PAY FOR A BATH GUYS, (or dry up and die ! ) They don't care.


As an old hand at reading holistic literature, I know that THERE are only two places in the world where people live to be 200 years old, still vital and romancing at that age --  Two water sources on the planet where people attain amazing longevity. ONE IS THE HUNZA LAND streams, from Tibetan mountains. The other is COCHABAMBA between Ecuador/Bolivia, high in the mts.  where a similar high mineral drinking water is coming from the SIERRA NEVADA snow pack, running over POWER ROCKS and gettin' all, well, MAGICAL!  Wouldn't ya know it,  BECHTEL's CEOS knew about that Sierra one! They knew this water was magical, and prevented disease and aging. That's why they sewed it up. Yep! THEY GOT THE COUNTRY in BRUTAL inflationary TROUBLE (10,000% was the annual surge!) then "bailed it out" by stealing water rights for a few million bucks.  OH NO? READ OH YES!

Scouting down search terms like 'water theft', online, I found this URL:

Activist MAUDE BARLOW is the Joan of Arc fighting the transnational i.e. corporate water thieves. She calls her group BLUE GOLD. You want to google her and that name. BOOKMARK the website. Go back from time to time to stay au courant.

Basically, there's a global commodity takeover going down right now.   It began in the Third World, where resistance was minimal... But it's quickly making its way to the developed world, with takeovers and lawsuits already reported in the United States. UK oligarchs bought STOCKTON CALIFORNIA's WATER system as an investment. Rates doubled instantly. This takeover started in rural Africa, where organizations like the World  Bank and the International Monetary Fund offered "loans" to Third World countries to upgrade their water infrastructure. But the "loans" came with stipulations, namely that citizens had to give up private use of  water resources and instead pay a company for access to it. This has been going on for years — largely unchecked — in countries from South Africa to Egypt. Only now, as the takeover spreads to more wealthy nations, is the situation being exposed. And with the global water supply — and trillions of dollars in revenue — at stake, you can bet there are looming investment implications. For instance, this manuever bankrupts all farmers who must sell their land to huge agracorps. For years now, a consortium of private and public companies has been scrambling to privatize one unique resource, WATER as it hands them so many other things they want. .Websites like Maude Barlow's have been the first to bring this takeover to the public's attention.And as with any takeover, there will be winners and losers. Those that bet on the winners (evil oligarchs,) will walk away with fortunes, the losers will see water priced at a dollar a cup. And frequently, they're people who earn a dollar a day between all family workers. But you can help. Go to Cochibamba area or any other threatened area and when you see farmers going bankrupt, create your own consortium. buy their farms, create agrarian workers' communes on each, invite all farmers thrown off land to participate. Build agrarian villas, a BUCKY FULLER CITY out in the hills, and then create an EXPORT co-op to sell those products to America. Artesanal cheeses, or coffee. Chocolate.

More good info at  which has pages about the NEW, PRIVATIZATION OF WATER issue. Big Corporations waltz into third world countries where the dictator can and WILL sell off any resource to get a few mil in Switzerland. The Corps buy up water systems in key areas, sell the water to starving peasants (we mean HOLD THEM UP for big cash, cash they don't have as hey, they live in HUTS!  Subsistance agriculture and a few bags of corn each year, a donkey or ox is  all they own. They can't pay $ so all over the world, poor people are going without H20 or if the turn on a faucet, being thrown off their land for not paying their bill, same as here.  This sad scenario is coming here to you and your family very soon. WHY? Cuz THE SIGNS are already on the wall. INFLATION is a precursor of PANIC where BIG CORPS can waltz in, do payoffs and own stuff.

A recent headline is a core sample of the trend. Spring, 2007, the government of Bolivia took a bold step and withdrew from the World Bank's undemocratic court for investment disputes. The International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes, or ICSID, is an undemocratic institution that allows the world's largest corporations to sue poor countries for millions of dollars. In essence, the village bullies stole Bolivia's lunch money. A few billion. The people are helpless. As activists, we can't stand by. MOVE ON Org is circulating a petition to Advise the WORLD BANK to step back. But the concept is, 'they did it to them and I stood by, who will stand up when they do it to me?' The bullies will steal your children's lunch money next.  It is inevitable. It is scheduled. See why below.

