DEAR KROGER GROCERY CORPORATION, YOU HAVE THIS 98 BILLION DOLLAR MARKET CHAIN, couldn't you make your GIFT CARD WEBSITE available to seniors?  You own all Ralphs, Stop and Shop, dozens of other chains yet there's no way for a senior to communicate with your WEBPAGE  ( browser crasher, too coding-byte-intensive.) Nor any cyber contact with the 375,000 employees!

A letter from Ombudsman ANITA SANDS HERNANDEZ

Mr. Kroger VP.  I have a suggestion that will earn KROGERS double the money that you now make off seniors: A LOW BYTE CODED "GIFT CARD PAGE!" TO help us deal with food lack.

Remedy the FAILURE of your PC CRASHING WEBPAGE DESIGN. As things stand, no SENIOR on an old PC / BROWSER can interface with current "Gift Card" PAGE. (to get food donations from friends relatives.) Your web pages are all blank as freshly washed bedsheets (at least for WINDOWS 98 PC's).

I know. I tried for a few days, so did my pal who wants to donate a gift grocery card to me. Today I  dialed Krogers headquarters & spoke to your phone room SUGGESTION dept for ONE SOLID HOUR, pointing out a seriously valid 'fault' in the Kroger store online pages --which as things stand costs you a billion a year easily. due to your  website's blocking SENIOR ANTIQUE PC browsers. The suggestion box Phone lady wouldn't give out a single email addie.

Your stock holders will surely  want to know about this as THEY LOSE MONEY.

I told the SUGGESTION DESK girl in Carolina, CHRISTIN -N. and her supervisor who said they'd "pass it on. "This" being a 5 page letter, full of   LUCRATIVE-for KROGERS SUGGESTIONS of what you currently LACK, a webpage that interacts with older pcs. "WELL THEN, she said snippily, MAIL IT TO US." Yeah gal but how am I gonna type it up? No typewriters any more. No printer that works for this senior. Now you can type up what I send you. What is  your EMAIL." She wouldn't give it to me. I told her she was in the 19th century. Krogers should be in the 21st century.

But insult her as I did, she would NOT give me a single EMAIL ADDIE nor would she write my suggestions down. They were too many, too varied for her seriously unempathetic peanut brain.

Your current "LEAVE-SUGGESTION-or-COMPLAINT" page at your corp website has NO interactivity with older PCS  -------BLANK BEDSHEET AGAIN.

Think of all the hungry senior clients wanting KROGER gift grocery cards from their
wealthy grandkids..who might use that URL to SHOW kids 'hey, help granny.' GO TO
THIS URL. Send a 20$ donation. I'm like an Eskimo on the ICE,  hungry and cold.

Sure, Mr.V.P. I starve but YOU RETAILERS LOSE OUT ON A MILLION bucks of our   SENIOR  commerce a YEAR! Who's the estupido now?

I spent one hour of my last year of life to elucidate this problem for Christin N in Carolina  I'll say this, SHE DID FINALLY after ONE SOLID hour on phone, mention there was an URL with the word gift card in it, and gave me the URL's 'spelling' so that I could send an email to a friend (WHo has a NEW COMPUTER), saying "HEY GO TO THIS URL APPARENTLY YOU CAN REACH KROGER'S GIFT CARD DIVISION ONLINE."\purchasenewgiftcards

But for the first hour your Carolina worker, (ONE OF THE 375,000 you have with NO PC or EMAIL ADDIE.) said "USE the POST OFFICE to mail your complaint in to us. Sure Christin, if I had a car, a stamp, an envelope, I WOULD!

SENIORS are on foot and disabled. and ALONE. I DO HAVE A BIKE but I WEAVE badly. Can't go straight line. Have gone sideways into CURBS! Have gone over the handlebars. POST OFFICE IS TWO MILES OF CEMENT away.

So no 21st century, internet way to USE KROGERS. You can research this. Go to your granny's house, get on her 1995 DELL and try to VISIT YOURSELF!

CHRISTIN, GOD BLESS her kept saying Mail it. I said if I had a driver for a PRINTER after that last PC crash where HARD DRIVE from a 155
mghrtz 20 yr machine was moved into this box. I COULD WRITE. BUT NOW
HP laster 1012 printer wont' work. NO DRIVER. HOW DO I PRINT?
Where do I GET STAMP? Me on a bike with an envelope?

