It is my experience that SOME people who OVERLY FIXATE
on and ADORE animals --hate humans

Blondi, Hitler's dog shown with AdolphI have first hand acquaintance with the "Blondi Syndrome."  Blondi was Hitler's beloved German shepherd bitch who birthed her last litter in the bunker. He so loved her that A) for that last year he threw her in the hole with himself and his Gang, and b.) he had the whole group cyanided when he had to leave this plane, not trusting any pal to raise the pooch without Daddy along. (!) I knew this kind of person as my beloved father had all these traits. He adored his animals SO MUCH. He never in all the years that I observed him ever spoke a single word to any of us kids except to yell 'go to bed!' I knew him fifty years. NOT ONE WORD. Well, when he got near his 90's, 'come over and cook for me.' But in his 80's when he came to my house and I cooked, he'd just sit watching TV eating. He was not stupid. He was a big star composer arranger at MGM. Johnny Green, Mikos Rozsa,  Franz Waxman, Tony Martin, Cyd Charisse, Greer Garson, Mario Lanza would come to our house. Mario would tear apart the fridge. Greer would sit at the piano with him planning her nightclub act. Daddy was hired by them all for their night club acts outside of MGM. He worked for Marlene Dietrich but SHE didn't come over. They spoke German together. He did her Desert Inn Vegas act when Bacharach was out of comish. Dad worked for Charlie Chaplin, played tennis at Charlie's too, was asked to Arrange LIMELIGHT only Dad's boss at MGM Johnny Green said 'you can't work for that commie!' And Daddy played tennis at Rudy valee's til Rudy died and even after, The widow let him. So Daddy made house calls.

Like Hitler, Dad was used to being leonized, even by film stars, So imagine how cordial and witty he was at home when he conversed with Mommy at dinner and we were allowed to listen to his wit and brilliance, his Oscar Wilde act --performed at the dinner table. But WE didn't exist for him. He could not feature that one day we would need some grounding from a basic, social interacting, maybe some advice, some personal vignettes to know him better. Or that we'd need his counsel. WE GOT NONE OF THAT. His poodles got it. Same with his parents who were careerists too. And had pomeranians. All from Germany by the way. Only emotion I EVER saw from my father was that he wept when his dog Christy died. Once I went to his new house to reclaim my stereo (400$ from my first acting job had bought it.) He'd taken it after my Mother divorced him for philandering. Well as I started to walk out with it, he beat me up. Fists to face. I persisted and got out of the house with my stereo shocked that he should interpret my REPO as something that demanded fists! So, I'm getting to something here, a man who bonded with animals and was tender and loving with them and was miserable to every other relative.

So here's the Blondi THEOREM. Animal lovers having a choice, prefer pets to humans and do not feel ANY OF THE FEELINGS that their children, mates, extended family or friends have! They are numb to feelings. They will split their time fifty fifty with friends and family, but they're nimble at getting away from anything real, tedious with them. Their joy is the pet. And their own career.

Hard Core animal activists don't have any use for humans. You want to prove a theorem, exaggerate it. Extrapolate to the end of spectrum. Animal activists --- they really LOATHE DESPISE AND HATE ALL HUMANS! They maintain cordial, crisp modalities to hide the reptilian center but they'd as soon shoot you as talk to you. (Like Adolph, pictured above. ) And I know it's true about a lot of pet lovers, especially the most virulent kind as I met some diehard activists recently, 3 killers who wrap themselves in the flag of being dog or cat activists so they can feel a heart beat and a pulse in their chest.

I have never been put thru a Hell like the one I entered when I met the cat crone. It was 11 years ago, when I first moved into the Valley and began feeding my cats outside in fenced front garden. Other cats smelled the boiled chicken meat with green vegies added last four minutes & those freeloader pussies would come, so I'd feed them too. And it got to be a squadron of a half dozen hungry mouths and occasionally more

ONLY ONE WOULD LET ME HOLD HIM. "SPARKEY" I called him as he must have been smart!
anita sands hernandez and her fave cat, Sparkey
Neighbors could see the laggards in the driveway their little heads bent over bowls of boiled chicken. The 'cat action' attracted the attention of  a warped cat-fascinated crone, four houses down. Suddenly Our Dog Java (chained on long chain on tree during the day, got reported to the Pound. "No chain on any tree, madame, not for over 3 hours'' pound employee said.. Dog must be in a fenced back yard, no chain." "But My son gets off work early at 4pm, then boy and dog are together. "Sorry. Put him in the Back yard." So I did. A big big shepherd who didn't bother the cats, got the yard. No trees small enough for that chain, only fifty five year old trees. Yard was rounded and sealed by honeysuckle hedges on 8 foot high cyclone fences. The very first day, Java climbed the ivy and leapt out. My son and I both went driving around that day looking for him and my son found the smashed body, wept like a child for hours, said he hated me and would never talk to me again. Ever. And soon he was indeed to move out.

A few days after Java died, LATE AT NIGHT, I noticed 3 metal cat traps around my house, not so much NOTICING as they appeared at night, but hearing cats trapped in them --howling. I ran outside. There were my pets. Intuitively, I knew who it was. The crone down the street -- a woman with several dozen cats, an animal lover who I'd seen coming up here to look at the dog ---had probably reported Java on a very long chain in the shade of a tree.  Now, no dog in the house to bark at her, she could trap cats. Not that she reported the dog for that reason. I KNOW she loves animals. She inadvertently caused JAVA's death, though.

I did not take the 3 traps to her. I made her come over for them then said 'my dear, you nailed three of my pet cats! I had to let them go, all that screaming.' She played a critical Mother Teresa imitiation, said that she just wanted to neuter them and that she did this 'trap, neuter release' thing for ferals and how she spent three grand a month on vets. I went to her house at her invitation and would again many times in the next decade and  realized that she had Baron Munchausen madness ... vet addiction. she had a stand, blood bag, needle, did IV's on cats!

I knew she was weird. If you realize you have a lethal landmine buried in your own back yard, what do you do? I chose to build a rosebush around it and stupidly didn't criticize her, didn't get mad, I tried to make her a friend so that she'd stop being a pain-in-the-ass enemy.  Hard to do as she never smiled, was grim, extremely critical of me, up tight and in general showed contempt and was no damn fun at all. Face like a rat,a rodent face by the way. Not a human face. Rat like.

She began to demand the wild cats collected around my house, fed twice a day by me, were neutered. I let her. Every few weeks, we'd trap a new group, she'd carry them to CATNIPPERS, where they had wrangled a 'free operation grand' as she was chums with A real Cat org out here in the valley.