 TO UNDERSTAND what happened to poor BOLIVIA, remember its recent past. The world bank and IMF stuck it to BOLIVIA so badly that the inflation was calculated at 10,000% per annum. That economy was screaming. (Just like KISSINGER loves it to "scream", the very word he chose to describe what he did in Chile when Kissinger's naval fleet parked in Chile's ports before and during that horrid insurrection chronicled in Jack Lemmon, Sissy Spacek Film "MISSING" when General Pinochet killed President Allende and 30,000 Chileans suspected of supporting the progressive PRES..)

Bolivia was easier. No soldiers, no naval fleet. In comes BECHTEL, pays off a few Generals, presidents an voila. BECHTEL owns a country!

Now consider this. Here in USA, recently, we've had OIL costs doubling, gasoline doubling at the pump, our homes' UTILITIES tripling, FOOD STUFFS DOUBLING and I'm betting that you barely noticed. You whipped out your plastic, paid and now will pay another 28% to the credit card companies to NOT NOTICE it next month, either.

But BOLIVIANS noticed. A boiling hen was suddenly hundreds of times the cost of the week before. People starved. Reminds me of what my GRANDPA told me about GERMAN INFLATION after WWI.

WHILE BOLIVIA was reeling from the Inflation Crunch,  back in the 1990s the World Bank orchestrated a contract for Bechtel, the U.S. engineering corporation, to operate the water system in city of Cochabamba, Bolivia. The exact area where seniors lived to 180 drinking glacial or snow pack high mineral water. They snagged a prize. Bolivians didn't know what they had, but even of they WOULD HAVE KNOWN, those Generals would have agreed to anything the CEO's put to them. They were DROWNING in IMF imposed inflation.

Within weeks of taking over the water system, Bechtel raised rates as high as 200%, forcing poor families to choose between water and food, life or death. Citizens organized mass protests, leading the government to end the contract. Bechtel sued the government of Bolivia for $25 million dollars, despite having invested only $1 million in the water system. The court ruled in Bechtel's favor. The people are without recourse and now believe that the cards are stacked against poor countries.

But the truth is, the same thing is happening here in AMERICA.. The THAMES WATER corp (really German) just bought STOCKTON CALIFORNIA's WATER SYSTEM.!!! California's citizens organized a mandate and couldn't get the signatures to fight it! GERMANS OWN STOCKTON's WATER. ALL OF IT! Remember, what starts in CALIFORNIA ends up going across the nation! So keep an eye peeled for headlines indicating any foreign Crocodiles surfacing in your water pipes.

Ahh, ma petite, comme vous est belle! Allors...
sit back down, ma petit choux. (snap!)

If this ever happens in your town, read up on INEXPENSIVE WELL-FREE, water retrieval tech, an innovational artform pioneered by a Texas farmer: ACRES USA COM  had an URL  article  about getting water out of the ground, without a well ---  even in arid land.  See article "milking water from the hills" if they have a search engine. The URL I had died but they're still alive.   FASCINATING. Maybe SEMINAL research, even. And no crocs in dem dere hills!

Can our water be stolen and sold back to us? FRIENDS of THE G.O.P/ U.S. President ... a clique of VERRRY rich men (who own an infamous corporation named "BECHTEL" and THAMES WATER)  are buying the water rights in third world countries and in USA and SELLING them back to the peasant, rural people, who are already impoverished, can't grow crops as things stood before this insult. Is this a way to steal farmer's lands? YEP! INTERNAT'l AGRIBIZ rolling out the famine carpet?  YOU BET!  Read up on activist


Just google his name rajendra singh + water -- those two things. REMEMBER it's a J not an H in his name. RAJ means KING and he's the KING OF WATER --- READ UP ON this guy and the issue.  Then google BECHTEL + THAMES WATER. Your grandkids may be walking to CISTERNS for a bath!. With Global warming, this is going to be an issue, which is why these tycoons are buying up all the water.

