More Alumni of Woodstock should be on Juries!
I told the judge that the beef was crap and he decided
I was right. Threw the prosecutor's case right out!
Under an ounce shouldn't even be a TICKET!New Hampshire Jury Nullifies its First Felony Marijuana Case! A Major Constitutional victory was scored with acquittal of felony marijuana charges – all thanks to a straight-laced little old lady juror who said, "a little pot growing by a Rafastarian? WHO CARES?" Are we gonna take away his home, family, reputation for that?
Thanks to a little old lady named Cathy, a weed growing Rafastarian named Doug Darrell beat the odds and walked home from his trial as a free man, a major win for the state’s new jury nullification law. (Note, Jury Nullification is a legal practice everywhere in the USA. In the South, white juries have used it to halt prosecution of Clan crimes against blacks. Nevertheless it is a right of juries in every state and in every federal court. As you would expect some judges are quite hostile towards it.) Facing felony drug cultivation charges for growing marijuana plants behind his house, the 59-year-old Rastafarian saw all of the charges against him dropped after jurors in his trial successfully convinced their peers to nullify the case on the grounds that Darrell was simply trying to obey the customs of his religion.
“Many of us wondered what kind of precedent this would set,” said juror Cathleen Converse but after chewing on all of the possibilities and re-reading the definition of nullification, we all decided that the only fair thing to do was to vote with our consciences and acquit the defendant of all charges.”
NOTE: some prosecutors ask people if they know about jury nullification. If a person states yes, they may not be allowed on the jury; although it works both ways. I know a person who believes in jury nullification, he got on the jury but the person to be judged was so guilty and evil, jury nullification was not necessary. This three strikes for marijuana doesn't get convictions most of the time because of the people on the jury smoke it and won't convict. The same goes for a woman who kills her husband because he beats her and there is proof. The woman almost never goes to jail because no jury would convict her. Of course if she opens here mouth and condemns herself, that's another issue. Joe Banister used a jury about IRS issues, they did not convict him, but I heard another person tried it, and the jury convicted. I don't know those details. Tom Cryer also used a jury about IRS issues, they did not convict. The "government agents" used black ops against him. The minute he stood up, filed his initial paperwork, almost all of his clientele rejected him. He lived like a pauper the rest of his life. This is the true power of the Royals and their mind control games.BACK TO ARTICLE: Doug Darrell never had any run-ins with the law until 2009, when a National Guard helicopter flying below legal altitude while looking for drugs noticed that Darrell was growing marijuana in the back yard of his Barnstead home. Though the sighting could legally have been considered an invasion of privacy, federal drug authorities were notified anyway. Shortly thereafter, Darrell’s home was raided and the Rastafarian found himself staring down the barrel of a police assault rifle and facing multiple counts of felony possession of marijuana.The one drawback about the jury system, is when a Jury makes a judgement, it is not entered into the record as case precedent, so it cannot be used for subsequent legal arguments. So if a person doesn't like the IRS, for example, flies a plane into IRS office on 20th floor and survives... they cannot use the prior successful judgments in their case.
Most people don't know about this last-stand fact. It is one of those things so conveniently left out of government schooling educational curriculum. There is a great need for the public to be educated on this subject, so I hope you share. Search the Internet for Jury Nullification. I'm sure you will find several links. Sometimes insisting on a jury trial scares the opposition and they drop the case."
Darrell was offered several plea deals, including a final one that offered no jail time or fine in exchange for a guilty plea, but he refused to accept them on the grounds that doing so would be a sacrament of his religion.
Under the policy known as HB 146, the defense has a right to instruct the jury to nullify a guilty verdict if they conscientiously object to the punishment. Darrell’s attorney, Mark Sisti, based his defense around this new rule and, after the trial went to deliberation, persuaded the presiding judge to inform jurors of this power not once but twice. Given the circumstances of Darrell’s case, it took less than six hours for them to reach a unanimous verdict – not guilty on all counts.
“Mr. Darrell is a peaceful man,” said Converse, “he never deals with the darker elements of society and he grows for his own personal religious and medicinal use. I knew that my community would be poorer rather than better off had he been convicted.”
Converse describes herself as a “straight-laced, little old lady” who moved to New Hampshire from South Carolina in June of 2004. In 2003 she joined the Free State Project because she felt that her family’s future “would be better spent among those who don’t think we’re strange for wanting to rely on ourselves, and to work together to bring more liberty into our lives sooner rather than later.”
It’s a groundbreaking win for the participants of the Free State Project who helped get HB 146 signed into law. As an organization, the Free State Project does not back any political candidates nor specific legislation. Founded in 2001 with the intent to attract 20,000 liberty-loving individuals to New Hampshire in order to restore the Constitutional principles of personal responsibility and freedom, members of the Free State Project have quickly grown into the most significant liberty-based activist group in the country.
"So far, over 12,750 participants have pledged to relocate to the state, and more than 1,000 have already moved, over a dozen of which are currently elected members of the New Hampshire House of Representatives," said Free State Project President Carla Gericke. "Once here, participants are free to pursue their own causes and I'm excited to see that progress is being made."
You have no idea how controversial this issue is and how the Psychopaths want to prosecute Juries who do this kind of thing. But what else to do when States Atty/ PROSECUTOR/ GOV are wayyyy out of line into UNCONSTITUTIONAL PROSECUTION? Like the Aaron Schwarz prosecution for his liberating to the public great JSTOR articles which the public had already paid for with taxes... a crucifixion which depressed him to the point he suicided. Who ya gonna call? Demand a trial and CALL ON JURY NULLIFICATION! The poor man's way of getting the Nazis off his back. Jury Nullification - Last Stand Before Armed Resistance?Says a journalist: "I am not sure why more people in the liberty movement do not pick this up and
run with it? Working through the political system seems to be broken yet all we hear is contact
your rep. Or if there is any headway it is a long slow process and usually compromised to almost
uselessness. That is just intolerable to many and is a reason why a lot of people do not want to
be involved in the political process and feel powerless to change anything.However with the power of the jury the people have immediate power to nullify bad laws and
by-pass all the politics and old boy networks etc. It is a quick easy way to tell the politicians NO
we will not stand for this non-sense! Why do you think there has been such a dumbing down of
knowledge of the true power of the jury over the last century? People who don't have the time or
inclination to be involved in the political process can participate in Jury Nullification and thus in
restoring liberty. We have a potential army for liberty at our disposal we only have need to
educate them. That makes sense doesn't it?Jury Nullification is well established in American Jurisprudence Prohibition perhaps being the
most famous law nullified by Juries till it was repealed. We owe it to ourselves to make Jury
Nullification a major tenant of our attack on the enemies of freedom because it is perhaps our
best weapon in this war. Where else do the people have any power now days to prevent bad and
unconstitutional laws from harming us? We should take take the time to study this issue and
start promoting it because it's time we used our real power isn't it!Every home in American needs to be educated on Jury Nullification!
"It is not necessary for a state legislature to “adopt or officially recognize” jury nullification.
All that is necessary is for a critical mass of the people to know about their power and know how
to use it. In addition, even if a law exists, judges will still lie. Indiana and Georgia has jury
nullification in their constitutions, yet judges still lie, jury tamper, try to trick jurors, often
succeeding. Only an educated and confident jury pool guarantees that judges will not suppress
jury nullification. Very important -- lobbying the legislature about jury nullification has often
confused the general public, making many think we cannot nullify bad laws till the legislature
passes a new law. We have our power now, we simply have to know it and use it.
You twelve guys have shown me the way!
I was lost and now I'm found!
This page came from: http://www.masterjules.net/jurynullify.htm