINNERS.
Puhlenty of young entrepreneurs out there who have the KIND OF SPECIAL
BUSINESS that contributes to a society.SEE SBA ABOVE. Their businesses start
up with a few thousand dollars. Imagine a sewing atelier with 20 seamstresses
making nice frocks. Lucrative! Imagine a COMPUTER fixing shop, to turn old PC's
donated into something that ghetto kids can learn on do homework on.
(Printing at school as those ink cartridges, man they are costly!) Imagine
a mechanic opening a garage so the whole town can fix their old cars and
he trains ten kids to fix cars. These things fix a village. The 'trickle down'
from these businesses can carry a village. Google "microlending". This
is the #1 cash source for the poor and we need it in AMERICA now.
C.) THAT MONEY will be needed by the PEOPLE for some REALLY HELPFUL LIFE AFFIRMING projects that will keep jobless, homeless people from freezing and starving like:
1.) HOUSING - HOW MANY MILLIONS lost their homes and credit after being induced to sink their life savings into down payments and buy homes with toxic, variable rate loans? Lending institutions seduced them, but banks themselves are now high and dry with the empty property growing weeds. The ex owners are not only roofless, they jobless due to the Great Recession hitting all business equally. How and where will these families live? One possibility would be that all BANK OWNED, bankrupt motels, factories, office buildings, apartment buildings lofts and living spaces of any kind instead of lying 'fallow', can, at the bank's discretion be converted into "family living" and create INCOME. (The federal government instead of giving billionaires bailouts, will pay a 400$ per unit price to the bank or anyone who wants to buy that property from the bank.) Each unit will house a family & produce a solid income. All land around the motel, except that needed for minimal cars, will become a food producing GARDEN. The government will give such housing spaces a budget for trees, bushes, vines, seeds, flats of plants, soil amendments and garden tools. Each person lives there free as long as he does upkeep. There is a 'unit leader' and they have monthly meetings where all tenants must come, including children, to hear what chores need doing, raking, washing, painting, and therein be motivated to share the work.Do you perhaps have any other ideas why we should use the2.) CAREER TRAINING- There might be career training free at local trade schools, or a room at each LIVING SITE for training in manufacture of art or clothing, knitting sweaters, so that the families have a way to make a living. Training in skills like leather work, sewing, knitting, food preparation will be offered by seniors residing there. Seniors will be salaried for teaching. The CITY will create art fairs on high school parking lots on weekends for these artisans. No rent or sales licenses will be imposed so that families have a little cash and are motivated to learn a trade. Capitalism has its own vitality and people can be restored by it.
3.) HOLISTIC HEALING - There's a cheap way to prevent disease and cure it. ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE. Holistic healers will be paid to run clinics and see the public. THE FAMOUS L.A. Free Clinic has been run as a charity for fifty years and is an example of a thriving alternative clinic for the poor. I know that if the 700 billion just went for HMO's there'd be six years of paid up health for every man woman and child in America, but what a hemhorrage of money! "HOLISTICS DO IT BETTER" A realistic amount around fifty or sixty million dollars could be spread around every single holistic clinic in existence so that the docs open their doors to the general public and are recompensed by government. Lab work, Xrays could be done at University hospitals with a special fund to pay them for each job order.
4.) URBAN FOOD PRODUCTION on vacant lots. All public gardens will be free to the poor. If you don't garden to specifications, you move on. You get to grow what you want as long as you give half to others. The HOME DEPOT gets recompensed for all materials they give to a public garden, by GOV.
700 billions for 'good works' and not start giving WALL STREET Gambling addicts those HUGE SUMS they crave and would just abuse? It's not going to bring their strangled corporations back to life. They killed them with their wily coyote gambling. People like that cannot stop. If they can find a dollar, they will bet it.
STOP THE BAIL OUT & PREVENT those CEOs becoming WELFARE BARBARAS. We have the power. The entire Congress is lame duck and if they aren't relected in NOV, they aren't coming back to Washington. Their tongues are hanging out to please you. So you have the power. They will do your bidding.Do not stop calling, faxing, and emailing. Scream, yell, and threaten them
with their jobs. They will scream hard and loud and tell you the sky is
falling and financial Armegeddon is happening. This is another 9/11
fearmongering scare tactic of economic terrorism by those in the elite
club. Don't fear the meltdown, it is a given and will happen regardless of
any 700 billon dollar bailout ! This is for our children, grandchildren
and great grandchildren, this is for Americans and patriots, this is for
our freedom. Tell them NO BAILOUT OF ANY KIND!! It's the biggest rip off
scam and rape of the century! Just following the one WALL STREET DID TO US.It's not really about the 700 billion cuz they just print more out of thin
air, devaluing our currency! It's the huge power grab and 'shield' or cover
for looting, rape and pillage of America that they want. They want their
One World Order. DISSENTERS in these new jails they built, THE RICH MAN ON
TOP, the SERFS OBEYING. Push hard, continue to push hard. It's time to RAGE
AGAINST THE MACHINE!! It's time to hold that line in sand everyone has
drawn!!Get ready to hunker down if necessary, prepare yourself for a hard winter,
but never give up, never give in to these masters of darkness. It's time
to slay the IMF/ FED RESERVE dragon !! The Revolution has begun. There is
no turning back now. We are the the light of liberty, the candle is
burning bright and people are waking up all over the place!! Long
Live...... FREEEEEDOM!!! The Greatest Depression that ever was a
PROGRESSION!!! has begun.Conditions will drastically deteriorate. We urge you to consider taking
proactive and protective measures to secure your future before it's too
late The "Panic of '08" that has gripped the financial markets is but one
symptom of a much greater crisis. Empire America is collapsing. The crash
is under way. Those in denial refuse to see it. Others pin their hopes on
politicians bankers and brokers to miraculously repair the irreparable.