But let's go back to that first triple trap event which she had DONE WITHOUT ASKING ME. That same week, the crone Dorothy, saw that I'd gone to market, as my car was not in front. She  broke into my back garden unlocking a closed gate and from the tracks in soil/ beds later, I realized she had run around all the RAISED vegetable beds, at high speed, knocking down planks THAT RAISED THOSE BEDS, the stakes that held up the planks the loose, fertile earth spilled out over a dozen paths, and trampled vegies all of which she'd done RUNNING after feral mothers and their wildly fast kittens. When I asked next day, 'what were you doing in my garden, she said 'oh my tom cat is missing.' I wanted to scream, destroyed The Home Depot Mexican Cristobal's WORK of building raised beds, a few dozen of them. ALL GONE. Vegies stomped on. But I calmed myself and even believed that emotional story, though footprints and destruction showed me clearly that she was running!

In the next ten years, I let her help me neuter cats, my own and ferals. She wanted the baby kittens for her gal pal who had 'a cat charity/ adoption agency ' of some kind. Three different charities over the next decade. Later I'd discover that one of them, Monika had a gift shop, no cat charity at all but got UP TO 450$ a kitten donation. Monika preened about that, (being German ) but I didn't think anything. You don't until THEY COME FOR YOUR FAVE KITTEN.

There were two other adoption agencies earlier, Belinda's and Elyse's  Probably all profiting, too. Later I'd google find the first two were legal charities, just not the last. ) I slid into role of feeder/ breeder for them and became a KITTY SUPPLIER  without my even knowing what was happening. THEY knew what was happening. every summer to get the kitties, they threatened me, (We will report the cats, they'll all be killed by pound.) browbeat me, insult me. If I slowed down on handing over kittens, the Crone would tell me 'oh guess what, some of our neighbors want to report you to the Pound' making me instantly sick with dread.  "But don't worry, I'll talk them out of it", she assured. The crone was like her rat face, mendacious, tricky, manipulative, Macchiavelian and downright weird but I COULD NOT SEE the VAST PANORAMA behind the kindly church going spinster BOGUS PERSONA. She manifested that she was Mother Teresa Incarnate  so I continued to feed ferals and an occasional queen would lay a litter and the crone continued to help me get neutering coupons and harvest the kittens. One or TWO LITTERS A SUMMER.. When I lost my untagged car, she sold me l8 lb kibble bags so kitties would be fat & fabulous. She made me pay her, of course, full price. MONIKA the third charity in a decade but not really, GERMAN senior, actually GAVE me cans of cat food and I think 3 l8 lbs bags of kibble, free, over the last year when I knew Monika. She wanted healthy kittens at all costs. It seemed so very generous and kind but really was GERMANIC and NEW ARYAN MASTER RACE  yet I swear, I couldn't see where we were heading. Not til the day very late in the game when MONIKA confessed she got $450 for a single kitten! THEN I GOT IT! But that was way later.

Then in steps the last of the three people who would end up putting me in jail, in a court, accusing me of stealing my own cat back.. the cat activist MasterMind, the man who set me up for JAIL!. How did I meet him?  Hard times hit and the city stopped giving freebie neutering coupons. I asked this actress friend, (I'd known her since junior high so for 58 years) to use her PETA connections to get coupons.  She and her very wealthy HUSBAND, MICHAEL were well known, hi profile dog/cat activists. They avidly said they'd help. "You have no money for all that cat food, we're connected with PETA. Let us get together some free coupons, we're in with the whole Animal Regulation dept here." So, STUPID here, agreed to let them help me fix my cats, (noting they had city coupons available to them to get a 200$ spay or neuter surgery done for absolutely free and  were super connected with the activist community. Even with the top OFFICIALS I was soon to find out!).

What I didn't note was that her wealthy husband accepted my petition with panting alacrity, glazed eye and AVID
INTEREST. Fool that I was, I did not realize he was in a paroxysm. He  was now in his control. He was doing me a favor. My next mistake: I introduced him to my neighbor the cat activist the  bible thumping Crone who trapped my kittens all the time, ran in my garden, also who fed cats at the airport, trapped, neutered, released and who'd gladly drive the cats in cages to CATNIPPERS (his freebie vet choice) and pick 'em up. Then he sent in a third activist, a German woman Monika who would do the actual trapping of  ferals on my street and buckle my cats into their cages to give to the CRONE activist WHO DROVE. and picked up. My 28 year old Honda Civic was not legally tagged and up to date at times, at other times dead in the water, no tags, no water pump or I'd have driven.

They told me that 7 PM was cage up time. I indicated that I wanted to hand over cats in the morning or daytime as I went to bed at 3 pm being on a graveyard  work shift. I reminded my junior high school chum the wife of the mad neuterer that I was a candidate for open heart surgery, had to oxygenate with SLEEP, 8 hrs of it. They were not interested. 7 PM or nothing. I had no time to get off GRAVEYARD SHIFT which takes advancing an hour a we were neutering a few every weekend. I got on this shift at PSYCHIC HOTLINES and turned it into an exotic second job, being an astrology researcher writer, who wrote web seminars all night long, so as not to be distracted by daylight, gardening and other tempting stimulus. They insisted they had to come at 7 pm. In the middle of my sleep period. I begged for the pick up hour to be changed. SIX AM? 7AM NOON? Anything but during my sleep period! I was agreeable and polite, humble, begged on my knees. Almost. (There I exaggerate. I don't get on my knees for anybody. I guess I should have.) They all  said No. Impossible. We need them at 7 PM. We fast them til 7 am when they go to doctor. Yes I said but I can fast them and 7 am is fine. NO. they said. Wouldn't hear it. Well I said, wait til I can change my body clock. I move forward an hour a day  so in two weeks... I was mentally calculating when I heard: "No. NOW. TODAY Or we report you to city and they take 'em all to their death." "YOU WHAT?" I couldn't believe it. They were threatening to gas my cats?

I believe all edicts come from God. Somehow on some level, God mandates all. The waking me up after 3 hrs sleep went on every SUNDAY NITE for about five weeks cuz their vet would do 4 someweekends, or 5 or 3 or two at a time. I had to trap and cover cages so cats weren't frantic. I stopped sleeping entirely.

