Your buggers are going to the White House, puercito. Si Senor!Bloomberg News: "
The first case of swine flu was seen in Mexico on April 13. The outbreak coincided with the President Barack Obamas trip to Mexico City on April 16. Obama was received at Mexicos anthropology museum in Mexico City by Felipe Solis, a distinguished archeologist who died the following day from symptoms similar to flu, Reforma newspaper reported. The newspaper didnt confirm if Solis had swine flu or not."
This plot SOUNDS LIKE it's STRAIGHT OUT OF A MICHAEL CRICHTON FILM. An Emminent Mexican scientist who was scheduled TO MEET THE PRESIDENT of the United States IS innoculated with A RARE HYBRID VIRUS that ONLY THE U.S. MILITARY CAN MAKE, --SWINE FLU. This emminent man MEETS OBAMA AND DIES NEXT DAY OF THE FLU! Obama goes back to his wife and kids maybe infected. And a week later, Joe Biden is president.
BLOOMBERG TODAY reports that the Archeologist who greeted Pres. Barak Obama in Mexico died the following day of flu-like symptoms. Swine flu is an airborn virus like the 1918 flu that killed millions. Even if Obama washed his hands, he was infected. THE AGE OF ASSASSINBUGS has arrived. The CIA had only to blow spray on a few people at the Museum to get to Solis. The CIA used to dunk planes with hundreds on them to get to a target. This is no different. Except one plane doesn't bring down two, then four then eight. SO it is different. Worse.
This Swine Flu Is Deadly Mix Of Never-Before-Seen Viruses except at Fort Dix where it was made. Prior Outbreak there was 1976.
Paul Joseph Watson
April 25, 2009This swine flu virus was let loose by US black ops. They know that illegals flood into our country daily so they let this bio-weapon loose on the Mexicans knowing that the bio-weapon flu would be spread to the US. Remember
the law that Bush Jr. passed about letting the feds declare martial law if a disease outbreak threatened the country? Well welcome to the excuse for the coming martial law in this country. The feds know that our country is on the verge of rebellion and they are running scared that the globalist scum might lose control so they are going to lock down this country with martial law and this phony swine flu outbreak is going to be their excuse. This
bio-weapon flu is the next 9-11 attack that is going to hit us. Be ready folks the fed are coming for you soon!
Swine flu panic is spreading in Mexico and soldiers are patrolling the streets after it was confirmed that human to human transmission is occurring and that the virus is a brand new strain which is seemingly affecting young,
healthy people the worst, and that the bug is a never-before-seen intercontinental mixture of human, avian and pig viruses from America, Europe and Asia.Clues that the virus may be a synthetic creation are already manifesting.
According to reports, the virus is a "never-before-seen form of the flu
that combines pig, bird and human viruses" which consists of an
intercontinental mix of viruses from North America, Europe and Asia."CDC officials detected a virus with a unique combination of gene segments
that have not been seen in people or pigs before," according to an
Associated Press report."This strain of swine influenza that's beencultured in a laboratory is
something that's not been seen anywhere actually in the United States and
the world, so this is actually a new strain of influenza that's been
identified," said Dr. John Carlo, Dallas Co. Medical Director (video clip
Here is an excerpt from the Bloomberg website -
"Obama's Visit
The first case was seen in Mexico on April 13. The outbreak coincided with the President Barack Obama's trip to Mexico City on April 16. Obama was received at Mexicoâ€s anthropology museum in Mexico City by
Felipe Solis, a distinguished archeologist who died the following day from symptoms similar to flu,
Reforma newspaper reported. The newspaper didn't confirm if Solis had swine flu or not.The Mexican government is distributing breathing masks to curtail the disease's spread. There is no vaccine
against the new strain of swine flu, health authorities said.Museums, theaters and other venues in the Mexico City area, where large crowds gather, have shut down
voluntarily and concerts and other events canceled to help contain the disease. Two professional soccer games will be played tomorrow in different Mexico City stadiums without any fans, El Universal newspaper reported. Catholic masses will be held, the newspaper said, although church officials urged worshipers to wear breath masks and to avoid contact.Schools will likely remain closed next week, Calderon said in the
Oaxaca speech. The decree allows Calderon to
regulate transportation, enter any home or building for inspection,
order quarantines and assign any task to all
federal, state and local authorities as well as health professionals to
combat the disease.â€The health of Mexicans is a cause that weâ€re defending with unity
and responsibility,†Calderon said. â€I know that
although itâ€s a grave problem, a serious problem, weâ€re going to
overcome it.â€Normal Airport Operations
Mexico Citys international airport, which handles about 70,000
passengers each day, is operating normally, said Victor Mejia, a spokesman.
Passengers are given a questionnaire asking if they have flu symptoms and
recommending they cancel their trip and see a doctor if they do. The
measures are voluntary, Mejia said, and no case of swine flu in airport
passengers, workers or visitors has been confirmed.Authorities throughout Central America have issued alerts to prevent
the outbreak from spreading. Guatemala ordered tighter control yesterday of
its northern border with Mexico, according to EFE. Gerberth Morales, whos
heading the Guatemala government's response, said no cases of swine flu
have been reported in his country, the Spanish news agency reported.Brazil is intensifying vigilance in ports, airports and borders to
check travelers†health, luggage, aircrafts and ships in a preventive
action against the outbreak in Mexico, the Agency for Sanitary Vigilance
said on its Web site.To contact the reporter on this story: Thomas Black in Monterrey at "<====BACK TO THE CONSPIRACY INDEX PAGE