Search at citizen org for an article on how OMI-THAMES WATER bought the water system of the FIRST AMERICAN CITY, in a plan to do it again and again. STOCTON is huge agribiz city, ctr of BEEF industry in WESTERN HALF OF USA.

POV did a documentary on it, "THIRST" played on PBS. Get a copy for your kids today. Or at least read about it:

United Kingdom -In 1988, the Margaret Thatcher-led government privatized England's water and
Wales' water systems through "full asset sales". It quickly attracted
several multinational water barons including: Thames Water, Northumbrian
Water (Suez) and International Water (Bechtel). Reasons cited for this
move included that the private sector would be more efficient in running
the system and provide better services than the pre-existing government
agencies. Though pioneering water privatization, the implementation of
privatization has yielded different results for the public. Maggie SCREWED the people!

Prices for water rose over 46% in the first nine years of
privatization.[1] This increase has led to low-income households being
disconnected from water due to their inability to pay their water
bills. The disconnections have raised health concerns: lack of water
hinders good hygiene practices (i.e. bathing). Also, some families had
to choose between acquiring basic necessities (such as food) and paying
their water bill. The companies responded by installing pre-payment
meters for customers who had difficulty paying their bills. These
customers only received water when the meter was charged with a card.
Widespread public disapproval led to the outlaw of disconnections and
pre-payment meters in 1998. Due to the price gauging, water rates were
cut in 1999 by an average of 12.3%, but are still a heavy burden for
low-income households.

The increase in water rates facilitated great profits for U.K. water
companies. Pre-tax profits rose by 142% in the first eight years of
privatization. These profits were directed to companies’ dividends
instead of being used to lower customers’ bills or fund promised
improvements to the infrastructure of the system. When profits began to
fall in the late 1990s, companies looked to restructure themselves to
protect their assets and abilities to make future profits.

The quality of the water system has declined since it was privatized.
In 1998, reports by the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI), which is
responsible for monitoring water quality, “concluded there are still
weaknesses in companies’ performance.”[2] This has resulted in DWI
lodging a record number of prosecutions against companies for violations
of water quality standards. There are also environmental concerns: “The
wastewater and water companies are responsible for 1 in 5 pollution
incidents.”[3] The Environmental Agency, responsible for monitoring
environmental pollution, reported that 14,374 water pollution incidents
occurred in 1999.

Water privatization has also had a negative impact on workers. From
1990 to 1999, more than 8,500 water worker jobs have been lost: a
decrease of 21.5%. During this same time, executives of water companies
received large fees and bonuses, and some of their salaries increased by
as much as 200%.

Privatization has benefited the private water companies more than it has
the public. Although some legislation has been passed to improve the
current situation, many challenges exist. There are still concerns that
water companies have little incentive to perform infrastructure
maintenance that would reduce leakage and lower the risk of sewer
flooding. There are also concerns about how future environmental
improvements will be paid for: many think this will lead to another
increase in water prices.

In the News:
July 18: Paying for Thames Water's failings
July 14: Plugging water leaks could supply half a million new homes
April 20: Thames Water fined £60,000 for polluting Oxfordshire brook
February 18: Thames Water caught short - fined £50,000
February 8: Undetected leak led to Stanford Brook pollution
January 20: Thames Water fined for polluting brook
December 7: Thames Water fined for polluting Hendon brook
October 19: Thames Water fined for fish kill
October 1: Thames Water fined for sewage in stream
Coca-Cola Accountability Tour, UK October 6-17
30 July: Repeat offenders take the shine off pollution reductions
August 11: Top bosses 'hijacking' eco-summit
August 6: Lobby groups query Thames Water pay
October 1: Thames Water top UK polluter, says govt body
February 22: Water firm fined for flooding homes with sewage
Water for All initiated a new collaborative website to help coordinate
our global campaign focusing on the water transnational, Suez.
Google their name to find information regarding their abuses,
problematic projects, community protests, and exploitative policies

