BORING PARTY CONVERSATION is endemic. HOW to have TERRIFIC
        PARTY CONVERSATION:        


        THAN WHAT'S ON TV. Where can we go to have a stimulating NIGHT?


THERE are conversational subjects that are so riveting that when you just start to talk about one of these HOT subjects, all talk at the dinner table stops dead and everyone stares at you at first, blankly, then hypnotized, then riveted, then jaws drop, they listen in stunned silence for a while, then as you get to the flare up controversial parts and invite comment or opinion, they are moved to contribute. You hold the floor just for the first few moments, but then everybody joins in as this is an OPINION ROUSING THEME!. 


All this you will do like an arsonist lighting a match, then stepping back. You start off shyly, gently, gracefully, like a student speaking to a teacher, gently, without certainty on this “PHD level” news current event or situation, but bringing the subject up because you want to seek our opinion on it,as you defer to OUR brilliance, and  NEXT.) You want to share. If pals don’t know about this event, you feel that they should. Not LIKE you knew it all, pedantically or show offy but with heart, --you offer nutritious tidbits for the mind that outshine any other conversational morsel at the table and warns citizens who may get caught unawares…beforehand, for their own safety. All the listeners become engrossed in the subject, and appreciative that you are there as you LIT this really good conversation. Here are examples, samples of things that are meaningful today.


THE PEAK OIL concept. --a term used by scientists, geologists, economists, to denote the possibility that the planet may be

OUT of that bubbly black stuff. IF OIL were like a MAD PARTY, they’re trying to tell us “GANG, It's MIDNIGHT! “ Now, I don’t know if we need to believe them. INSUFFICIENCY THEORY is very typical of fascist societies. The Big Boys love to get us all worried about lacks so that we tolerate PIRATE  resource wars and genocide. SO let’s just check for ourselves. This will make us even more convincing at a dinner table. Google the term ‘peak oil’ which I did and got


One skims the info, gets the gist, clicking on those URLS brings up this information. Some sources allege that we’re out of oil. They say we MUST MAKE war as OIL IS ALL GONE. The PEAK OIL people want the war. ANY journalist who's selling you the 'running out of oil' spiel is being paid by the government  and pols do it for the IMF/ FEDERAL RESERVE BRIT BANKERS


SCIENTISTS who are NOT ON THE TAKE< at least not ALL of them, tell us another story, that there is endless OIL on this planet. We didn’t need to MAKE WAR ON VIETNAM killing two million of them, which we did for oil. THE ROCKFLRS knew that it was the planet's biggest oilfield, that ocean bottom, right off the beaches of Nam. God didn't let us win that war, either and now, our gov is doing it again in Iraq. And AFGHANISTAN as that’s where the PIPELINE will go to drain RUSSIAN FIELDS. Carry oil to the ocean where oil liners wait. We don’t need to MAKE WAR ON IRAQ, steal their oil, kill l00k civilians, install a new puppet, all to rob them of black gold? THERE IS PLENTY OF OIL.  So read, you decide, then scatter around the above information. 


BECAUSE this is not trivial celeb gossip, which granted, is also riveting….because it has impactful, meaningful, culturally redeeming features, a nimbus will settle on your head in the listeners’ eyes. You become ‘special.’ You won’t exploit that perception to score brownie points. IN ALL HUMILITY you are simply bringing up something to our attention, maybe seeking our senior opinion. You are spreading a ripple of CIVIC ACTIVISM. KNOWLEDGE is safety and its own reward. Your zeitgeist is that you are attempting to participate in heroically saving the planet, by everyone finding out what the truth is. If we’re being bamboozled by our own leaders, who tell us we’re out of oil and raise the prices on it…..and if there is enough oil, it’s sure a shame to go into IRAQ and steal theirs!


I mention this because there is another theory, also scientifically explained, which is why this is great conversation, (CONTROVERSY!) that THERE IS PUHLENTY OF OIL LEFT. The proponents of this theory maintain that THE FIRST GROUP, the PEAK OIL Group, works for the MAN, the BIG BOYS, and the Scarcity Myth will keep us in a panic and keep WARS going. So potential conversation theme #2 is


II. ARE SUCH SCARCITY MYTHS PERHAPS TO CONTROL THE SHEEPLE ?- THE PLANET has endless abundance. ALL these SCARCITY theories derive from the days of Sir THOMAS MALTHUS (who worked for Queen’s Naval College as a teacher, was like the KISSINGER of their day and who developed MALTHUSIAN theory back in ELIZABETH I’s time, maintained that we were running out of land and Europe would starve, ergo it propelled the DISCOVERERS going in boats to find more space! Conquerers were propelled to invade and kill and steal and plunder and do the crusades. The new world was annexed by all the Different European countries, chunk by chunk.) GOOGLE the word MALTHUS or MALTHUSIAN. OR click on his name above. It’s a live link.


See SCARCITY suits the big boy. Scarcity thinking always starts panic in the people and creates (if rash,) ACTION! Big Boy planned it that way. He doesn’t want a lot of hippies sittin’ around sucking on grass. Tell them GOD will be angry with them, they BUILD PYRAMIDS. Fear will get them into boats sailing to the New World, or better, shooting one another up, building landmine fields instead of planting corn. 


The MAN gets rich selling guns and boats and annexing land and exploiting Indians and mining the colonies. He does not get rich when the peons plant corn and hug their wives and breed more kids! BIG BOY just wants enough kid to man the factories, no more, no less.


BUT THE FACT IS, THERE are HUGE quantities of OIL and NATURAL GAS in the USA! Easy to get to. THE PIPES are already built to carry it south to the lower 48.READ GAS GALORE!(*Live Link)

Now, another theme of conversation, but maybe you’d better wait for another party….

III. BANKRUPTCY HAS BEEN MADE ILLEGAL. (clickable live link!) 2005 LAWS PASSED by Bush Jr PERTAIN TO ALL OF US!The Bankruptcy Reform Bill got passed largely under the radar, went thru CONGRESS like a suppository, and with no amendments attached to it at all. WE NOW cannot get out of any credit card debt. When a girlie talks about these things, it’s best to get the MEN to describe the exact law and its tenants. That helps a girl figure out who at the party has brains. But if a guy slips on any detail, you can innocently fill in.




STUDY the News web sites’ pages WELL. Those WEEKEND PARTIES are coming up, CONVERSATION is req'd! I am suggesting PEAK OIL concept might make men stare at you in awe! Then run out and buy hybrid vehicles and take you for a drive. Who knows where this will lead?



 CONVERSATION 202, the PART DEUX of themes to discuss, for you advanced students 


CONVERSATION 303 is coming




CONVERSATION 505 is coming.