Prolonged sleeplessness makes even a HEALTHY YOUNG person ragged and weeping, depressed, insane and unable to earn a living (typing accurately at least,, which is what I do. I do horoscopes. Am an internet witch, have to type 8 hrs a day. I totally stopped doing my work. Clients piled up, I couldn't pay the rent. My landlord wondered what was up. I didn't know how to tell him it was CAT NAZIS. But it was something more. I am seventy years old, three holes inside my heart, aortic, sistolic and one more...pulmonary, that's it, and docs have been saying that I need open heart surgery to patch those three valves. I didn't tell that to the CAT NAZIS, though the cat activist's wife, my junior high gal pal,  knew it yet she bowed to her tyrant husband in all things. Both continued to nag me to hand over kittens. Tame them and hand them over. ONLY CATS and DOGS mattered to them. They were Tyrants for Tomcats: Their way or the highway. And they repeated the threats to send all my babies to the pound which would kill all my darling cats. So I remained stalwartly polite to my torturers. And obeyed orders SEIG HEIL MEIN FUHRER! I saluted!

And the well heeled cat activist man (married to my junior high homeroom class best gal pal,) wrote
horrid daily e mails to me many times a day insisting that I was being a  prima donna, exact words, a jobless scoundrel, a welfare Barbara, (referring to 25 years of raising four kids with a Basque non paying daddy far away in Mexico City..) and in general KEEPING the best kittens for myself and dragging my heels, sending me complete raving diatribes emailed not only to me but CC'd to THE PRESIDENT OF ANIMAL REGULATION (read DOG POUND) in my city and to groups of his activist friends as if inviting them to a gang bang, claiming that this stupid woman didn't want to neuter her feral cats  using phrases like: "I am going to report you and have them all taken by animal reg. " i.e. gassed. Spoken like a true Nazi. MASS' EM AND GAS 'EM. Now that's racketeering, threats and all, so I quietly mentioned that there was a Rico Racketeering amendment prohibiting profiting from criminal activity (a fake cat charity) and threatening famliies for kittens. They knew I was on to them.

I wrote my high school girlfriend, "tell your hubby to lay off! What he's doing is illegal. 8 emails here where he threatens me with killing my cats if I don't hand over that one kitty that I want to keep little Henry.". She's no PC gal, 'goes in her email once a month. So guess what happened. He opened HER email, and he answered me with all the same misspellings he used in his regular mail to me, yet he signed her name. He mimicked her prissy voice exactly even as "she" told me to piss off and stop being a bitch. 'She' had that Mary Poppins tone.

Next horror, the cat Nazis, (that's what I came to call them,)  wanted all my young kittens. Seems the German cat nazi had kitties caged at her boutique and sold them like gum drops at her posh  shop, got donations, big hefty ones for kitties,  I refused, they threatened that they'd sic the cops on me. Dog police, get my animals all killed. I was a wreck. Breaking into tears at all hours. Unable to do my work, just writing letters to them saying I'm here, I'll do it. But the kitty named HENRY whom I loved most -- I wanted to keep. Or give to an astrology client friend. They wouldn't hear of it, said the kitten should NOT go to devilworshippers who did satanic ceremonies and told me  all my astrology clients and friends were hippy warlocks, not theatrical agents, actors, dress manufacturers, heirs to iron pipe factories, school teachers, which they are.

So get the picture. These animal-loving activists invaded my life, dictated cruel hours, criticized me, ran me down to each other and threatened to murder my clan, all with evil sadistic glee. Each email lambasting ME was directed to groups of other activists they knew, utter strangers to me! Many working at ANIMAL REGULATION! WHo
seemed to share some fever of hatred against folks who didn't neuter, which I WAS DOING which I HAD ASKED THEM TO DO. But they didn't have any Jews to kick around that week so they had to make do with me.  I became THAT "BAD CAT LADY"  WHO WOULDN'T COOPERATE ---when I'd approached THEM! They depicted me to others as their favorite type of sluggard, the cat hoarder, even used that word!. With a mere 8 cats in my backyard, 3 who slept in house,  (and I knew addresses of a few ferals on the street which I fed religiously but they weren't MINE. )  THE CAT NAZI CRONE NEIGHBOR OF MINE HAD THIRTY cats in neat cages, locked in bare rooms like a concentration camp! Stacked like FIREWOOD. They never got out of these small rooms, 8 x 8. 10 x 12... I was able to look in and see them when we went thru her garden. (I wanted to landscape her yard to pay her back and digging out there, left alone, I could observe she had a scary cat collection in lock up).

Every weekend, a few cats got neutered. Week after week, I got 3 hrs sleep on weekends. I was a mess. I've been on my doc's list for open heart surgery to replace valves, so I oxygenate with sleep. BUT NOT WITH THIS GANG. Months on end without sleep on weekends.  And to boot, all week long, the MALE SUPER RICH ACTIVIST guy was sending me emails saying "give me kittens, do this do that or I call the pound" and they will kill all your animals, and he actually cc'd that email to three or four big pound officials. !!! He has no human sensations. Could not imagine a.) that I was cooperating, he had no need to take out heavy artillery, and B) that kind of thing cuts to the heart! A heart that already needed various parts replaced.

FINALLY, One eve at 7 pm, the Crisp German Lady activist, from Bremen actually-- real close to MUNICH where HITLER got his start --said "Can't we open the garage, for the ferals for when it rains." NO NEED. my back door is open, cats use it when they need it. 24/7. I have my son's guns in the garage, I can't unlock it. What if these guns got stolen? Thieves around here with a shotgun and pistol?

She went right to the rich sadist and told him. Anita is armed. She could kill us all if we push her too hard. At that point the RICH GUY went bezerk; feeling in his total guilt of being a sadist this paranoid feeling that I'd shoot him! That he had pushed my buttons to the Nth degree and that I was capable of murder. SUCH WAS HIS PARANOIA. Right? Hitler was a notorious PARANOID. Let nobody near him at public functions. So the RICH CAT ACTIVIST did some serious sleuth work and  tracked down my entire family. He  emailed and  phoned
each member of my family, said I was uncooperative, wouldn't allow animals to be neutered (by then they were all neutered by that time so he lied like a rug,) and then he asked very obliquely, was it true I had guns in the house?

IMAGINE you're my mother and sister, my brother, my sons, my daughter and they all hear that? YOUR MOM IS CRAZY AND HAS GUNS. Well, I get these phone calls saying just that. "ARE YOU CRAZY" HAVE YOU TRULY GONE AND LOST IT?" I try to explain the above, get no further than CAT NAZIS and they hung up on me. None would invite me for Thanksgiving or Christmas. I was out crowd wIth my own crowd. Have not seen any of them since, none have talked to me either. SCARY. MY LIFE RUINED in one fell swoop by a cat lover. Only he made ME look wacko!

