If you are going to INVEST, TAKE THAT PULSE!
FOR most of the past two
decades the main measure of shipping costs has been used as a guide to
what is happening to world trade. Insider economists know about this
pulse spot. See:
which is a clear picture of the current, JANUARY 2016 "SICK WORLD TRADE" A Crisis, reflected in how stock market is doing. China had 8 days in a row of free fall. Jan 2016.
See how the pulse fades (
shipping numbers sink) in SEPT 2008? Internat'l trade went way down. It
tried to come back up after the BAIL OUTS but couldn't. Didn't. AND
PROBABLY WON'T. What is that about? Just for a science experiment,
YOU TAKE THIS PULSE every week. Just google-imges on this phrase:
"baltic sea freight index"
--go look at it via GOOGLE IMAGES or BING IMAGES. Either. Push past
picture of boats. You will see visual graphs. Select one and then the
next, reading what they say on those sites.
According to the FINANCIAL
TIMES REPORTER on CHARLIE ROSE tonight, the Baltic Index is the key to
how the world economy is doing.
--------------------------article found--------
Why the Baltic Dry Index is at an all-time low
Mar 10th 2015, 23:50 by S.W.
THE Baltic Dry Index (BDI),
which measures the rates for chartering the giant ships that transport DRY GOODS like
iron ore, coal and grain, has long attracted the attention of
commentators hoping to take the pulse of world trade. The cost of
shifting the basic raw materials that are the ingredients of steel,
energy and food supposedly provides a leading indicator of the state of
the world economy. If so the forecast would suggest that a storm at sea
will shortly make landfall. The index, a composite of rates charged on a
variety of important trade routes, has hit an all-time low, after
sinking by 65% in the past 13 weeks alone. Even in the depths of the
financial crisis shipping rates kept their heads further above water
(see chart). Why are they so remarkably low now?
There is no doubt that world
trade is slowing down. China’s rip-roaring economy, the destination for
well over half the world’s ship-borne iron ore and 25% of coal, has
cooled. It grew by 7.4% last year compared to well over 10% when running
at full tilt. But although the world economy is quite weak it is far
away from the apocalypse that the index apparently foretells. The reason
that the BDI has taken such a precipitous dive is that it is a measure
both of demand for shipping and of the supply of vessels. Sliding
charter rates are more a reflection of the eternal optimism of
shipowners than a calamitous foundering of the world economy.
Episodes of short-term
volatility are one way that the touchiness of the index to the vagaries
of supply and demand manifests itself. The supply of ships is inelastic;
it takes around two to three years between ordering a new vessel and
its launch so the response to shifts in demand is slow and conditions
can change while additions to the fleet are under construction. Even the
location of ships can play a big role. If the number of cargoes on a
particular route outweighs the available hold space on that route the
index can soar, just as it can plummet if the opposite is true—even if
worldwide the total of cargoes and ships is in balance.
The current malaise is much
more a result of the overall supply of ships than a harbinger of doom
for the world economy. In the run up to the financial crisis, as the
world economy boomed and rates hit new heights, shipowners ordered a
huge tonnage of bulk carriers. These hit the waves during the
post-crisis slump that was already weighing heavily on demand for ships,
which pushed charter rates lower still. Just as scrapping and a
slimming of the order book was eroding the oversupply of ships, an
uptick in Chinese coal imports in 2013 prompted another rash of orders.
Ship owners reckoned that China’s appetite for coal would keep growing.
But the country’s policy of weaning itself off dirty energy has
contributed to a rapid decline in imports, leaving another glut of new
vessels and rock-bottom rates for their owners.
Dig deeper:
The Baltic dry index has hit a 30-year low (March 2015)
There are growing doubts about what the Baltic dry is actually signalling (July 2010)