You know diabetes ---that fatal disease fat people get that gives neuropathy, i.e. numb feet, numb hands, numb skull,(ya think the brain isn’t an extremity? ) and which makes your toes fall off, legs die of gangrene, your kidneys fail and your eyesight depart just before you go into a coma and die from an ice cream cone? You know, DIABETES, the disease you think you don’t have. That killed my webmaster Sam who nodded off with a Ben & Jerry's on his chest, galpal found him in bed dead.

Yes you know about it. What's really horrifying about the big D is that could have diabetes right now and not know it. You can feel low blood sugar (does the word STARVING hungry resonate with you?) but you can't feel high BLOOD SUGAR. (though sufferers tell us a hot face after eating sugar and low circulation in extremities, numb feet in the morning are a sure ‘tell.’ Also dizzy vision.

A sure way to know if you have the BIG D HIGH, is to analyze your body against this profile. Getting a belly? Do you still have frequent munchies? Actual HUNGER, low blood sugar? These belong to the prior phase of diabetes, hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. Ironically, Diabetes (HIGH blood sugar) starts with a lifetime of low blood sugar, i.e. the munchies. If you have had a lifetime of nibbling with mainly carbohydrate food choices, (also using those two super carbs, alcohol and sugar as food binge favorites), then it's likely you will one day slide into phase two: running out of insulin, high blood sugar and Diabetes  or TYPE II diabetes where your body has insulin but your cells can not read it. They are so stunned..

                        desire to SNACK. WHAT CAUSES IT? How can we LOSE
                        it?The symptom of having the MUNCHIES indicates that a LOW blood sugar condition is in effect. There may be restless sleep due to blood sugar getting very low 4 hrs after the last meal,i.e. at night. Asleep. You can sip beef broth, rinse mouth, head back on pillow or FENNOCHIO, (FENNEL) it kills appetite. It's a plant like celery, frizzy on top, licorice flavored, costly so do grow it yourself if you can, freeze it all summer in bags for winter use.  A piece of cheese with some fennel soup sipped, from the pillow, will put you back into sleep so you can get a full eight. I used four oz of beer for many years, a cup by the bedside, every night. Then after a few years of that began having that numb foot/hand thing DIABETES gives you showed up ---because an alcohol- bearing carb just wasn't the right choice. When I realized I was TYPE II, I quit the beer with a case and a half left in the house! 

This hunger sensation is produced by your pancreas over-reacting to sugar and throwing off too much insulin. A jagged blood sugar is produced, up down, up down. Have you noted that a sugar meal produced great hunger an hour later? That's LOW blood sugar. If you have low blood sugar and continue to use sugars, that bad choice will definitely bring diabetes. So curb sugar use NOW.

This lifelong high-sugar diet drains the pancreas of its own ability to make insulin. One day the insulin bank account is dry. The reward is illogical. The munchies stop abruptly. You no longer violently crave sweets. If you use them out of habit, you feel hot-cheeked and dizzy. Suddenly, urination becomes frequent, feet become chilly, eyesight starts to go, kidneys start to fail. Diabetes has arrived at your doorstep.

It is important you be sensitive to your body to feel that day when the munchies stop as you must immediately cease all sugar, alcohol, sweet fruit-- because high blood sugar is an absolute killer. If you suspect you have the big D, quitting sugar will buy you time and achieve relief especially if you create certain body-healing goals.


HOW-ENTIRELY CUT OUT animal proteins or go low on them. They are FOODS with HIGH URIC ACID, which stresses the kidneys. Think twice about steak, chicken, fish, meat based soup, organ meats, all animal flesh, all shellfish. SO you can't do three protein  meals a day.Try TWO maybe. Use vegetable proteins and plenty of whole grains. Latest research shows diabetics NEED carbs. 70-80% of your calories should be from unrefined carbs l0% from proteins l5% from fats. (TYPE 2 DIABETIC: If insulin insensitivity, hypoglycemia or low blood sugar is the problem, animal proteins may be consumed in moderation. If chronic hunger nags you, you're in the PRE-Type One or type Zero phase of LOW BLOOD SUGAR. The trick is to stop using sugars altogether and stretch the time between meals w. vegie/bean/fennel miso, TOFU broth, a hunger-staving light protein. Quit coffee and tea, diet sodas, other items which are diuretics and stress kidneys. FENNEL is a big munchie-remover.

For the diabetic, a high-protein diet causes hyper-acidity, toxic bowel and constipation and eventual destruction of kidney function. I know a lifelong vegetarian diabetic who is losing his kidney function right now. Diabetes destroys kidneys, so why do anything that puts a strain on them. Urine is made up of uric acid, found mainly in meat, coffee and tea. 