So, I am writing this to explain the misunderstanding to my family. The gun remark by the Male Cat nazi was nothing more than ADOLPH Hitlerish,  UTTER raving PARANOIA of getting SHOT BY ME, by my going to his  mansion and picking him off from the curb. Paranoia goes with evil as does guilt. Hate/ Paranoia, Murderous feelings, these syndromes are typical of this TYRANT type. They hide it from themselves by having great love bouts for kitties and puppies.  Or being PETA donators. They know unconsciously that they're wack jobs, petty tyrants, sadists, people haters. WHich is why guns terrify them as in their mind, all humans are potential killers. All of this is part of the Blondi SYNDROME. I hear it's called the PETA SYNDROME too. They love dumb critters which can't talk back, don't criticize, who need love every time they see you, don't hold anger and have big soulful eyes. They drape animals in anthropomorphic gloriousness. See things in them that aren't really there. That glistening cocker spaniel eye and licking tongue is TOTAL true meaningful LOVE. No matter that it's really advanced STOCKHOLM SYNDROME by the poor trapped animal.

BUT THERE ARE THREE OTHER HORRORS TO GO. Each worse. First, five cages go off to the CatNippers one morning, (four ferals, one my pet Patti Kate.). Four cages return. The crone brings the four to the curb, starts unwrapping groggy cats. Pure white young PATTI KATE is not there. She denies she was ever there. I call the rest of the SS. Cat Team, complain, Dorothy didn't bring my pet home, just the four ferals. She STOLE the pure white cat! Dorothy drives off, angry and brings back Patti a few minutes later from her garage. She'd tried to steal her and I've made her lose face. I just had my baby back,  I sort of forgot about it, but she did not.

A few days later, the Bible thumping crone told me that my cat HANNAH needed surgery on a small supperating spot in the ear and she wanted to have Vet see her and she'd be right back. I couldn't drive a car legally, spent all my money on raw chickens for the cats. But she wouldn't hand Hannah over after. Said Vet wanted a surgical date next "WEDNESDAY" I remember it well. I'll keep her til then I said. No, she said. A WARNING BELL SHOULD have gone off in my head. I should have called a COP but all of these people would have reported my other cats to POUND and killed them if I disagreed with anything. And,I couldn't pay for surgery and the RICH MALE NAZI said he'd pay for the surgery. Wednesday came and went, crone told me she had to give medication now. She wouldn't give her back -- after surgery!

Basically the ancient crone added HANNAH FONTANA  to the 30 zombi cats she had neatly locked in rooms, in cages. 8 to a meatlocker. My darling fur daughter got the bathroom, all alone, not even the full bath, an icy powder room in October or November. I begged her for my cat back, implored. --DID THIS one day for a solid hour outside at top scream. FOR next two MONTHS I would go over to front yard, talk to Hannah through the window, explaining why this had happened..  I was  imagining what  Hannah was going thru in the powder room. Having to suck up to Crone the Cat Nazi when she made her appearance with some kibble for a few minutes each day. Stockholm Syndrome -- Hannah who used to love her cat confreres, roam house, garden, doors open 24/7, lie in the sun, come to Momma and get petted, tummy scratched, when SHE WANTED COMPANY, not when I wanted it, get real meat instead of Friskies kibble....that Hannah was now in Aushwitz.  I wept and was told by friends, call the cops on her, allege theft.

I am unable to do things like that. Besides, over the last 11 years I know the crone, she's told me that all my neighbors want to report the amount of ferals around here and have them gassed and she's my only HEDGE against genocide.  So December, the CRONE phones me. Hannah is dying, maybe a few hours left. Come say goodbye. I went over. Hannah looked 'out of it' but she could walk.  I talked to her at length. She purred. I begged the neighbor woman to give her to me for what was left of her life. She refused. It would have taken my grabbing the cat and running. I thought of it. I gauged this woman's scratching me and screaming and calling the POUND and killing all my other cats vs. just accepting. I went home, a few hours later I got a phone call. The horrid woman said that Hannah had just died. Of GRIEF I AM CERTAIN.

This crazy crone who goes daily to one of those churches to join with Jesus (in her own unholy mind at least,) so that she can make the RAPTURE during Appocalypse while the rest of this planet sinks down to Hell, AND SHE HAS TOLD ME WE ARE ALL SATANIC --managed to out do herself with  hellish hurts.

A few weeks after Hannah's death, the crone came into my garden and stole a 4 1/2 month old male kitten  who was so loving and hand tamed (his Mom was a wary feral,) and so close to my heart.. Within minutes of my return from market, she phoned me. "I have your kitten" she said. Oh good. That's good. I went to her house,  she's at gate, I go past her, went in and started to look around for him. Suddenly I felt a heavy weight fall on me from behind. She had leapt on my back like an octupus, wrapped her arms around me strangling me with right forearm around my neck, smashing my voice box. And screaming HELP at full pitch. I realized she was setting me up for her neighbors to come in on this scene. Her final revenge. A plotted out plan, That was why she told me to come over.

I couldn't get her off no matter what so I walked around the house opening doors with this human riding my back, with a stranglehold on my throat, clawing my neck and arms; (they were bleeding when I got home). I figured, don't talk, don't complain just check the doors, the bedrooms, go get my kitty.  I found him locked in the bathroom just like Hannah had been. I picked him up and she swung around to hang over my front, hands around the BACK of  my neck, crush the kitten against my hipbone. I set him down and backed thru the hall,  she's eighty so I didn't try to unwrap her arms.  She saw a scowl in my eyes not three inches from hers.  I reminded her she'd tried to steal Patti Kate and killed Hannah just to get back at me for busting her in public for the theft and now she'd taken the kitten to really get back at me.  (I hadn't figured out then that it was on THE RICH GUY's orders. I'm slow. That ocurred to me way later, after they jailed me.) I told her that she was a devil of revenge, not a christian. Satan she talks about all the time was in her. Astonished, she let go,  I picked up the kitten and my shoes which had fallen off and walked out on a real crazy cat lover.

kitten lolling around, ecstatic

I weep for my darling cat Miss Hannah who until death released her was locked in a BUCHENWALD or AUSHWITZ cold tile room full time...with a little Hitler crone but I'm filled with joy that I got my kitten Calvin out.