WRITE BY HAND she said. I SAID it's 21st century. What does a 98 billion buck corporation not offer an EMAIL ADDIE for 'website designer' or a SUGGESTION BOX?? And hey you still want me to put this down, nearly 4 pages full of words, hand written, then at nearly age 80, go on bike to post office to get stamps? ENVELOPES? I'm going on 80 yrs, no car, no way to get stamps or envelopes, stuck in one apt in CALIF. with no food, i need a gift card filled by my senior friend across the country in
South Hadley MASS. and she can't find a way to fill a gift card for RALPHS/ KROGER either! And she's a computer expert with superb website of her own, and a widow of an 800 million dollarl famous tycoon. WITH A BRAND NEW COMPUTER! SO ILLOGICAL is your design that SHE COULD NOT FIND a way to buy a gift card so I could go to RALPHS on my bike and EAT.

ME I just get a white page, like a bed sheet. The GIFT CARD that I used once after a california pal gave me 50$ BUYING POWER, a card one SHOWs at cash register to buy food at RALPHS could be reloaded, no? NO INSTRUCTIONS that she could see. AND SHE SEES YOUR PAGES. I cannot see. They are white, being HYPERCODEDD, MEGA  BYTE CODING FREEZES PCS! My windows 98 SE pc.

SO There is no way for poor people to give you an additional 99th BILLION
A YEAR IN REVENUE. No way for someone to feed even YOUR own
GRANDMOTHER by GOING to a KROGER WEBSITE and putting a little cash
into granny's KROGERS card. Or Ralphs in SOUTH CALIF it's called --

COUNTER-LOGICAL for you as ex corp/ banking & business people. In
times of hunger, joblessness, cold winter and very small SOCIAL
SECURITY checks, Mine is 340$ a month, -- seniors want a WEB PAGE
CLOSED DOORS! No room at the inn!

I went to:

BLANK. l00% blank!. I'm no newbie, so I DID "VIEW PAGE CODING" To get
the gist of what your webmaster had put there. Sometimes that yields

APOCRYPHAL CODING GOES ON FOR A FEW PAGES, I will cut paste more at this letter's end, below. My point is ALL OF IT IS ILLEGIBLE to the senior seeking to get his personal gift card FILLED. Or get a new one mailed to his home.

One cannot CONTACT a member of the board, to complain about bad website design, to comment on your bad business choice to NOT tell a programmer to do a simple 'classic' WIN 98 page. TWITTER AND FACEBOOK went into megabyte coding 1 1/2 yrs ago PAYPAY six months ago. LOST OUR BIZ

So, we have an interesting (for you,) challenge to remedy this lost biz opp, (SENIORS) a failure to present readers/ buyers with a low byte GIFT card ordering system.

I STILL COUNT MYSELF LUCKY I have a friend in Massachusetts willing
to GO ONLINE at your site and TRY. She could mail me a check but how
would I deposit it? PAYPAL went megabyte, can no longer be used at all.

ONE LUCKY things, for a hungry senior in CALIFORNIA isi that I LIVE
one mile from a RALPHS store and you can plainly SEE, I am willing
to risk my neck on a bike with bags of bent cans (my fave thing you
do,) swinging from order to EAT.

for reaching ANY OF you. ALL EXECS are listed, their RESUMES PLUMP
but NO EMAIL FOR ANY! Too busy making millions, eh?

You want to "get" with the 21st century modality. THE 1920 model is call the complaint dept which I did. Or write a letter.

I COMMUNICATE fairly well, being a net journalist and I'd rather write your
execs. ON A KEYBOARD and shoot it across time and space, well SPACE
as it takes no TIME that way. I write for a living. 10,500 of my articles online, I'm an ombudsman, a corporate fraud detector, harping on government neglect as the cause arises.