In addition, the acidity of meat results in calcium excretion, resulting in osteoporosis. (Acidosis of blood leaches calcium). Beans, millet, quinoa, sunflower/pumpkin seeds, tahini, tofu, hummus, raw nuts and whole grain breads are proteins and can be combined into tasty burgers which can be carried to work. Avoid soy concentrate burgers from the store as these prolapse the colon. Avocados are a fine protein. Put themin a big Caesar salad, Skipping croutons. Celeb Comic Drew Carey ditched his Diabetes but not a drop of carb on his diet. See :

The problem with vegetarian proteins is that many, like beans, are high carb, and many  have high phytic acid, which inhibits assimilation of minerals, so as you switch over to them to take the place of FLESH, take mineral supplements. (Calcium citrate should be given with boron, magnesium, selenium, and trace minerals to prevent the Catch 22 of healthfooders, osteoporosis.

Whole grain/seed products can cause rickets from phytic acid causing calcium lacks. Phytic acid is destroyed if pulse /beans are soaked overnight, water thrown away. Or if GRAINS or seeds are sprouted (then the bread is made) or if dough is left to rise in yeast stage for 2 hours. So feel free to use a moderate amount of flourless bread, often called BIBLE BREAD. And make sure your soy product is fermented (as tempeh, miso or tofu).


HOW:If you have morning edema, bags under, puff above lids of eyes, kidney action is already insufficent which means diabetes has progressed. Use distilled water all nite/between meals. Kidney herbs simmered into tea. (Buy box of corn silk, or Uva Ursi herb, found at HealthFood Store. Brew by letting the uva ursi or corn silk steep l5 minutes in water that had reached a simmer, then fire turned off. Leave jar of tea by bed, drink all night, every night.)

NEXT: consume less salt which traps water in body, prevents flushing action. Use Bragg's amino broth seasoning, or vegie salt instead of salt on food. All diabetics urinate more than normal people hence wash out needed minerals. When diuretics like tea/coffee/ sodas are also used, potassium, magnesium are excreted causing heart arrhythmias, so supplant both minerals orally. Liquid potassium is best as pills don't dissolve easily. Or make juices on your 29$ Wal-mart juicer: carrot, celery, parsley, chard, spinach, stringbeans (curative for diabetics), beet and a piece of lemon are a good mixture. Supplement calcium by using CALCIUM CITRATE, with magnesium, plus trace minerals in sea mineral mixtures or alfalfa tablets, avail at HFS and many drug stores and compounding phramacies. Citrate doesn't make plague in veins.

HEALING GOAL #3- BETTER DIGESTION OF PROTEINS Better digestion of protein plus less protein consumed so that kidneys are stressed less. Important for diabetics, many of whom end up in kidney failure on the erroneously prescribed all protein diet.

HOWIf you have any burping after a meal, Take digestive enzymes like ALL ZYME (Protease and Lipase) to be consumed when you eat animal proteins. (This and many other brands available at Healthfood store). Another way to get stomach acid is to eat a bitter dandelion leaf before your meal. Bitters are known to cause digestive enzymes in body to secrete. That is the logic behind a good, dark green salad! Another trick is to smell the food cooking, which generally produces acid flow. If not, add onions and garlic to your hot olive oil, that'll do it!

TO HAVE OPTIMUM digestion, DO NOT COMBINE proteins (in same meal)--with sugar, fruit, starches, milk, sodas or juices as these dilute stomach acid which is needed to DIGEST that protein. UNDIGESTED protein insults and destroys the KIDNEYS. So be attentive; Eat PROTEIN foods alone, COMBINE MEATS only with greens. Do not use aspirin at all. It burns stomach lining so it can no longer make acid. Don't use vinegar which burns stomach lining, hurting our ability to manufacture acid. USE RAW LEMON JUICE in your salad dressings! Avoid pickles, citric acid in soft drinks, pasteurized orange juice, canned 'cooked' juices. Be sure to include STRINGBEAN JUICE daily. Make it on a real juicer. It's magic for the pancreas.

HEALING GOAL #4-Reduce the constituents of VENOUS PLAQUE from diet. You do know that blood fat and inorganic minerals combine to make that nasty plaque inside your arteries. That plaque doesn’t get blown away as you never work up a sweat and have blood hurtling through your arteries. SO EXERCISE. Excess body fat and lipid fat and blood fats along with SALT …like the cement buttering bricks into place, along with super-sedentary couch potato inactivity is found in almost ALL Type 2, INSULIN-insensitive diabetics and is a suspected CAUSE of the condition.)The famous PRITIKIN METHOD depicted in his books will be the diet book you want to order used at ABEBOOKS. (HOW TO ORDER.)