Notes on Global Corporate Dominance in Fresh Water Sector*
*meaning their hand is in YOUR WATER! Presented by Ana Maria R. Nemenzo President, Freedom from Debt Coalition at the Asia Pacific Conference on Debt and the Privatization of Water and Power Services 8-14 December 2003 Prepared by: Mae Buenaventura & Bubut Palattao Freedom from Debt Coalition The lucrative “mission’ to quench the world’s thirst… Giant water companies are cashing in on the increasing scarcity of water brought about by problems of environmental degradation in various parts of the world – problems that other multinational corporations, aided and abetted by international financial institutions, created in the first place. “…the water companies are chasing a business with potential annual revenue estimated at anywhere from $400 billion to $3 trillion, depending on how you do the math.”  (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) as cited in The Water Barons)
• The market base of the “six most globally active” water companies has increased six-fold over a 12-year period.

• “In 1990, about 51 million people got their water from private
companies…That figure is now more than 300” with operations spanning 56
countries and two territories.

(International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) as cited
in The Water Barons)

• Global trade in water is currently estimated to be US$ 800 billion,
involving about 6 percent of the world population receiving services
from corporations

• May soon be a multi-trillion dollar industry when privatized water
systems expand to serve about 17 percent of the world’s population by

(European Water Corporations and the Privatization of Asian Water
Resources: The Challenge for Asian Water Security by Charles Santiago
(MSN) Malaysia)

“The Big Ten”
(Charles Santiago (MSN) Malaysia, European Water Corporations
and the Privatization of Asian Water Resources:
The Challenge for Asian Water Security.)

Vivendi Environment and Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux

Suez Lyonnaise: the world’s largest water and wastewater business
operating in about 130 countries; serving 125 million individuals, 25
million of which are in Asia Pacific (Suez, A Corporate Profile, Public
Citizen, August 2003)

Vivendi Environment: operates in about 100 countries through 3,371
companies with a 110 million customer base.

“Both …collectively control approximately 70 per cent of the existing
world water market and enjoy combined annual revenue of over US$ 70
billion, including over US$ 10 billion in direct water services. In
2001, almost half of Vivendi Environnement's US$ 26 billion in revenue
came from water and about one quarter of Suez's US$ 38 billion in
revenue was generated by its water division, Ondeo.” (Santiago)

Bouygues-SAUR, RWE Thames Water, Bechtel-United Utilities,

• Bouygues operates in 80 countries through its subsidiary SAUR;
considering ‘massive expansion’ in China.

• 1999, Thames Water was acquired by the German electrical company
RWE for US$ 9.8 billion

• French domination of the global water trade currently being
challenged by a third global player, RWE - Thames Water.

Severn Trent, Anglian Water and the Kelda Group; American Waterworks

The 3 British corporations together with RWE-Thames Water control the
British water market.

American Water Works Company acquired the financially troubled Azurix, a
subsidiary of Enron.

Six highest earners in the global water industry that have set foot in
the Asia Pacific region:

1. Ondeo (Suez Environnement)

2. Veolia (Vivendi Environnement)

3. Thames Water (RWE-AG)

4. Saur (Bouyges Group)

5. Bechtel

6. United Utilities

(Sources: International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, “The Water
Barons”, 2003.
Public Citizen, “Suez: A Corporate Profile”, August 2003.
Public Citizen, “Bechtel: Profiting from Destruction”, June 2003.
Official water company websites of Thames-water, Suez., Bechtel, Saur,
Vivendi Environnement, United Utilities )

- the water division of Suez;
- 2002, Ondeo generated 6.4 billion euros in revenues.

Subsidiaries/2 concessionaires:
PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (W. Jakarta, Indonesia)
PT PAM Thames Jaya (E. Jakarta)

- 95% owned by ONDEO involved in raw water supply, water treatment,
delivery, metering and billing

- Highest income earner – water distribution through Vivendi Water
- Present in 5 countries providing water-related services to 110 million
people in more than 100 countries which includes China, Philippines,
Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur, India, Japan, Korea, Australia, Shanghai

- water division of German utility firm RWE. It is the world’s third
largest water company providing service to 70 million people worldwide.
- 1995: Thames Water jumped in to get a share of the international water
market and has since secured over 15 million customers “outside its core
markets in Europe and the Americas.”