Today I am wary of PETA types. I stay away from Cat Activists. Kurrent Kulture hasn't as yet identified the full virulence of the PETA SYNDROME so I thrust forward my evidence, the Blondi syndrome -- for your perusal. Basic Blondi THEOREM, i.e. PSYCHO SICK animal lovers who ---having a choice, ---prefer pets to humans. Not just prefer, but pour all their heart on an animal, reserving wrath and psycho sadism for humans.

They do not feel ANY tender emotions for the family or friends that God gave them. They are numb to human-targeted-feelings. They will give some time to friends and family, but they're nimble at getting away from anything real, tedious with them yet will 'goo goo' with kittens and puppies. That makes animal lovers sociopaths, no??  Their reality is that (domestic) animals are most trustworthy/predictable (perhaps even more appreciative?) than humans, have bigger hearts as they are always in the "Now"/moment and loyal to whomever gives them good care. The pet fanatic sees how egoless they seem, always loving, licking them and interprets that brainless kindness as genuine devotion. Humans are a turn off to them. Their own wounded, PARANOID BRAIN and CUT OFF HEART don't allow them to see that Humans are much greater. All pets look up to us lovingly but they're basically in a kind of instinctual Stockholm syndrome. The human is in total control. The pet never confronts the human with his/her weird ugly quirks. There is no judgement cuz there' s limited brain. Copping to the fact that only a brainless critter can adore you, be loyal to you, should warn you that there must be something you are NOT doing with humans like bonding with them, loving them, serving them, being rudimentarily NICE and building tender relationships. Anyway, my take is, that devotion to critters is a very bad sign.  Do not buy your children pets, ever!

I kind of wonder what made this Bible thumping crone tick. Why she'd hit bible classes daily reading only appocalypse chapter, calling everyone SATAN who wasn't going into the rapture, forgetting l0 commandments, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not covet nor bear false witness... and yet steal the really pretty cats from a neighbor and justify it with 'your cat needed my medicating." She had been raised on a farm a singleton child, her only companion the animals there, parents struggling with depression era hard times, very stressed. The poor demon could only bond with animals. I am filled with compassion for the evil bitch.

Life settled into a happy rut. I'd feed the cats at dawn and they'd go into the two jungles, front and back, climb trees and watch squirrels.  I didn't see or hear from Dorothy for three months, no idea why. Well HERE'S WHY. Her punishment for trying to ENTRAP ME  was this. Way after she sent me to jail for going past her into her house to get my kitty out, I learned that the evil crone had fallen and broken her hip 3 days after our encounter. Reseda's worst rainstorm in history, she'd been placing a wind whipped tarp up on the roof in the rain. She fell, from roof broke both hips. Three days after she tried to entrap me. She was hospitalized for several months, all of her 30 illegal cats taken by members of her appocalyptic church (You know the kind, "Me go up in rapture, the rest of you are Satan.) She blamed me for the fall.

Day she got out of the hospital she had promptly reported me to cops as a criminal who'd  trespassed, hit her and stolen HER cat. And broken both her hips. She pulled out a hospital bill but Cop didn't notice the date. So a beefy, very angry lady police officer comes to my door. "Dorothy is charging you with trepassing theft of her cat and battery. ME? She beat ME up! I said. I tried to tell the cop what really happened.

How DOROTHY left a PHONE MESSAGE while I was at market, she went into my house, took a kitty, then phoned me up said " I've got your kitten" which she'd stolen from here an hour earlier. I'd been in her home a thousand times, why wouldn't I GO?" I didn't know it was a set-up to trap me as I'd threatened to go to FEDS for their blackmail, threats of death which is Rico Racketeering violation --if I didn't hand over kitties for their illegal $making racket.

The cop listens and just then, little kitty Mr. Calvin Ruggles came to the screen door. "This is the very cat", I said. I pointed.  I didn't know this was a strictly animal cop so when she started talking about my avoiding the pound officers, as she's rattling her manacles her cufflinks and she's got this huge gun, I got faint. I told her to go away, she'd need a warrant to talk with me further. So she heard me speak for ten seconds. That was the extent of her report on me.  WELL, from the gitgo the whole thing was skewed in favor of Dorothy as she hadn't seen the 30 cats locked in there, only saw a hospital bill for 2 broken hips.

A week later, I got a notice, I'm called to court. So a week or two go by,  the morning of court, I'm barely dressed, ready to cross 7 miles of city to get to VAN NUYS, door bell rings. 20 people, cops,animal reg, police, 3 psychiatrists drag me outside.  They had a crime report where Dorothy says I hit her multiple times, a search warrant, they pulled me into the street, put me in cuffs, asking me if I knew what year it was and who was president....searched my house.. Not a single cat was in there. I'd already fed them in back jungle and they've melted into the thickets. After one hour of their searching the house, one shrink kindly took me to the court 6 miles east. I waited all day in court, at 3 pm, finally, I'm up to base. The policewoman didn't indicate that she'd been wrong. That I in fact had no cats. That Dorothy had lied. None of that. She didn't want to admit that her investigation was skewed in favor of the Cat Nazi and that she'd bought every lie and trust me, the crazy lady had lied like a rug. My public defender was like a PUBLIC PRETENDER, she never spoke up  though I'd told her the facts. Judge only saw the "Crime Report" the cop had taken from DOROTHY. I couldn't be shown DOROTHY'S COMPLAINT! I didn't know that she was saying I'd stolen her cat, not my own taken an hour earlier. She alleges that I appeared out of nowhere, never admitting to the phone call where she TOLD ME  GLOATING into my message machine... "I HAVE YOUR KITTEN."  I never saw this COMPLAINT where she alleged that I HAD beaten her a dozen times on the head and broken her hips. I had no idea what her claims were. I was not allowed to say a single word.  It would take about ten different court dates before  I asked for a jury trial.  I NEVER heard the crazy utterances, complaints she'd made to animal cop. NO WONDER 3 psychiatrists came to my house when they cuffed me, executed search warrant. So the crazier and bigger the complaint, the greater the fall the victim of a maniacally angry person will have. AND NOBODY IN THE SYSTEM TELLS YOU so you can GO CALL THE HOSPITAL maybe and find out the fall was 3 nites later in the rain from a roof, where an 85 yr old woman is standing SLIPPING on a flapping plastic TARP. 

SIX MONTHS later, I speak to Maria Carmen who lives next door to dorothy and she gave me this data. Midnight 3 days after xmas. 3 days after I went past Dorothy, went and got Calvin out of locked bathroom where she'd KILLED HANNAH a few weeks earlier, at midnight Dorothy fell off her own roof in history's worst pouring rain, tarp and bricks in hand.