There is no denying the economic facts and figures. While there is no
turning back, there will be short-term respites. Use them wisely. Every
day the news is more dire than the day before. And it's not only America
that's crashing. As the giant falls, the earth trembles. Economic chaos,
social upheaval, political strife ... Global markets are melting down
There are runs on banks. Wars - hot and cold - rage and simmer. The proof
is everywhere. Too Big to Drown In America, political insiders steal like
warlords! BUSH is fixing for the last drain on AMERICA's resources which
The economic high and mighty know the ship is sinking. As they ready the lifeboats to
save themselves, they keep assuring the worried masses they know what to do
to keep the ship of state afloat.Do you believe the captain? Do you believe the crew? These are the people
that ignored the fact IRAQ HAD NO WEAPONS! They ignored warning signals and
willfully charted the course toward war, genocide & destruction. WHERE IS
YOUR MORAL CENTER? JUDGE THEM! Are they going to save you? Us? Will
Washington put your interests above their special interests? Who do you
look up to with a greater mind than yours? Bush, Paulson, Bernanke,
McCain?? By their deeds you shall know them. They are committed to saving
the too-big-to-fails" while leaving the "too-small-to-save" to please
cronies & save themselves.Know where the exits are. Make sure you can find your way to the lifeboats.
Understand that at a certain point, the hatches will be closed, and under
the "rules" of government, only first class passengers will have guaranteed
seats. SEPTEMBER seems to get Psychotic for some reason. The twin pillars
of America's financial system were destroyed when the Twin Towers were
toppled on 9/11 and ISRAELIS WARNED WHITE HOUSE, knew it was happening, and
W IGNORED IT as it would pave the way for his OIL WAR. As Pearl Harbor
paved way for WWII. The foundation of America's free market capitalism were
destroyed when an Economic 9/11 took out Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers and
A.I.G. ... The world's largest investment banks, brokerages and insurance
companies. Yet, despite the deafening sound, when the biggest bank failure in US history
happened several days later, it barely made the headlines that Washington
Mutual, with 2,300 branches and $310 billion of assets, had gone under. The
ROCKS took it over http://www.masterjules.net/rocks.htmAs we write this, Wachovia, the sixth largest bank in the US, is being
gobbled up by the imperiled Citigroup. Do you need more proof? Yesterday
the Dow plunged 777 points. We are facing a crisis of unparalleled
proportions. You must also rely on your own wits and good judgment. No one
will save you but yourself. I am a trend forecaster. I forecast many more
bank failures occurring across the United States and around the world. AND
FDIC has a small print codicil saying that IT HAS UP TO TWENTY YEARS TO PAY
YOU BACK ON YOUR LOST SAVINGS! We forecast a high probability for the
government to call a bank "holiday," at which time withdrawals will be
drastically limited. Thus, while deposits will SUPPOSEDLY be FDIC insured,
restrictions will be imposed on withdrawals. LIKE, wait twenty yrs.We forecast gold will hit our predicted $2000 mark. Absent Draconian
government measures, similar to the 1933 Emergency Banking Relief Act which
gave the Secretary of the Treasury the authority to "relieve" (confiscate)
the gold of private citizens, prices will surpass $2000 !But when you are homeless, jobless, with no food, the act of carrying a gold coin
doesn't get you far. What are the ALTERNATIVE METHODS FOR SURVIVAL?
http://www.masterjules.net/futureindex.htm and
http://www.masterjules.net/surviveindex.htmGUERILLA CAPITALISM WEBSITE. COTTAGE INDUSTRIES THAT WORK
TWO DAYS to ENSURE your family's FUTURE SURVIVAL!![]()
You don't want your grand kids to say to you, in 2012, "HOW DID THIS HORROR HAPPEN TO US? Stuck in our huts with GUNS, marauding THIEVES & RAPISTS outside? HUNGER, FAMINE, PLAGUE, HOMELESSNESS? WHY DIDN'T you DO SOMETHING/ Did you ever have a chance to change that OCTOBER 2nd VOTE?" WELL, YES.YOU DID You had roughly 72 hours to do something and you didn't.
Read how you can AFFECT THE Congressional VOTE coming up next THURSDAY --we believe. http://www.masterjules.net/CONGRESS.htmTELL YOUR CONGRESS PERSON: NO MORE BUSH CRONIES WITH WAR TOY FACTORIES, WAR BUDGETS OR BANKS SKIMMING TAXPAYER BILLIONS! Know this.....these
bankster cheats will twist arms and threaten the congress. And if we ever take our eye off them, while we are distracted, they may attack Iran or Pakistan? They are feeling threatened a bit now. We won the first round but they will try dirty tricks and they will try to force another vote in the House.STUDY THE MELTDOWN http://www.masterjules.net/meltdownwebpage.htm
Send me a good idea for other HUMAN-DOLES and/or BAILOUTS and I'll add them here.<=== BACK TO THE MELTDOWN WEBPAGE
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