HOW- LOW-fat diet, (except olive oil.) No salt, no city water. (full of inorganic minerals and trace metals.) USE foods high in natural OMEGA 3 oils found in fresh fish or Omega Oil capsules or flax seed oil as they lower blood cholesterol. Get EVENING PRIMROSE OIL as diabetics can't make gamoleic acid. Use GARLIC (one clove squeezed into every savory entree or as Kyolic capsules) as garlic reduces BLOOD TRIGLYCERIDES). Drink organic minerals in solution as raw celery/carrot juice, parsley stringbean etc. juice. These chelate or solubilize and flush out inorganic minerals which cause plaque in veins. TAKE POTASSIUM LIQUID daily for muscle strength. Take calcium in the citrate form because this doesn't leave plaque in arteries. For absorption of calcium (to prevent it ending up in your veins) always take VIT D as codliver oil, magnesium to 'enable' your calcium to be taken in. Use BORON, a trace mineral, also important for calcium absorption. Only a healthfood store would have as sophisticated a calcium formula as this. We need calcium (mineral) supplements when beans, seeds, tahini, nuts and whole grain breads which diet-aware people use, have phytic acid, which inhibits assimilation of minerals, as you start to use them to take the place of FLESH, take mineral supplements. (Calcium citrate should be given with D, boron, magnesium, selenium, and trace minerals. If you take bone meal type calciums, you'd have to add 1 tsp. raw lemon juice to break it down.

HEALING GOAL #5 INCREASE Body's ability to use its own natural INSULIN:

HOW-HIGH VITAMIN DIET, DAILY EXERCISE, HIGH FIBRE FOODS, LOW FAT, NO-SUGAR or fructose and go easy on fruit juices even if you make it on the juicer. Supplement with MULTI-VITAMIN & HERB THERAPY including Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng) Schisandra, licorice. It’s a mystery why TYPE II diabetics lose the ability to react to the insulin the body is still making. But that’s what happens. So go for an all round assault of POWER SUPPLEMENTS to get everything back cherry new the way you were when God made you And you know, God don’t make no junk. Use freeze-dried animal source ADRENALS or liquid form. EAT SUN CHOKES (Jerusalem Artichokes) which have insulinease). Take 400-1000 mcg. Chromium piccolinate daily, eat broccoli and algae. Use Fenugreekeither leaves cooked in sauces, stews, or brewed as a tea. In any form it reduces glucose level 15-18%. (Dr. Madar of Hebrew University) Buy seeds, grow it at home or buy fresh at Middle Eastern or Asian markets. Put it in every vegetable or protein dish  Persian markets have it year round. It lowers blood glucose. That's why women nursing babies can't take it. HOMEOPATHIC insulin. Devil's club root bark, Jambul seed, blueberry leaf, bean pod, dandelion root, leaf, flower. DIABETIC CATARACT (prevent) Bioflavenoids, quercitin. JUICE: FENNEL OR FINNOCHIO and keep it around full time as it brings up the blood sugar in a DOWNWARD SPIKE. Cabbage, chile peppers, stringbean, jerusalem artichoke, bitter melon. Niacinamide. If type two Diabetes is suspected where body doesn't recognize insulin, take cinnamon. For Type II Diab. sage, oregano double insulin activity; tumeric, cloves triple the activity, cinnamon is most potent. Normal doses given in foods fine. Hindu Doctors use GYMNEMA for Type 2 adult onset diabetes. 250-400 millegrams a day. Platycodi Radix (Root), Schizandrae Fructus (Fruit), Capsella Bursa (Stem), Glycyrrhizae Radix (Root), Astragalus Membranaceus Bunge (Root), Lycium Chinese (Fruit), Dioscorea Japonica Thunberg (Root) are in  ELEOTIN diabetes formula. LAST Get DOC to RX METFORMIN, a GLUCOPHAGE as tablets, twice a day. It is a prescription. It inhibits blood sugar production and increases cell sensitivity to insulin (for some reason, in Type 2 diabetes-- adult onset-- cells lose their ability to absorb insulin to control blood sugar). It's good to help with heart problems as well. Some adult diabetics eventually go on to lose the ability to produce insulin as well, and must take shots. 

HEALING GOAL #6-Maintain high vitamin, nutrition to prevent Type 2 Diabetes which comes from years of hypoglycemia unchecked, meaning you knew you had obsessive munchies, wondered if you didn’t have a tape worm but had to chow down hourly on denatured and often sweet foods, empty calories, too much reliance on starches and food based stupor due to CRAVINGS that came fromvitaminosis incurred in a diet of ‘empty calories’ and junk food. You can’t move because your gas tank is empty. The gas tank that should have high energy solar vitamins not FRITOS, CHIPS andDIPS. Well, high mineral blue corn chips baked with hummus might constitute a user-friendly chip an’dip meal, actually. SO UPGRADE your foods. Every bite should be a super food that is a vitamin upgrade. You can enjoy your fave things, but figure out how to SOUP’EM UP! 