I am a kind of negative PUBLICITY WOMAN as far as your corporation is
concerned. MY BOA ARTICLES were devastating. I HOPE I MADE A DENT. "BANK OF AMNESIA" I dubbed them. Google them. with my name "ANITA SANDS HERNANDEZ"

So as I say, one page of your SITES DID "COME UP" it had 20 executives' names. NOT ONE EMAIL FOR ANY. Do you realize that this 98 billion buck corp comes off as an uncaring, REPUGNANT MERCHANDISER, ISOLATED, HAUGHTY, UNFRIENDLY, LAZY, as you describe 375,000 associates and not one has an email address. So are _UNSERVING_ All these perjoratives and MORE....come to mind in reference to the KROGER CORP. However, guys, it only
seems that way as you have a TERRIBLE WEB MASTER and the person who
controls the webmaster, who makes the MERCHANDISING and page design
decisions and gives orders -- that person missed his calling as a concentration
camp guard. whooo  never thought of us Hungry Prisoner needs. 100 MILLION of us want our gift cards filled. They lay empty in our purse, BUY-less. Food-less. Where is the friendly, interactive, serving page that says, "DO YOU NEED your GIFT CARD for AT STOP AND SHOP? Need card or fridge FILLED? You can ask rich
Uncle Harry to GO TO THIS PAGE/ THIS URL and FILL IT. Or are you
near RALPHS? Or in  NEW ENGLAND AREA? Here's a list of our markets in YOUR AREA. HOW TO PUT MONEY into somebody else's FOOD BUYING CARD.....USEFUL MENUS! Come up with ANYTHING LOGICAL! ANYTHING HELPFUL!!!!!!!! ON A MINI BYTE CODING PAGE?? You tell us that you give 30 million to food banks but seniors don't have cars, we are locked in a room, can't walk to a food bank in winter that's ten miles away, often cannot walk AT ALL. SO LET US BUY THE FOOD FROM YOU. C'mon. ADD a billion to your revenues.

Don's wag your finger at me saying 'get a FED FUNDED VAN ACCESS? HA! 10$ cost of round trip in ACCESS, federally funded 'van' to go anywhere except go without food once you get there. Riiiiight. Ten bucks is food for a week just to go for this vital outing. And you have to have expensive photographer shoot you for an ID card and walk to some photog near your house. OR NOT NEAR. To qualify.

we seniors have been on computers since 1995, we would rather tell our friend/ rich uncle/ son/grandson 'help gramma eat, get a Kroger's card. ' ALL ONLINE. Let your fingers do the walking. Easy breezy. But your website is hostile, doesn't offer a basic
transaction to anyone, on any computer as you cannot 'fill your gift' card FROM YOUR SITE. Not that I can see with WINDOWS 98SE and a Netscape browser.

I SEE SOME USELESS CODING WHICH IS ALL ONE CAN GET. Didn't any of you know that over coding freezes an older PC and one sees NADA? Just ten pages of this --------->

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
charset=UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />
<meta name="fragment" content="!" />
<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=403901186" />
<meta name="google-play-app" content=""

That's just PART OF THAT URL, or web PAGE.

Sign me, author of 10,500 CONSUMER FRAUD articles online (free to
the public which is why I have no food,) on corporative stupidity
and fraud, government evasion tactics.

Just google my name please --I GOOGLE UP as having 10,500 articles
or references. I've been writing for 20 years online. First ten yrs as Anita Sands sos those articles don't show up, probably have 20,000 online.

"ANITA SANDS HERNANDEZ" Expose journalist and authentic senior going
on 80, an authentic grandma of six who makes no demands on her children or grandchildren for FOOD. But there's a MRS. P in South Hadley Massachusetts who kindly wishes to send a 50$ krogers gift card. A woman with a gorgeous website of her own. HIGHLY TALENTED at internet matters. SHE CANNOT FIGURE out KROGERS 'PUT $ into a gift card' ritual. CUZ YOUR PAGES ARE  APOCRYPHAL! We'd have to go to BLETCHLEY CIRCLE to GET THEM DECODED! We've both been at it for 2 days. So tired.

YOUR PHONE gals were way worse. USELESS and firm about fact taht KROGERS HAS NO EMAIL ADDRESS TO ANY DIVISION. You must use the complaint box. WHICH DOES NOT WORK OR I WOULD!

IMAGINE that maybe there are 30 million other seniors who'd want to
get the FORMULA for the richest member of our posse shooting FOOD to
granny before GRAN EXPIRES OF HUNGER. Isn't that good business for
you guys on multiple levels?????????HUH?

PUHLEEZE Get with the program. signed, A.S.H

HOUR LATER: THE SECRET URL is finally given to me:  This took an  hour on phone with complaint lady:\purchasenewgiftcards

Can you click on this above URL? page? she said you go there, and give that url to pals they can pitch some dollars into a card and KROGERS MAILS THE CARD THRU the U.S. POSTAL SERVICE  to your starving grandma's address.

Tell the postman to knock for a while. Granny may be passed out from hunger.