GET YOUR PRE PAID, Natural, Holistic Health INSURANCE Now
(OBAMA can't fine us if we have our HMO!)Be ready for the PUNITIVE FINES Obama plans if we don't spend a thousand a month per person for an HMO. Be ready with your NATURE DOCTOR's HMO. Wholesome preventative health tech coming from the natural holistic health movement has excited science-minded people interested in longevity. Herbal remedies and supplements' have been around since caveman ate rivers clean of watercress and saw sulphur magically repair their frizzy hair and cracked fingernails. Natural minerals, vitamins and herbs are an effective remedy for what ails you. In an age where we consider a bigMac a viable meal, a little caveman tech might of use.
UMMM! COCONUT. THE OTHER WHITE MEAT!Why not? In modern times PHARMACEUTICAL CORPORATIONS and DOCTORS have borrowed from the tribal shaman. They regularly send expeditions into jungles to find 'native remedies.' Treehuggers always cite the 'undiscovered leaves will be lost' theory in those lumber company jungle cut downs. We see praise for the LEAF OR BERRY everywhere these days: a resurgence of herbal and dietary therapies in the place of PILL PUSHING chemical "medications' . The movie star says "I owe my beautiful skin and hair to Jojoba oil and wheat germ muffins" Something PULLS the savvy health seeker toward power foods and leaves and berries. And science vindicates the shaman naturopaths. YES, this berry, Yes, this leaf...
SOMETHING also PUSHES us AWAY from CORPORATE PHARM: we are bombarded with TV ADS that warn that if you use X liver medication, you are inviting senility, liver failure, heart attack, numbness, panic anxiety and a dozen OTHER horrible side effects: --- impotency, and high blood pressure, I swear I've heard all of those attached to some cholesterol med when hey, quit eggs, bacon, beef and good to GO!. WHO WANTS a whole host of new maladies in an attempt to maybe fix something that's barely broken. Borrowing from PETER to pay PAUL, no?
OTHER TURNOFFS: DOCTORS are cold, like their pills and diagnosing methods which are impersonal, high-tech, authoritarian and bureaucratic. People today want a more involved, questioning, listening, caring, humanistic approach. Natural holistic health and the healers who practice it encompass mind, body and the emotional well being of patients and empower them. People want to be treated with respect and made a partner in their own health care and healing process.
The growing interest in natural holistic health therapies is a sign of the times. More and more people are seeking out non-traditional approaches and sought-after holistic ideals as traditional health care costs rise. Natural holistic health therapies are safe, effective and less costly. The conventional healthcare establishment is riddled with so many approaches and technology that have not proven their merit or superiority to natural holistic health therapies. The foundation of natural holistic healthcare is centered upon the individual as a whole taking into account the sum of all their parts. The emphasis is on partnering with patients, empowering them to be a part of the solution. As more of the treatment outcomes of holistic practitioners are getting reported in scientific journals as showing efficacy, safety, and positive benefits, a greater degree of acceptance and acknowledgment by conventional medicine is being seen.
Mainstream medicine is heavily invested in pharm in certain machine technologies like MRI's and XRAYS also PROCEDURES such as 100thousand dollar bypass surgery and angioplasties for heart disease that just don't work for long. They don't address attention to the malady, its cause and its cure. STOP EATING CHIPS AND DIP! RED MEAT and MARGARINE, FRIED FOODS and TRANSFAT BAKED GOODIES. The natural approach can be way more effective in heart disease than a STINT in your AORTA
Natural holistic dietary health-oriented approaches often reverse conditions like heart disease through healing the whole body. There is a growing body of evidence that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that a natural holistic health approach that encompasses a nutritional, low fat diet combined with exercise, yoga and emotional support is just as effective. This approach is safer and costs less than traditional and invasive surgical procedures.
Today, people are seeking out and switching to a natural holistic health approach. Informed consumers are leaving their HMO’s (health management organization) in droves because of their costly and ineffective methods. Good patient care is the last thing these people care about. Profits and the bottom line are their main focus. HMO’s have degenerated into a big beast focused on reducing costs by excluding sicker patients and reducing costs by tangling medical care and decision-making into a maze of bureaucratic red tape. Moreover, behemoth drug companies that develop and market drugs to HMO’s are less safe and less effective than a natural holistic health approach.
The changing needs and perceptions by a more informed public are paving the way for natural holistic health. The natural holistic health paradigm is coming of age and is the new frontier of health care and human awareness. The vast wealth of natural holistic healthcare therapies are proving to be more effective than what mainstream medicine tries to accomplish. Gone are the days of surgical procedures and medicating symptoms. To get at the root of disease, natural holistic health care practioners are partnering with their patients in empowering approaches and techniques.
So it comes down to this. OBAMA's HEALTH BILL will legislate mandatory HMO's for every member of your family. This might take your entire income. Fail to sign up, you get FINED. Sentient citizens find this TAX unconstitutional! The SUPREME COURT has until JUNE 2012 to review the thing & either support mandatory health taxes or outlaw them. Why be in danger if they pass them? GET YOUR NATURAL HMO family health care insurance right now. Sign up with a HOLISTIC HEALER, NATUROPATH at a tenth of the cost. There aren't many natural HMO's but there ARE a whole lot of naturopaths are out there. All holistic doctors should organize & create their own HMOs, prepaid health care offerings now and quick do their website so that people can find them. Also national, state or city REGISTRIES should sprout online to help consumers find the docs.
If the HEALTH BILL OBAMA created which the SUPREMES have to 'OK' in JUNE 2012, if that mess.hasn't got you confused and afraid of JAIL by now, wait til the whole mess goes active on us. BEST way out, get an HMO with an alternative clinic. That way they postpone aging, you never need surgery and there's no pharm costs, it's all radishes, carrots and soy groats.