HOW- Get vitamins/minerals in a diet of superfood upgrades. Supplement vitamins with capsules. Track down the elusive Vitamin B –12 in the very few foods where it exists. (liver, wheatgerm.) BAN SUGARS. You’ll understand the low Carb diet if you read "ENTER THE ZONE by Dr. Barry Sears. Libraries have this best seller. Buy it used at and learn SECRET METHOD to buy used books there cheaper than even listed. Take a pancreas specific, herbal diabetes formula


HOW- EXERCISE is excellent for diabetics as it disperses blood glucose, reducing need for insulin. Diabetics should take care to also reduce insulin taken on days that they exercise. For type 1 diabetics, 8-12 minutes of exercise should be done after every meal. Exercise also causes you to SWEAT and will flush uric acid from body thru skin, lungs and breath easing the job for kidneys. Exercise in sunlight if possible. You will sweat much more if there's sun. WINTERTIME? Sit in very hot tub of water with 2 cups apple cider vinegar in it, for one half hour. Listen to radio but keep it far from the tub and don’t touch it with wet hands. That way you can do the full half hour and that’s when the sweating starts. The acid makes you sweat more. Go to steam room. You will sweat out uric acid, saving kidneys work. THIN diabetics should not exercise. Fat ones may. Exercise clears the blood of glucose. 


HOW-It is an odd fact but true; fiber in the diet lowers blood-sugar. Beans, pulse like lentils, brown rice, millet, quinoa, all vegetables are high fiber. Add metamucil (unflavored) to raw juices. It's just psyllium seed husks, ground up. Very natural, tasty, almost not there, in fact. There are healing herbs at the healthfood store. See HOW TO CURE LOWER BLOOD SUGAR WITH HERBS

HEALING GOAL #9 REDUCE INFLAMMATION EVERYWHERE IN THE BODY so the IMMUNE SYSTEM isn’t deployed all the time and becomes focused on what’s left, then it can work on your pancreas. (click on URL)

HEALING GOAL # 10- Make sure the back top, right wisdom tooth has no cavity or infection. This tooth leads to the pancreas.


----------------------YOUR PERSONAL DAILY REGIMEN------------------

If Insulin dependent, daily sugar monitoring is required.OR GLUCOSE COUNTING. READ 'DIABETIC DIET, ALTERNATIVE MED STYLE. This regimen immediately, on 1st day, DECREASES your insulin needs. 

DURING NIGHT Distilled water, or UVA URSI or corn silk TEA (kidney flusher) 

BEFORE BREAKFAST: HIGH CALCIUM TEA (raspberry leaves, alfalfa leaves) taken with liquid potassium. HFS sells it in the bottle. 

Or, have fresh orange and grapefruit juice (never pasteurized) as it's too acid. Juice always raw---taken with the potassium. Use citrus that falls ripe from the tree, rather than what’s up in the branches. 3nd year Citrus is ripe but cannot be distinguished from 2nd year citrus.

BREAKFAST-fresh raw milk, made into yogurt with genuine culture. Best brands have FOUR types of culture, up to EIGHT, not one unlike supermarket yogurt. Real yogurt bleeds when cut, and whey leaks out. This is not true of 'fake' gelatin thickened yogurt. Eat yog served w.Papaya, pears, pineapple, pomegranate, raspberries, strawberries. THESE are high organic sodium fruits, desireable to dissolve inorganic salt plaque in arteries. (perhaps in a fruit shake). When you make protein drinks, you can add Spirulina or blue green algae (delicious in drop form) and bee pollen. Or, user berries, cherries, citrus or guavas which are excellent for preventing strokes as they have bioflavenoid and build cell wall strength in arteries, capillaries. All can be used in protein drinks. THE PROTEIN is the yogurt. Watermelon is never mixed with milk. It and all melons are eaten alone but melons are a little sugary for a diabetic, so very occasionally, a small amount only. AVOID CAFFEINE; If you must, use Columbian steam/water processed de-caf. Take your all day brain tonic caps like BRAIN POWER or "Mental Edge" (these have magic brain vitamins, ginseng, amino acids, dong quai, and stimulating herbs like gota cola and gingko that work directly on brain & do NOT work like caffeine on vagus nerve. CAFFEINE aggravates any pre-diabetic pancreas problem. You may have whole grain Bible bread (sprouted grain) toast with butter. Be sure to use bread from healthfood store, not super market. Use jam of the new fruit only variety, made with no sugar, sweetened with grape or apple concentrate. TAKE MULTI VIT PILL that has Vit E, Choline, a MEGA-B-Complex. +Sub-lingual B-12 with every meal. 