4. Saur
- Saur worldwide serves 40 million people.
- active through 22 local subsidiaries in 17 countries across the globe
including South Africa, Algeria, Argentina, China, Côte-d'Ivoire, Spain,
Italy, Mali, Morocco, Mayotte, Poland, Central African Republic, UK,
Russia, Senegal, Vietnam and Zambia.

- consolidated sales amounted to 835 million euros in 2002 and can be
broken down as follows: Africa : 60 %, Europe : 36 %, America-Asia : 4%.

- primarily an engineering and construction company
- expanded operations recently to include environmental restoration,
water services, energy and telecommunications
- working on 950 projects in 67 countries worldwide
- most of the international water operations of Bechtel have been
conducted in partnership with United Utilities

- largest provider of water and wastewater in the UK, serving more than
2.9 million residential and business customers
- operations range from sewage treatment to water purification and
distribution, electricity distributions to telecommunications, but
water-related services remain the company’s primary business

- expanding its operations internationally as a response to rate cuts in
the domestic market; since 1994, the company has been partnering with
Bechtel in nearly all international water operations, which include
contracts in the US, Australia, Malaysia, Mexico, Thailand, Indonesia,
Argentina and Kuwait
- currently serves 15 million people worldwide

Expanding corporate influence and control
over water sectors/projects in the region

Thames Water has operated in the People’s Republic of China since 1989
and has been operating in Hong Kong for decades. As one of the country’s
leading private water companies, it has built a customer base of 6.5
million customers.
In 1995, the company won the contract for China’s first privately funded
water treatment project in Da Chang, Shanghai.
Starting in 1996, construction of the major water treatment works for
the city was completed in 1998. That year, Thames Water took charge of
running the new plant.
In July 2002, Thames Water acquired the largest single shareholding in
the China Water Company, which has four million customers in China The
purchase made Thames Water the second largest foreign private water
company in China with 6.5 million customers.
Thames Water’s involvement in Hong Kong includes the building of a major
water treatment plant ahead of schedule for the new International
Airport. The company has also signed a memorandum of understanding with
the Ministry of Water Resources in Beijing to do integrated water
resource management activities across China.

Vivendi secured in March 2001 a US $ 20 million, 20-year contract to
operate and renovate a water plant in Tianjin, China.

In December 2001: the ADB extended a US $ 130 million loan to support
the construction of the plant.

In 2002: both Suez and Vivendi signed long-term deals, some for up to 50
years, to manage municipal water systems in China, which faces huge
water shortages.

March 2002, ONDEO, Suez’s water division, was given a 50- year contract
worth 600 million euros to design, finance, and manage water treatment
installations and services for the Shanghai Industrial Park’s industrial

Vivendi's Generale des Eaux and Marubeni Waterworks Company Limited are
involved in bulk water schemes in Chengdu, China, with ‘take or pay’
contracts which ensure profits by requiring consumption regardless of
need. The European Investment Bank loaned US$ 26.5 million and the ADB
lent US $ 48 million towards financing the projects.

Saur has been operating a drinking water production plant in Harbin,
China (225,000 m3/day) since 1995 which serves 2.8 million people. The
BOT project is a partnership between Saur and the Harbin Water Company.
The contract term is 28 years. Turnover for 2000: 36 million French
francs (5.49 million euros)

Since January 2001, SFSW (Shanghai Fengxian Saur Water), a Saur
subsidiary, has been operating the Shanghai Fengxian drinking water
plant which serves 700,000 inhabitants (south-west district of
Shanghai). The contract will last for 28 years.


New Delhi’s water supply is being privatized to Vivendi.

2000: Vivendi secured a US $ 7.2 million drinking water management in
the State of Calcutta, according to the Global Water Report

Degremont, a subsidiary of Suez is undertaking a design build and
operate drinking water production in Sonia Vihar, New Delhi. The
contract is worth Euro 50 million. The plant is expected to provide
water services to a population of 3 million people in New Delhi. The
water for the Suez-Degremont plant in Delhi will come from Tehri Dam.