Now here's the thing about a wacko making a criminal complaint. Real or imagined, even if THE EVENT was 'he said, she said' it is really hopeless for the D.A. to let it go TO TRIAL as PROSECUTOR CAN NEVER prove anything for sure ---where two old bats are hissing at one another equally. The prosecutor knew he couldn't get an absolutely GUILTY charge on assault, trespassing and theft of my own kitten and when I SAID "I WANT A JURY TRIAL" they came around. They said 'hey lady, we will take stealing your own cat off the table, we'll take assault off the table. We will just leave the trespassing which you admit to, if you forgo a jury trial." The judge said that if I asked for a jury trial I might lose and in that case, he'd give me 18 months in jail. That was a knife to my throat really. I said fine, I'll cop the plea... you can sentence  me right now, no jury just for trespassing. To my shock I was given 3 yrs probation for trespassing  and of course the JUDGE, probably on the take from a private penal school, (other judges across America have recently been caught taking the kickback money of private jails ) told me I'd be forced to attend 52 'cat hoarder meetings' also to pay 1500$ for these classes. My combined social secur and disability is 620$ and that's for rent, food, utilities. I was then 70 yrs old, facing open heart surgery can't  walk 12 miles to classes, no money for bus. I have to hitchhike but still can't give that sum to a penal school for classes even if a judge needs my money for his mistress & Rolls Royce. Problem is,  if I don't, I go to jail for trespassing. I was in shock In the court there was another girl, pregnant and weeping, I leaned over asked what was wrong. She'd been gifted with a kitten. Her two children loved it, 2 mos later, the neighbor GIFTER lady a career drunk is not given slice of pizza she demands, breaking into girls' house and drunkenly says "gimme back my kitten!" The young mother won't, the gifter grabs kitty, runs. Mother follows. (WHOLE STORY here,) Drunk neighbor woman calls cops alleging untruths. Same deal as me, nobody ever spoke up for the accused, the plaintiff always can allege anything as cops work for HER and drunk's allegations ended up as ALL that was on the record. PUBLIC DEFENDERS never speak up, nothing makes it from their mouthes to the record! The young mother had been punished with 800$ worth of cat hoarding classes to last a half year. She took them but then she couldn't come up with the last $250 balloon payment, a 'signoff fee' and had been fired from her job. No cash to eat. two children. Yet I heard the judge say 'borrow it from your family or he'd put her in jail'.  I got her email address, wrote her a ew days later. She didn't answer. I thought she was in jail. A week later she does answer. She had lost the fetus and faced D&C surgery to clean up mess inside her . And guess what, that same judge now wants her to WORK for the city to pay off her bill for the balloon payment for the classes. She was too upset to explain it in detail. So I wrote that up in COURT KILLS and in "HOW THE CITY SNOOKERS US"

Now, I Google-researched the judge, Dennis Mulcahey. Turns out some poor woman by the name of ZsuZsa Blakely had l7 rescued dogs that she loved and adored. SPCA turned her in for sheer number of pooches. That judge and that D.A. or prosecutor, (my rich enemy's best boy pal, Name of D.A Donald. Cocek, gave her 6 months in jail and fined her $400,000 so she was going to lose her house as that was its value.  ASPCA had been in on the bust, taking relish in it. Pet People again. Prosecutor was notorious Donald Cojek who prosecuted my own case and that of the girl (mother of two fatherless children,) who lost her third pregnancy fetus from sheer stress, bleeding as she walks out of the court where the Judge said he was going to JAIL HER... court records will prove this. She was made to pay over 900$ for cat hoarder classes, and now works free for the city so they can fire regular union workers to pay off her debt to society which was made up by the animal cop. Cojek supports his buddy and the villain in my piece, Michael Bell who ran an illegal cat charity out of a posh gift shop in Woodland Hills called "Monika's Elegance" which now by 2015 has closed. I got to the truth about him as I know his wife Vickie for 60 yrs. Best pals, she forces him to take me to the HAMILTON HIGH 50 year reunion every single decade costing him 150$. Mike pays all the vet bills for MONIKA cuz he's rich. He does not profit from cat sales. Monika does. Under the silver, china, bronze, copper trinkets you will see cages full of kittens. Monika confided to me that she gets as much as $450 per kitten as a donation YET SHE IS NOT A CHARITY just a retail gift shop. Kittens are locked in cages in the shop or in her garage until some poor dupe takes them,  the donator believing that he's helping a 'charity' or rescue org.  All they're getting is a young kitten torn away from his mommy's teat early so he's still a gorgeous darling.. and who's going to be permanently traumatized and neurotic! NO KITTEN should be taken until he is weaned. PERIOD.But Dorothy used to break into my garden when she'd see my car gone to market, to trample my raised beds as she chased kittens. They are capable of theft.

Michael Bell, Monika and Dorothy blackmailed me to get HOLD of the kittens in my woodpile. I'd tamed most of them, so they were ready to be boutique kittens. Threats to have all my  ferals gassed by dog pound, to get me to release kittens before weaning. Dotty did the KITTEN TAKE to me for 11 yrs, Bell just for one miserable AUTUMN and went so far as to call my family (Vickie his wife whom I know since we were age 13, gave him name data I guess,) and tell my sister, daughter, sons  that I was violent and crazy and had guns.  Possibly, he googled up family  members.  Between blackmail and tarring, THAT IS dictionary definition RICO RACKETEERING (AMENDMENT) behavior. Torture, blackmail threats all for an illegal cash enterprise.  So I told him I'd tell the FEDS. That is what I threatened him with and why he set me up to be arrested.

HOW DID THIS START? I rec'd a phone call from DOROTHY on my message machine (I was out at market,) saying  that SHE HAD MY KITTY. They knew that would get me to run over to Dotty's house. That kitty Calvin, had been stolen from a gated back yard an hour before. Cuz I got in I went to my message machine as I always do, heard that, stunned,  I saved it. Dated. Dorothy's voice. Yet she lied to police & said that she never made the phone call, someone else did. She doesn't know who. WHO ELSE could know how to enter a gated back yard and find kitties. She'd been doing it to me for years.