MID MORNING: SNACK ON A HALF GLASS OF RAW FENNEL JUICE with CELERY. Snack on HIGH CALCIUM RAW nuts/seeds (almonds should be soaked several hours to enable the astringent peels to be slipped off.) Eat Dried, unsulphured fruits (soaked overnight first and stored in fridge with some lemon juice in the jar of water) but taken in small amts due to your pancreas sensitivity to any sweets. NUT BUTTERS are appetite soothing, rich, tasty in moderation, peanut butter in celery is fine. But real .. no lard in it. NO HYDROGENATED fats can be used in making nutbutter so study label. Use nut butters plus toasted sesame seeds in a cookie batter sweetened with sugar-free apple concentrate. 

LUNCH: 3 high sodium VEGIES like Fennel, Squash, Swiss chard, Chinese cabbage, okra, pumpkin with millet or brown rice, taken with olive oil. Cook Veal bones several hours to make calcium rich broth. Then, put that sliced finnochio and vegetables in and simmer a few minutes. Have high calcium sesame, miso, tahini, garbanzo in sandwich spread, with Dr. Bragg's amino seasoning. Eat salad with high sodium, high-Calcium watercress, celery and romaine.(no white head lettuce). If protein is included in meal take protease enzyme tablet. 

MID AFTERNOON TREAT- High calcium persimmon, peaches, pineapple, berries, all raw, never sugar-boiled/canned. (Calcium sooths nerves, relaxes) A low-sugar baked goodie with festive, social de-caf or herb tea. Use tupelo honey, fructose or white grape or apple concentrate (in frozen cardboard cylinder) or rice bran syrup from healthfood store or use genuine maple syrup INSTEAD of sugar in baked goods. These aren't as aggravating to pancreas as refined sugar or corn syrup. WRAP/FREEZE finished baked goods and only take one small serving a day, alone, without other food. 

DINNER- A protein with salad. Use vegetarian origin proteins half of the time so as not to stress kidneys with too much high uric-acid, animal protein. Tofu with mushrooms is an easy recipe to learn, ditto tofu burgers. 

NIGHTIME make your diuretic tea, with distilled water, using corn silk or UVA URSI herb (a kidney flusher). One hour before bedtime use sleepy time tea, skullcap, valerian, passionflower to cause you to go to bed earlier. More tea taken during night (if you wake) deepens sleep. 

BEFORE BREAKFAST-EXERCISE SESSION-HIGH CALCIUM TEA (raspberry leaves, alfalfa leaves) taken with liquid potassium --- HFS sells it in the bottle. Or, have fresh orange and grapefruit juice (3rd year tree ripe, best is FALLEN from the tree, never pasteurized) as it's too acid, always raw---taken with the potassium as this strengthens the muscles, calcium supplements and a drop of orange-flavored Codliver oil. (Vit D helps absorption of calcium.) 

DIET SUPPLEMENTS: High FIBRE FOODS, LOW FAT, USE Omega FISH- OILS, GARLIC, Fo-Ti, MULTI-VITAMIN & HERB THERAPY including Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng) Schisandra, licorice, Sasparilla. Use freeze-dried ADRENALS and adrenal supporting herb mixtures, often sold as ADRENAL HERBS. EAT SUN CHOKES (Jerusalem Artichokes) in your salads, as they have insulinease which restores body's ability to manufacture insulin.) Put Fennel (finocchio) in your salads and soups, as it calms the pancreas. Use the trace Mineral Mineral CHROMIMUM piccolinate. Take Fenugreek leaves as tea or stewed with dinner. Use L-carnitine, L-Glutamine, freeze dried pancreas, buchu herb tea 2x a day, dandelion root tea, 2 goldenseal caps by mouth, uva ursi. Huckleberry helps with production of insulin. Use complex carbs in diet not refined. No niacin at all.In Traditional Indian Medicine, GYMNEMA is used to manage Type 2, adult onset diabetes. 250 to 400 millegrams a day.

EXERCISE is excellent for diabetics as it disperses blood glucose reducing need for insulin. It also causes you to SWEAT and will flush uric acid from body thru skin, lungs and breath which helps kidneys. Exercise in sunlight. You will sweat. Go to steam room to also get rid of uric acids through skin. 

THINGS YOUR DOCTOR NEVER TOLD YOU:1. Anti-diabetic medications increase the risk of heart disease by 2 1/2 times. 2. Psychotropic drugs (that affect mental function) cause weight gain, 30 lbs per person, adding to likelihood of diabetes. 

*Most of this is obtained from "Reversing Diabetes" by Dr. Julian Whitaker M.D.. Material on phytic acid from "Complete Food Handbook " by Doyle/Redding. 


