If you really want to drop weight fast, there's a famous vegetable that banishes munchies by magic: FENNEL. You can feel STARVING, take one bite, chew it, hunger goes. Use this licorice scented green chopped like celery in salad, it banishes all interest in food. Can more than help a diet. It will totally drop the pounds that you don't like having on you. And you'll never feel deprived or hungry. IT STOPS HUNGER.Fennel is found at every fine grocery in the raw salad department. It looks like celery only WIDER, flatter, stalks wrapped around a fat bulb. Used in salads, soups, it works its magic. It has a PANCREAS-CALMING, HUNGER-BANISHING action. The second you swallow one bite, Fennel totally banishes the desire for food yet its pure green cholophyll makes you energetic, ready to work out, be physical. You could be on a really strict diet , work out, and never feel hunger or pangs or cravings. Get seeds online; Grow it in the garden. Seed can be bought out of any seed catalogue online. Looks like DILL. Ferny leaves on a round bulb, bottom. It can grows year round, where there's no freeze so can be planted any time. "Foeniculum vulgare," is its generic name. FENNEL is how it appears in catalogues. FINNOCHIO they call it in Italy. Biennial or Perennial means it grows for years on end. It lasts in the garden. The plants get big, man-height, not just celery height and branches and leaves can be juiced. A few tbsps of juice before a meal and all hunger is banished. Do it in a tisane or tea. Bring water to a boil, lay a few slices of the bulb and some of the frondy tops in pot. Turnoff fire; let steep 15 min. Strain, drink. Or do it in MISO broth or a broth cube. Goodbye hunger. NO SENSE Of being revved or nervous at all. It is not a stimulant. It seems to be a pancreas-calmer. It vaporizes those hunger signals. Makes them disappear. Seems to lift blood sugar, too.Fennel has a strong anise scent in all its parts. Its leaves and seeds are popular in fish dishes. Fennel flavors 'finocchiona,' an Italian salami and the French liqueur, fenouillette. Simmered in vegetable soup the licorice flavor disappears. And your weight will disappear when you eat that soup.
#1 recipe: slice in halves and braise in olive oil and garlic, until browned... Drop into your soup.
#2 saute fennel w/ onion, blanch some cauliflower, combine, dump on pasta w/ mucho parmesan!
#3 use instead of celery in tuna salad, chicken salad.
#4 cut up fennel, rutabaga, turnip, carrot, onion - toss w/ olive oil, salt and thyme - roast in covered pan - dump on couscous, quinoa or pasta