I've long had a dream of a charity that I could do as a senior, sitting home, in my own city, but then going on CRAIGS LIST to put it before other seniors, so they'd start the charity in their city, taking the whole thing national. It would be Children's Happy in Loving Daycare (that's an anagram,) and would get cash donations for scholarships for latch key kids. The concept is, the person running this charity in a given city gives SINGLES PARTIES (functioning as a fun matchmaker, or runs a LOVEAHOLICS ANONYMOUS Ladies' courtship SEMINAR,) or OTHER POTLUCK FUND RAISERS, Swap meets, Plein Air Art Shows, Church courtyard Garage Sales and at every point uses a CHURCH, its pastor and church social rooms where possible. The Pastor of a community will always help you with this if a.) you give him 10% and b.) You let him look at the books.
The cash raised gets given to the dozens of established Daycare businesses in your area. They all charge about 250$ a month per child I believe. That sum goes for one child of a single mother who will be admitted for free, for that MONTH. And you hope to get enough ingresses to pay for that child for an entire year!
Imagine the day when, in all the cities, single mothers could get free childcare and thusly work a job with her children not only safe but getting pre-school education. I was not able to do that when my 4 babies were young and I was a single mother. I had to stay home with my brood. Luckily, I did astrology, palmistry and tarot and in West Los Angeles, that was a great way to make a living.
Now, I'm thinking of the women who RUN the charity, also. See, there's a huge recession out there. MOST JOBS for women have dried up. RAISING charity moneys can be done as a way for YOU to make a living. You get to salary yourself a certain percentage when you RUN a charity. So the concept is, you PUT YOURSELF at the HELM of a charitable group. We'd all go under the same National Group name, but work independently of one another for efficiency, as local bureaus of the CHILDREN HAPPY In LOVING DAYCARE SCHOLARSHIP ORG .
Sure, there are other charities that need doing. Being a senior now, no wheels, no market near, no way I can get to a cheese freebie giveaway or can giveaway. I know seniors need a ride to the market, so a once a week SENIOR VAN is a great idea. One could do MEALS ON WHEELS, OR CANS IN VANS, thusly feed the senior hungry, get can donations and carry those groceries to seniors, there are all kinds of charities to do but I like taking care of babies' futures myself, invest in the younger generation, so by predilection, I'd do latch key kids. (A child locked in a room with a TV all day while Mom works is somewhat STUNTED, mentally as well as emotionally.) So I'd love to do scholarships to DAYCARES, but no wheels, no church even near me, there's no pastor I can communicate with now. So I do it the way I do my other seminars, ONLINE! INSPIRING YOU TO DO IT especially if you're young, energetic and have a car. Working moms need something better than a LOCKED FRONT DOOR and a TV watching their kid.
I remember going to the local daycare (the local grammar school had one, about five blocks walk.) . It was 1970. The price for 4 children even then was more than I'd earn in any job. So first hand, I realized there was a serious HOLE in the way cities have organized to help impoverished families especially single parents.
Such a charity would provide paid up scholarships for children so that single mothers would not just lock infants and toddlers in an apartment with one another and go off to work.
Now, I bring this up today as last night, in my dream someone left me 20 million to do this work. and even in my sleep, I went 'how do I keep the IRS' hands off this money?" and the rest of the dream was me all panicked, exploring banking methods that might get the whole sum of money offshore. I awoke thinking, "Sands, you don't have to turn to CRIME! All one must do is have the NON PROFIT, TAX-EXEMPT FOUNDATION up and running before you get a donation or get left somebody's million buck testament. CREATING a charity is fairly simple. You write the Secretary of State at the capital.I actually did it once, with CHERISH. (Children have every Right to Immunity from Sadistic Headmasters,) after my son got beat up by a teacher. Cherish went on to give a concert to fund CHILDREN arrested in foreign lands for drug offenses. I'd just seen MIDNIGHT EXPRESS. We paid for the food and music and ran out of money right there. No profits. I quit the charity biz at that point having sunk a month of work into it. Stayed home and did astrology, that was my charity for my 4 kids!
But today I'm a senior and seniors can dream. I intend to let my readers (my vulture sandwich website, etc) and/or readers of all the many other free seminars that I do know about this idea. Know that I am (or will soon be,) a tax exempt non profit and they should leave VULTURE SANDWICH ORG a chunk in their will... if they do not have children of their own ...or a cat or dog they want to leave well-fixed. And if you want to start a VULTURE SANDWICH ORG in your town, you can. And I'll be your L.A. Calif. franchise.
So I sent that letter out. A gal answered, You have no right to make a living off sad, homeless, disenfranchised people. She was on a YAHOO LIST, so I shot back my answer to her and a few thousand other lurkers. "The person who runs a charity does not have to wear a hair shirt. She doesn't have to do it as a monastic activity, abasing herself or himself by not giving her/himself an hourly wage. Assuming most of us have no psycho guilts incurring a crazy need to pay GOD BACK & we're just ordinary Joe Six Packs we need a wage for the work we do. CLARA BARTON who started the RED CROSS got room and board as soon as the thing was going. She was so involved in sick people she never needed spending money or a per dium. (Hospitals fed her.) But we have children, rents, utilities, right? How nice to have rent and food taken care of while we dedicate our life's
HOURS to God's work. MONEY can be HOLY, Money is an exchange of time taken & material energy spent and while the work truly is all about the spirit, we render unto Caesar what is Caesars first, then the rest we give to God. The Charity Law says you can only have X amount of the funds you raise for the workers. They have a cutoff point built into it. There's no THEFT or embezzlement going on. Sure, it's tempting to give a church bazaar and get sixteen to twenty grand donations or receipts and sure, all the priests could use a twenty dollar bill for blackboards, chalk for the daycare center or a few dollars for Colombian coffee upgrades instead of the bargain bazaar bitter Brazil crap... but hey, the type of people who go into helping third world people with DEATH painted on their foreheads usually can do without fancy coffees. So maybe the blackboard money but that's it. Higher type people who care about dedicating their hours to charities do not get strung out over earthly pleasures. Anyway, the work itself is full of pleasure. It's a lovely thing to give parties where the group fund raises, helps new people meet, singles and seniors who need friends. Everybody hears music, gets a great meal, dances, or in a bazaar or garage sale, shops, has auctions or whatever and THE PERK is you get to send wholesale cartons of peanut butter to HAITI and maybe the manufacturer gives you a few extra. So we have triumphs and some really hot flashes of gratitude and bliss.<=== BACK TO THE VULTURE SANDWICH "HOW TO DO A CHARITY" WEBSITE.