HUMMOUS-This is a middle eastern HI PROTEIN DISH like party dip, (I use it for that) which YOU will use as sandwich spread as it's thick like chicken salad. It's very satisfying and the highest food you could find in calcium due to sesame, hence it replaces HI-COL, MUCUS producing cheese & milk. All bean-based dishes sour in 4 days so we will freeze half of the finished product, making a lot at a time, defrosting 3 days worth at a time. My kids are crazy about it. Yours will be, too. HAVE ON HAND: One jar/Can TAHINI, (a kind of peanut butter made w. sesame seeds, not peanuts, avail at fancy super mart or Hindu/Indian, Israeli, Iranian, Arab grocery stores.) Dry raw garbanzo beans, onion, soy sauce, pckg untoasted sesame seeds, garlic, lemons, 1 sml. can chopped olives, cumin, curry powder, Cilantro, arugula, Chile-Sesame oil, (oriental section.) chopped sour Pickles optional. 

METHOD-SOAK beans over night. Simmer in crock pot until soft. While beans cook, toast sesame seeds in iron skillet, stirring until they pop. Cool. Reserve most of liquid in beanpot for tomorrow's soup, leave 1/2 cup remaining liquid while you mash beans into a paste. Add 1 part tahini to 3 parts beans, mashing with finely chopped onions, lemon juice, soy sauce. Add toasted sesame seeds to the bean/tahini mix, add a few dashes of chile sesame oil, your spices, cumin, curry, lots of crushed fresh, pressed garlic, chopped pitted olives, chopped cilantro and lemon juice. Freeze what you can't eat in plastic, not foil, as there's acid in hummous and aluminum leaches out of foil. Later, hummous thaws good as new. Serve with tortilla chips (baked whole grain corn only, which you can make in the oven. Never buy commercial, fried) Or use in sandwiches w. pickle/ lettuce/tomato. Or make homemade whole wheat sesame cracker. Kids will eat hummos inside a sandwich but lettuce must be used to keep hummos from moistening the bread!

VEGETARIAN TOFU PATTIES: TOFU (soy curd) has natural plant hormones that supply body with the master hormone that prevents aging. INGRED: tofu, almonds, water chestnuts, minced carrot/celery, onion, garlic and bread crumbs.( 2 slices sprouted wheat bread/toasted as crumbs. Toast bread slices then shred. Chop nuts. (previously we Soak Almonds & then skin). Open can creamed corn. Then, heat pan, pour in oil/butter, mince and fry (saute) shredded garlic, onion, celery, parsley or coriander, (cilantro) bell pepper, carrot, mushrooms. I shred vegies on large holes on grater, never the small! Add nuts, (almonds, water chestnuts also 1 lb tofu, Salt/pepper & vegie broth. Add spices: celery seed, thyme, oregano, sage, sea salt. Stir in a raw egg with creamed corn. Now knead or stir into a mixture. Shape this soggy mess into a croquette, dredge in brown flour/sesame seeds; fry this dredged patty in olive oil /butter both sides litely, The thing is so wet you're amazed you can dredge it, fry it, but it hardens up in the pan. After seconds of frying, transfer to baking dish, bake 20 min 325 deg. You can add goat cheese and tomato sauce last 5 min. OR bake in MEATLOAF shape in a tin. Freeze or fridge 3/4 of slices. They’ll only be in fridge for a day or so as everyone will grab them for a quick hot tortilla taco or sandwich.

VEGIE SANDWICH FILLING -(or party dip very similar to Vegie chicken livers.) PUREE or FOOD PROCESS: Ground sprouted Walnuts, pecans, pre-soaked lentils, cheddar cheese, garlic, soy sauce or Braggs, lemon juice all blended together. NOTE: Pre-soak nuts in water, just overnight to sprout them a little, to inactivate phytic acid. This is partly why we soak and peel almonds before we eat them or before making vegie burger out of them. The other reason is that the skin is astringent so needs tossing. The lentils may have to be sprouted for a few days, changing water 3x a day. 

SALADTHE ULTIMATE VITALITY FOOD- Wash romaine, watercress, spinach, arugula, but not that blanched, head lettuce. Get all dirt out of crevices. HEAD LETTUCE will be great at bedtime as it DEEPENS SLEEP. WASH GREENS, Put in colander. DRESSING- Olive oil, lemon juice, crushed garlic, oregano, dash Lea & Perrins Worchestshire sauce, a little dry mustard powder or dijon, small amt anchovy paste, 2 tbsp crushed avocado and slices of onion, soy sauce for salt, anchovy paste if possible. Mix in large, wooden salad bowl, put greens on top. TOPPING- sunflower seeds, avocado slices, raisins, mushroom slices, hulled pumpkin seeds (only avail. at HFS), broccoli florets, jicama or sunchoke slices, diced green onions, fresh basil, cilantro or arugula herbs and a few raisins. SERVE with stacks of hot, corn tortillas brought to table in a basket wrapped in cloth napkin. Make 'tacos' of the salad. Grow a patch of lusty arugula in your garden. It is invulnerable, selfseeds each year. Your friends will rave about the flavor in your salads. Use high calcium raw spinach, too. 