Vivendi’s Onyx which specializes in waste management, was awarded the
contract to manage garbage and street litter in Chennai, a major port
city in southern India. The company is paid US $ 13,700 a day to collect
and dispose garbage in three key areas in the city. Its sister
organization, Vivendi Water, was given the contract to manage the water
services in the city.

Thames Water has provided technical advice and assistance in India to
improve Indian sewerage systems as part of the Ganga Action Plan. The
project involves developing practical methods
The company also worked on a major consultancy contract in Mumbai, a
thickly populated city in India. The 18-month project will assess the
operation and management of the water supply in Mumbai and develop a
programme to raise the technical and managerial capacity of the local

Other projects in India include leakage control in Chennai, provision of
training on groundwater issues for India’s Department of Rural
Development and the urban river corridor management for senior Indian

South Korea

2000: Vivendi Water Korea, a subsidiary of Vivendi Environment, was
established, acquiring the industrial water treatment facilities of
Hyundai Petrochemicals for US$ 125 billion, located in the Daesan
Industrial Complex, South Chungchong Province.

March 2001: Vivendi Water Korea established Vivendi Industrial
Development by acquiring industrial water and wastewater treatment
facilities at Hynix complex in Incheon. The contract with Incheon
municipality provided for the construction and 20-year operation of two
wastewater treatment plants in partnership with Samsung Engineering.

March 2001: Vivendi secured a contract with the state of Chilgok for the
operation of two existing wastewater treatment plants over a 23 year
period and the design, financing, and construction of a new plant. This
project is in partnership with the Hyundai Construction.

Both the Incheon and Chilgok projects were made possible after the
introduction of legislation to attract foreign direct investment in the
waster water sector in Korea.

Expected revenues from the two contracts are estimated to be over 20
million euros annually.

January 2002, Ondeo signed a build- operate- and -transfer wastewater
contract worth 200 million euros with Yangju, an urban city located
outside of Seoul.

April 2001, the Korean city of Pusan contracted Ondeo to manage its
wastewater management.

The Philippines

1997: the World Bank arranged the privatization of the water services in
Manila. The contracts were awarded to Maynilad Water Services, Inc.
(MWSI) and Manila Water. MWSI is owned by the wealthy Lopez family's
Benpres Holdings, and partly owned by Ondeo, a subsidiary of Suez
Lyonnaise des Eaux. Manila Water is owned by the Ayala family, and
backed by Bechtel.

2001: 11 French consultants were paid 168 million pesos by Ondeo. Of
this amount, P110 million was for consultancy services. These
consultants were taxed at a rate of 5 percent as opposed to the standard
rate of 10 percent.

Vivendi Water Philippines: 25- year build-operate- transfer proposal to
operate and develop the water systems in Roxas City, Capiz, has been put
on hold by the Regional Development Council Region VI. The Regional
Development Council indicated that Vivendi’s proposal was not clear in
the way the loans of the Metro Roxas Water District would be assumed by
the global water corporation.

United Utilities has an investment of six million pounds in 20% of
Manila Water Company, the remainder is held by Ayala, Bechtel and
Mitsubishi with an annual turnover of 40 million pounds.


1997: 25-year Contracts for taking over the public water system were
awarded without benefit of public bidding to Suez and Thames Water.
Thames’ partnership with Sigit Group (owned by Suharto’s eldest son) was
called PT Kekar Pola Airindo and the Suez partnership with Salim Group
(controlled by a Suharto crony) became PT Garuda Dipta Semesta;
government bailed out these companies after the 1997 financial crisis.

The new 25-year contracts with PAM Jaya, the municipal water supplier,
were expected to be lucrative for both the international and local

October 2001: Ondeo won a 25-year contract for servicing and
distribution of
drinking water in Tangerang, Indonesia.

Through its subsidiaries, Thames Water has operated in Malaysia for the
past 30 years. It provides specialist management and operations support
to both Johor Water and Timatch Water, who operate water treatment
facilities in Sabah.

1998: Vivendi acquired a 26 percent stake in Intan Utilities, the
concessionaire for the potable water production in the state of Perak, Malaysian for FF
144 million. It expects to tripe Intan’s annual turnover of FF 90 million by 200854.