Dotty and I had 12 yrs of being cat lady neighbors who rode to market together. I had tea at her house, I made cookies for her, landscaped part of her yard. So I come home from market an hour after mesg arrives, walk to her house, she won't let me in to get my kitty! She'd kidnapped Hannah an adult 3 mos. earlier, kept her in powderroom tiled, icy, all winter, until Hannah died. So I was weeping as I pushed past her to get CALVIN. Well,  that is trespassing, I admit to that crime. She leapt on my back, forearm around throat, a 130 lb octupus on my back. A HAMMERHOLD over my voicebox from her right FOREARM. She stayed up there toes not touching the floor while I walked around looking for kitty CALVIN yet she told cops I beat her for ten minutes though she had no bruise at all!. She convinced a police woman I BROKE HER HIPS. LYING. Six months later a neighbor would accidentally reveal to me that she'd fallen off rain slick roof at midnight, worst storm ever in our city, with bricks, tarp in her hands. They heard ambulances take her to hospital. Yet she told this LIE to the authorities? She broke my voice box. I have lost my voice because of that. I did a pilot a few months earlier where I had a voice. Have paychecks from a television corp to prove it. I played a cougar after the hero. Five months later, voice box destroyed, I was in court. They don't let you say any of this. I never spoke in LA court. Now, I still could go to the FEDS and I still could do a civil law suit against Dorothy, house worth 400 thousand, Michael, house worth two or 3 million, use the EMAILS, the phone mail message threats they sent, the proof she went in garden, took my kitty Calvin and then phoned me up to get me over to rescue him. Sue for that. Then, let's see, FALSE CHARGES? PERJURY? Alleging that I broke both her hips when it really happened when she was up on her roof at MIDNIGHT December 27th, 3 days later, she's in the pouring rain putting bricks and tarps on her  leaky shingles. SLIPS AND FALLS yet SHE TOLD COPS I BROKE HER HIPS. What is that? I am sure it's a felony. LYING, using the courts for revenge just cuz I took CALVIN BACK!. I have all the proof to get a few million judgement on both of them. And MONIKA, well she has no EMAIL so she never made a paper threat, just verbal ones. " We will report all your cats, they'll all die if you don't hand over the kittens. " And she was a witness for Dorothy in the court. Never spoke though but this woman really is going to the wall as she loves KITTENS. She did not lie like Dorothy and Michael. He blackmailed and plotted The two cat kidnappings. His best boy pal was the prosecutor animal right activist Donald Cocek. I know Mike's wife for 60 years so I knew all about Donald and MIKE. That is collusion by a member of a court (Don's the D.A. in our part of L.A.) working for a litigant in a crime with his best prosecuting what they consider a common enemy.  I have proof of Mike Bell getting DOROTHY to 'set me up' to land a TRESPASSING charge on me. Messages on recording machine. EMAILS. Threats. MY email to them saying I WILL SEND FEDS TO YOU FOR RICO RACKETEERING (Blackmail against victim to get SOMETHING involved with ILLEGAL PROFIT!) so damnit, leave me and the kitten alone. I gave you dozens of kittens for your illegal cat racket. THiS ONE LOVES ME. I'm not giving him up. Hearing the words RICO RACKETEERING, and knowing that they HAD THREATENED ME,  they had illegally  trapped my animals at time, well DOROTHY HAD...entering at will to grab kittens from garden, she had also commited PERJURY, born false witness.. the Bible would say.... Add  Fraudulent use of the court system and collusion with a court appointed prosecutor. There's a really big cash tort judgement from CITY OF LA, all proveable against this group --just from their emails. PLUS I have six family witnesses who received phone calls alleging I had guns and was insane and would NOT NEUTER when in truth I had only prolonged KNOWING DOROTHY IN ORDER TO NEUTER..   The fact that MIKE BELL  and PROSECUTOR were best boy pals? RABID ANIMAL ACTIVISTS? MY PROSECUTOR? That's a prosecutor who should have recused himself and didn't. I really owe it to my four children to do a tort case, a civil case that will provide for them now that my voice box is destroyed from DOROTHY DOING A HAMMERLOCK on my neck. and I can no longer make a living. I'd done a TV PILOT a month earlier and had a great voice, played a 'cougar' lady.. have the FILM to show a judge. SO As soon as I have a car again, to reach a lawyer's office, I will. I have two years as you can't wait longer with a Tort case.

Now, for me that's a walk in the park but for the cats on my street with whom I have relationships, it's dangerous. I am a maternal type who feeds wild cats  --- I risk getting another armada coming after them as the FEMALE COP who never debriefed me, sided with crazy, lying Dorothy and wrote a 14 page ADJUCATION just from talking to Dorothy for 3 hours. She came here, said open the door. All I said was "Dotty is nuts, you should know that." She kept coming back later, even after the court date, pretending to have lost her phone as she could NOT BELIEVE that she had gotten a SEARCH WARRENT on a house with NO PETS AT ALL!  (Well, they live in yard, in a jungle.)

She finally must have realized Dotty lied. So I gave her clips from a 15 year long internet journ/ diary with my notes on Dotty in it. I gave it to the Lady cop! She scanned it in horror and gave it to Dorothy! So this lady cop is allergic to the reality that she made a mistake and believed an anti-Satan church fanatic's recounting of ANITA BREAKING HIPS! When DOROTHY was on roof in rainstorm at midnight with a flapping tarp 3 days after I came for little Calvin; she broke her own damn hips! The next door neighbors saw the ambulance and heard it all... and told me. UNFORTUNATELY after the court date, as I didn't really know the neighbors. But they KNEW DOROTHY!

There were about 15 people I could subpoena who were witnesses to that COP bringing an entire squad to put me in cuffs in the street while these people searched my home. Three lovely kind CITY OF L.A. psychologists talked with me for the hour it took. All left me their business cards and phone numbers and drove me to one of the court hearings later that morning. One had worked for Norman Brokaw my agent and knew NORMIE well! Small world! William Morris Agcy PRESIDENT. So all I need is a young, mall lawyer (I read too much Grisham) to work with me on spec.

 We must investigate if it's ok for animal activists to feed wild life. I do not know laws on this point.  At this time, without a car, feeding one group meal of a boiled chicken every 24 hrs and a tenth of a bag of costly kibble is all the money I have. None for a lawyer. My social security check is 340$ a month. I raised four children, at home & never worked. My Spanish husband  couldn't be touched in Mexico City for any alimony child support. Lawyers want cash in advance. Of course I could always ask Michael Bell's wife (my best gal pal for 60 years,) for a loan. But she is a tremulous Stepford wife who now hangs up on me.

In the wake of being found guilty of trespassing, the only charge I smilingly accepted, I have four full time social worker, nurses, doctors charging county about a half milion buck sa year. They come and want me to take happy pills that leave me staggering. I'm age 71 and my balance is really bad on these pills. I fall down, endangering wrists, knees, hips. But they use the force of threats to get me to take pills that are only given to young people in insane asylums. I've watched while they PULL pill samples out of car trunks. They cold call me, looking for cats so it's as if there were search warrents out on me twice a week. it's been this way for several years now.