TOFU EGG SALAD.- Mash l lb tofu with 1 tsp curry powder, 3 tbsp mayo, 2 tbsp healthfood store no preservative, sweet pickle relish, 1 tsp toasted sesame seeds, 4-10 drops chile sesame oil, chopped celery/onion/olives. Spread on bread. You know how you can tell it's not egg salad? It tastes better. 

MAKING SQUASH INTO MEATThe Garden squash patch gives black thumbs alotta cluck for the buck. It's a real bang to grow squash as they cooperate. BUT, eat it? NOT I! So I set about developing recipes that turn squash into a savory meat-like dish that I WILL eat. 

ZUCH OR SUMMER SQUASH MEATBALLS- I let Zuchs grow huge. Slice into two, get seed out and save it for next year's garden. Steam and ream the chunks. By ream, I mean scoop out meat and throw skin away. Put parmesan, butter, bread crumbs, crushed blanched almonds that have been PEELED (boiling water 1 minute, then peel) into the mashed squash. Grate some cheddar or jack in, roll in more crumbs and fry lightly into a burger. I can roll in tortillas, put tomatillo sauce over it, (salsa verde) or red chile sauce, grate cheese on top and have enchiladas. Sauce completes the savory meat illusion. 

(NOTE: TOMATILLOS are easy to grow. Get some very ripe ones at market, not green but more chartreuse in color. Open these with knife, scoop out seed and dry seed on a napkin. When dry, put in envelope and identify it with label, Plant in April.) To make sauce, simmer a dozen halved, peeled tomatillos, one jalapeno in small amt water. When slightly soft, mash, drop into sauteeing onions, garlic, cook a minute, mashing it as you go, then add chopped cilantro. 

BUTTERNUT SQUASHDon't peel. Saute sliced raw pieces squash in olive oil, onions, garlic with the seeds and even the frizzy stuff in the center, with some jalapenos, in the fry pan. After browning, add water or broth, seasoning, thyme, water, 1 tsp soy sauce and tomato if desired, steam until soft enough to cut with a fork. Seeds are delicious but discard the shell, eat only the meat inside. 

PUMPKIN SOUP- Steam and ream the cut pumpkin. Peel then mash the flesh. Saute onions/garlic with black pepper corms and japapeno. REMOVE pepper corms and jalapeno. (Oil will only be flavored by them.) Drop mashed pumpkin meat into sauteeing onions and garlic, (olive oil). Add broth if you're anti-dairy or cream, milk, paremsan, and a tsp of soy sauce, or I've used oyster sauce, a soy type sauce and it works well. Add thyme, pepper, butter, fresh parsley, basil, or coriander, maybe some cayenne. You can put it thru a food processor to get it very smooth, but I don't bother. 

LEMON MERINGUE FISH: Line glass pie dish w. 'crust' of mashed potatoes, fill with steamed ling cod fillets, cover with thick gravy made of fish pan juices, corn starch, raisins, honey, curry powder, lemon juice and its zest. Top w. more mashed potatoes, bake. Limit amt of potatoes you take as they’re high carb and cause blood sugar to rise.

PINATAS (SWEETS)- Make 'Pinatas' and store in jar in fridge. Each colored paper cone is filled with ribbon-chopped dried cherries, (all from healthfood store, having no sulphur) apricots, peaches, raisins, home-blanched almonds, homemade peanut brittle, and dipped chocolates (red grape center) all made w. no sugar. But dried fruit has natural sugar so if you are already diabetic, you cannot use it, or honey. But if you are hypoglycemia, you can handle sml amts of natural candy, rather than supermarket candy. Recipe utilizes larger dried fruits like dates, figs R-stuffed w. nuts or homemade marzipan.Or you can make a paste with dried cranberries, raisins, currants, nuts. Presoak fruit to soften guminess down. (Grind dates, walnuts, home blanched (not purchased skinned) almonds, lemon juice & rind, coconut in blender, add almond extract, roll paste into balls, roll in coconut, put a pecan pc on top.) You will find these natural sugars just as pleasing as the phony stuff that melts the bones out of your body by tampering with your blood calcium levels. 

HOLISTIC CHOCOLATE - HEALTHY Chocolate Fudge "Cookie" Bars (not for diabetics, except for someone who can stop at JUST ONE square of fudge; Mainly for hypoglycemics who crave small amts of natural candy. 