The Degremont, a subsidiary of Suez Lyonnaise, is involved in building,
designing and operating a drinking water production in Bangladesh.


The Quang Ninh Water Supply Company (QNWSC, Quang Ninh province Water
Company) of Vietnam chose Saur to rehabilitate and extend the drinking
water network for Ha-Long City and Campha. Turnover for 2000: 26 million
French francs (3.96 million euros)

The network serves the cities of Ha-Long, Campha and the districts of
Viet Hing and Hoang Bo. The La Quang Ninh Water Supply Company thus
intends raising the percentage of the population served to 60% with a
consumption capacity of 110 liters of water per person per day.

July 2001: Suez Lyonniase subsidiary, Lyonnaise Vietnam Water Company
(LVWC) was given the contract to construct and operate a treatment plant
with a daily capacity of 300,000 cubic meters under a 25- year

(BOT) contract in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.
The LVWC is a private company. Suez owns 70 percent; Tractebel of
Belgium owns 20 percent and Pilecon Engineering Berhad of Malaysia owns
10 percent of LVWC. The ADB views this project as encouraging step
towards promoting private sector participation in the country.

Thames Water is working in partnership with Mitsui & Co Ltd, a
world-class trading company. It aims to develop long-term relationships
with local water and wastewater authorities in Japan.
The company also works with the local authorities on a range of
operational and maintenance projects, including in non-revenue water


The Thames Water Projects team in Singapore has supplied water and
wastewater treatment plants to countries including Indonesia, Malaysia,

Thailand, the Philippines and Japan.
Most recently RWE Thames Water has secured a prestigious contract from
the Public Utilities Board of Singapore to design and construct a new
water treatment plant using the latest immersed membrane technology at
its Chestnut Avenue Waterworks. When completed in end 2003, it will be
the largest immersed membrane water treatment plant in the world. RWE
Thames Water, along with its partner SembCorp, will operate and maintain
the works prior to handing it over to the local clients.

Thames Water has worked in Thailand for over 10 years. It has grown to
become the largest private water company in the country, serving some
1.5 million customers.

In 1995, the company was awarded the country’s first privately financed
water supply scheme. The aim of the project was to secure a reliable,
safe and affordable supply of drinking water for the rapidly expanding
Pathum Thani and Rangsit industrial districts to the north of Bangkok,

Thailand’s capital.
Subsidiary Thames Water Projects, designed the new 288 million litres a
day treatment works. Construction was undertaken in partnership with a
local company but Thames Water now operates the plant.
In 2001, Thames Water was awarded the US$240 million contract for a
major water treatment works, as well as the associated trunk mains,
reservoirs and main distribution system, in west Bangkok. The project,
which will provide the 400,000 people in the area with up to 320 million
litres of drinking water a day, is one of the largest water treatment
projects under construction in Asia. Completion date is for July 2004.
In addition to these major construction projects, Thames Water works on
behalf of the local waterworks authorities, which operate the water
distribution systems.

United Arab Emirates

Thames Water has been building relationships in the Middle East for a
number of years and was awarded the first privately funded wastewater
project in the Gulf at the beginning of 2002.
The 27-year concession contract involves establishing a new sewerage
system for Ajman Emirate, which is 20 minutes north of the commercial
centre of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Within four years the
system, which includes a sewage treatment works and a sewerage system
with some 20 pumping stations, will supposedly serve the existing Ajman
population of 100,000 as well as the growth in population over the
concession period.

From Charles Santiago (MSN) Malaysia; The Water Barons, 2003; Public
Citizen, Suez, A Corporate Profile (August 2003) and official water
company websites of Thames-Water, Suez., Bechtel, Saur, Vivendi
Environnement, United Utilities

Send your friends to this webpage or URL by highlighting whole thing at very top, Do control C then control V it into the email. WHOLE. Then send your chums over to the LORD OF WATER,

Profiting from People’s Lives: Metro Manila's Water Privatization Saga Water Privatization in the Asia-Pacific Region A brief on the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and some Implications for ordinary citizens. Primer on the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) To the Shareholders of SUEZ ONDEO Water: your merchandise, our lives! Put people first before profit!

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