Expanding Social Security Is the Cheapest Way to Bring More Security to America's Retirees - There are many ways to spread the cost of better benefits. ALL EASY TO DO. ASK THE SSA GODDESS (below)![]()
How should the costs of an expanded Social Security be shared without unduly burdening anyone? There are numerous options, all quite affordable, reasonable, good policy, and fair. Social Security’s wage insurance has been financed, from the beginning, primarily from premiums split evenly between employees and employers. Those premiums today are12.4 percent of wages, equally divided between employer and employee, up to a maximum salary amount, $118,500 in 2015. The 12.4 percent rate has not increased since 1990.Social Security premiums are assessed against covered compensation. A larger and largerBy Nancy J. Altman, Eric R. Kingson / The New Press 20 January, 2015 The following is an excerpt from a new book, “Social Security Works! Why Social Security Isn’t Going Broke and How Expanding It Will Help Us All,” published by The New Press, 2015, http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/social-security-works-nancy-altman/1118940783?ean=9781620970379
SSA IS WORKING FINE, BUT IF WE WANTED A LITTLE EXPANSION? Let's study this. If the 'take' rate were to be gradually increased by 1 percent on employers and employees each, over a two-decade period, as some have recommended and we propose, that would translate to an average increase of about 50 cents a week each year. Just that gradual increase would bring in substantial revenue as shown in Social Security Works!.
The maximum amount of wages on which Social Security contributions are
made— $118,500 in
2015—increases every year by the percentage that average wages nationwide
increase. However,
because wages at the top have gone up rapidly over the last thirty
years, while nearly everyone
else’s have stagnated, more and more wages at the top keep escaping
from being assessed for
Social Security. This result of uneven wage growth has cost Social
Security billions of dollars each
year. Restoring the maximum to where Congress intended should
have been done years ago. But
we believe that Congress should go further. The maximum should
be scrapped altogether, or at
least with respect to the employer match. This would result in workers
all paying the same rate on
all their wages whether they earn the minimum wage or are CEO of a
Fortune 500 company. It
also would mean that all wages would be insured against loss in the
event of death, disability, or
old age.
Only 6 percent of the workforce earns in excess of the maximum. Our
plan gradually phases out
the maximum, so that all workers would contribute to Social Security
at the same rate on all their
cash compensation. (It is instructive to note that Congress eliminated
the maximum with respect to
the hospital insurance part of Medicare in 1994.) Those 6 percent,
who would under the proposal
make larger contributions, would also receive somewhat higher benefits.
Nevertheless, the net
revenue gain to the Social Security trust funds would be substantial.
There is no reason that employers and employees have to pay the same
rate, or cover the same
wages. Employers could pay premiums on their entire payroll, while
employees could continue to
pay only up to a maximum wage amount. Persons with extremely large
annual incomes could pay a
10 percent premium on income from all sources in excess of $1,000,000.
There are many ways
that the increased premiums could be allocated. Although our plan does
not include some of these
proposals, they are all reasonable and would produce substantial revenues
to pay for expanded
benefits. And as Social Security Works! explains, new dedicated
sources of revenue assessed
against the mega-wealthy offer other possibilities for income to pay
for an expanded Social
Security system.
Expanding Social Security is Fully Affordable
What will Social Security cost in the future? The cost of Social Security
as a percentage of Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) is close to a flat line for the next three-quarters
of a century and beyond.
Social Security currently accounts for a bit less than 5 percent of
GDP. That percentage is
projected to peak at 6.16 percent in 2035, when the youngest baby boomers,
those born in 1964,
reach their 71st birthdays, and then drop slightly, remaining below
that peak of 6.16 percent for
the subsequent fifty years and beyond.
To put those percentages into perspective, in 2009, a number of other
industrialized countries
spent considerably higher percentages of their GDP on the part of their
social security systems that
provides old-age, disability, and survivor benefits. Moreover, they
spend more today, as a
percentage of GDP, than we will spend in 2035, when the entire baby
boom will be over age 70.
Indeed, we will even spend less at the end of the century than those
nations spend today!
And our nation will be much wealthier then, just as we are wealthier
now than we were
seventy-five years ago, before computers, smart phones, and other technological
Economists project that our GDP will be 430 percent larger in seventy-five
years than it is today,
just as today it is 1,364 percent larger than it was seventy-five years
ago—and that is using
inflation-adjusted numbers, so the growth is real growth. That means
that the 6.16 percent of GDP
will be easier to afford in the future.
Indeed, expanding your Social Security is not a matter of mathematics
or demographics. It is
about values and political choice. It is about what kind of nation
we want for ourselves and those
who follow. It is about peace of mind, security and dignity.
(Copyright © 2014 by Nancy J. Altman and Eric R. Kingson. This
excerpt originally
appeared in Social Security Works! Why Social Security Isn’t Going
Broke and How Expanding It Will Help Us All, published by The New Press
in January 2015, and is used here with permission.)
My pal who worked at SS admin said "I've familiar with this book that just came out, because I know about the organization, Social Security Works that the authors work for.<===BACK TO THE ECONOMYSocial Security has some near-term problems, but they can be fixed, as the article points out. The basic problem is that the people on the far right, like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, hate it because it helps millions of people each month, and because they are suppressives. That drives them crazy. They are zeroing in on SSDI to start with, because of all the bad publicity it's gotten, but their ultimate goal is to get rid of social security entirely.
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