So the moral of this story is, Avoid Cat Nazis, Cat Activists, Feral trap-and-release people as they are obsessive, reactionary, tightly wired and function in teams as a brigade.  If an activist cages cats INDOORS like DOROTHY with 30 cats in her house, and ANOTHER puts them in the garden except when it rains IF one has them tamed and the other leaves them feral, the two camps war with each other and report each other. THE REAL CAT LOVER or dog lover basically HATES PEOPLE so watch it, they are way more dangerous! (Note, an ex hippie like me  could never put anybody in  jail short of a pedophile or murderer.) ANY disagreement with a certain KIND of cat person over anything, they stomp you like an ant..

I always knew that Dorothy was a Psychopath who believes the world is poison while she herself is poison to the  world.    Tips and signals and giveaways of a psychopath are:

1. NO CONSCIENCE, no guilt, no morals, no humanity, no empathy. They are all hammers and see a world full of nails, and nothing else.

2.  They are alway living in the moment. Dwelling on the past is not possible to them.
3.  They cannot cry.  There is no such thing as depression to them.
4.  They have ZERO sense of  humor. They never told a joke in their life.  Don't laugh at them.

5. They believe that the entire world is satanic, except for their church which is going on "the RAPTURE" is immune to the power of the devil and Evil in General. YES DOROTHY the catwoman was a psychopath fundamentalist. She had THIRTY CATS LOCKED IN ROOMS, each room in her house has 3, the living room five or six, patio was locked, wire fenced like a chicken coop to ceiling height and had six, The back den which I never saw til near the end, had six. but when I landscaped, I looked in through windows of two bedrooms, saw each had 3 or so. EVERY SINGLE ONE LOCKED IN. And at the end, I realized she kept any new one in the powder room tiled, floor icy small room, for months on end in quarantine til my cat died.

Never get near one of these people. They come if they see wild cats on your curb. So  get  your councilman or Dog Pound officials to give you neutering coupons. You may get two in your name, then use neighbors' names. Have them go in with you to get them.  Do most of the important neuterings first, which would be to go for females only, just to stop birth explosion flat. I thought it was true that a male cat will travel a mile if he smells a female. And they say that you can't lock a potent male in the house, he sprays. BOTH RUMORS not true.

 I have had two boys since kittenhood, four years of age, spend regulated hours outside, 6 hrs at daylight, 4 in the house when Dotty is out prowling, and then 11 pm til breakfast outdoors in CLEMENT WEATHER. Neither ever left home, never had a woman, are chaste as monks and  don't chase around. So far their privates haven't swollen up or fallen off. It may be that a.) There is no provocative scent, acting as cat Porn for toms, there are no fertile, aromatic females left in my barrio, or B.) as in the case of SPARKEY, he just get a lot of relaxed downtime here with Mom and wouldn't think to aspire to a mere furball gal. Mind you Sparkey and Emiliano have been left fully 'nutted'. WHY? I cannot stand to cage them for the hours overnight, req'd to hospitalize them when gal pals drive them to vets, and I have no car to do it myself.  I love them so much, MR SPARKEY and DR. EMILIANO ZAPATA and hope the pep in their stride is due to their being left as God made 'em. I explained this to Monika. One night in August, I went looking for two who hadn't come to dinner. Across street there were two cages with Sparkey and Emilio in them. Dorothy had trapped them and phoned Monika (who lives 5 miles away,) to come. 10:40 pm Monika drives up while I'm wrestling with one lock. Other cat is freed. I say 'how dare you?'  I loose 2nd cat and never let them out at night again. They are too afraid to trap in broad daylight.

Best policy if you value a clean scent in the home (some unneutered tom cats spray, not all,) value carpets,  books on lower shelves, bedskirts, maybe choose the neutered females for house pets. Another thought, do what I did, turn them all feral.

Build cat houses in garden for cold weather. In snowy climes, use heating pad under blankets in a strong box or dog house that does NOT smell of dog or they won't go in it. In December, we sunbathe by day in California, so heaters would not be a California thing. RAIN is scarse, a tarped lanai with cat houses will work fine for your ferals. But I do have a rich gal pal in Massachusetts with a mansion and lake, swans, pool, a house too fine for pets. She puts heating pad in dog house all winter for FERALS. I scorn her bigtime for not letting them in the house  but they are wild.

You can feed a dozen cats cheaply if you avoid commercial catfood. Go holistic with the cat friendly cheap meat diet. (I boil 49c lb chicken quarters once  a day, (Sale last week, 2015, quarters for 39c lb at Valley Produce.) Pull all meat off bones, feed warm for one meal, cold for the next. A chicken lasts 24 hours.) Avoid or use less corn/kibble which is not natural to carnivores and causes mucus in body ergo diseases, in both humans and pets. Use more simmered chicken, green vegies added at last minute. Cats can tolerate much more fat than dogs so I leave chicken SKIN in there but I take all broth, fridge it, skim hard fat off, into coffee tins, 32 oz. Yogurt cylinders, give that free to soap makers via craigs list freebie ads.Or fridge it in old yogurt containers, drop in trash. ALL chicken bones go to possum area of garden. They have door from cement foundation, come out at 9 pm. They are ground to powder in those marsupial teeth.

Feed all your ferals, hope that they handle themselves wisely having the consult of Mother Nature, be there for them.  But don't be there for your neighbors. Humans are lousy. Only animals are good. OhOH, did I say that? I guess I now have BLONDI SYNDROME too!

Last word from this pet lover, don't expect Humane Society or PETA to help you.
PETA HAS 95% KILL RATE at their shelter


  Another thing that is misnamed
 where cats get gassed  --unto the last.
 PET LOVERS they can't BE!

THIS JUST IN! JULY 2015 - DOROTHY was CARRIED OFF IN A DOG POUND WAGON!  HER EXACT KARMA! THE FIRE DEPT CAME FOR HER. An AMBULANCE, but same idea. Her pal kept running from house to ambulance so I know Dottie was inside it.

I  SAW RED AMBULANCE LEAVE WITH HER INSIDE, NO SIREN SO MAYBE SHE WAS DEAD. Ever since, I water her outer garden daily and see that someone else is leaving bowls of catfood and water for the cats around her house. Probably feeding the ones inside, too. If I spot the feeder friend I will ask what is happening. I left my biz card on front door so they can contact me.