20 medium sized dates. Take dates and slice them lengthwise then place them in a cup then cover with water, leave covered with water for 30-60 min. Drain water, then take dates and open them up and scrape interior fibrous stuff out. Place on plate and use a paring knife to mince up the dates. (Have a seat while doing this, It takes a while) You should then have date paste for mixing into chocolate mixture. Chocolate Mixture: 1 tbsp butter 2 teaspoons vanilla, dash salt, 4 - 1 oz. baking squares unsweetened Bakers chocolate 1/3 cup half and half or cream, 1/2 cup Carnation (or similar) dry milk powder (if milk allergies, use ground up plain vanilla healthfood store cookies made into crumbs, cream cheese too. Get inventive! And if you do, get back to me with your tips. Coconut meat, food processed? Walnuts, blanched almonds? Pulverized? (soak almonds overnight or pour boiling water on, and do it immediately. You PEEL, grind into powder. Take one large skillet or pan and fill halfway or so with water and set on low heat while you place another smaller skillet into that one creating a double boiler. Place butter into skillet and then chocolate squares onto that and melt down, stirring not too often. Have all other ingredients ready to go so you can add them all together quickly. Stir in Half and half---then take from heat---then stir in vanilla ----then stir in dry milk powder---this takes time to stir it together into a pudding like-consistency. After this cools, Have an 8" by 8" buttered pan ready. You are now ready to mix your chocolate and your date paste together. Use a strong spoon, and use a mashing motion. This does take finger and wrist strength. But you want to mix these well together. Then mash mixture into the pan, sometimes the bottom of the spoon will work fine, sometimes you will need to use your fingers a little bit. Then cool mixture well. Cut into portions that give a one ounce dose of chocolate, freeze in plastic or foil. Because there is no sugar, you don't get that sugar headache. Just a lush HIGH from the many splendid natural alkaloids in the chocolate. 

SIDEBAR:Hypoglycemia/ diabetes is visible in the palm of the hand thru red dots on main lines of palm. They look like pin pricks or red sand granules in lines, especially on life line. Folks who have those dots and have LOW BLOOD SUGAR, but who recklessly pork out on carbs/ sugars can easily shoot into diabetes as they gush insulin like a garden hose left on. And run out of it! THAT is DIABETES!

Diabetes is Actually 5 Separate Diseases: Study pub 2018.

Scientists have unveiled a revised classification for diabetes, one they said could lead to better treatments and help doctors more accurately predict life-threatening complications from the disease.
There are five distinct types of diabetes that can occur in adulthood, rather than the two currently recognised, they reported in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, a leading medical journal.
The findings are consistent with the growing trend toward "precision medicine," which takes into account differences between individuals in managing disease.

In the same way that a patient requiring a transfusion must receive the right blood type, diabetes sub-types need different treatments, the study suggested.
Similarly, scientists have also identified distinct kinds of microbiome -- the bacterial ecosystem in our digestive tract -- that can react differently to the same medication, rendering it more or less effective.
"This is the first step towards personalised treatment of diabetes," said senior author Leif Groop, an endocrinologist at Lund University in Sweden, adding that the new classification is a "paradigm shift" in how the disease is viewed.

People with diabetes have excessively high blood glucose, or blood sugar, which comes from food.
Some 420 million people around the world today suffer from diabetes, with the number expected to rise to 629 million by 2045, according to the International Diabetes Federation.

Currently, the disease is divided into two sub-types.

With Type 1 -- generally diagnosed in childhood and accounting for about 10 percent of cases -- the body simply doesn't make insulin, a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels.
For Type 2, the body makes some insulin but not enough, which means glucose stays in the blood.
This form of the disease correlates highly with obesity and can, over time, lead to blindness, kidney damage, and heart disease or stroke. Acute cases may also require limb amputations.
It has long been known that Type 2 diabetes is highly variable, but classification has remained unchanged for decades.

For the study, researchers monitored 13,270 newly diagnosed diabetes patients ranging in age from 18 to 97.
By isolating measurements of insulin resistence, insulin secretion, blood sugar levels, age, and the onset of illness, they distinguished five distinct clusters of the disease -- three serious and two milder forms.
Among the severe types, a group of patients with insulin resistence -- in which cells are unable to use insulin effectively -- was at far higher risk of kidney disease.
"This group has the most to gain from the new diagnostics as they are the ones who are currently most incorrectly treated," Groop said.
Another group facing serious complications was composed of relatively young, insulin-deficient patients.

Our POSTER is ANITA SANDS HERNANDEZ, Los Angeles Writer, mother of 4 and career Astrologer. Catch up with her websites TRUTHS GOV WILL HIDE & NEVER TELL YOU, also The  FUTURE, WHAT'S COMIN' AT YA! & HOW TO SURVIVE the COMING GREAT DEPRESSION, and Secrets of Nature, HOLISTIC, AFFORDABLE HEALING. Also HOW TO LIVE on A NICKLE, The FRUGAL PAGE.  * Anita is at ). Get a 35$ natal horoscope "my money/future life" reading now + copy horoscope as a Gif file graphic!


















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