I'm going to read from a book. "The presence of this fifth dimensional energy is enlightenment which brings about a shift of thought patterning for human kind, for the old processes have come out of fear and destruction.

The fifth dimensional shift brings about a greater strength with greater attunement to the earth and allows a finer and greater attunement to the universal energy. It will change the consciousness of mankind.

It is brought about by an alignment of harmonic vibrations that will bring forth a finer attunement within the physical world as well as in the mental and spiritual. The patterns of the past that have worked on this planet will no longer be a part of the patterns now coming about. To bring about a unification of this planet and to change the thinking patterns of mankind is of great necessity at this time. It is important to change the thought patterns of human beings for much of the fifth dimension change comes from thought which is the creative force of the universe.

There is always some effect created by thought. There is a universal impact. The beings upon this planet have great influence and there is a continual shift and change within the structure of the universe that allows the planet to change as well. These changes are wrought, to a large degree, by the attitudes and intentions, by the consciousness of the people on the planet. Realize that all thought is but energy, energy that is held within the personalities of human beings. You are a receptor, a holder of that energy and you act upon it. That is why it must change at this time for there has been much upheaval on the emotional level of human kind. You must understand that thought is the creative force of your universe. Be clear about it. It is the energy within and around you. It is the same as you think of an aura, electric and being a part of your being. It is the energy form of your being and is involved in the thinking processes of your conscious mind. Therefore, you have the power to alter its patterns. Its energy is available for your use and with its power humankind can influence the universe. Through thought you have built the path. In thought, you exist in the present. Within thought, you build your future. "

What the basic denial in people is, of not being able to follow through on their projects, commitments, relationships.. it’s not that they don’t have the ability to confront, or that they couldn’t confront. It’s that they just don’t know any better. They don’t have an ability to see themselves as they were from the time they were a child, when they could never go and ask their father for money because it was too painful. They couldn’t confront it. Their father would say. They were always afraid of a no. They couldn’t tell him they failed, they couldn’t make it, they couldn’t make an appointment, they couldn’t follow through on what they said they were going to do, so they avoided .. and that voids it for them. They just void it out. It’s no longer there. And that’s what’s going on with everybody. They have these simple, little, childish traits as adults, running around the world.

So somebody calls you on the phone that needs help and you know they need it and you don’t call them back. You don’t want to help them or you think you can’t, or you tell yourself it’s hopeless. Or you need to do something for someone, give them flowers, be gentle and you don’t even see it. So this avoidance is just a childish thing that you did when you were a kid because you were frightened that you would be wrong, laughed at, punished, that you weren’t going to get good grades and there was no approval from the teachers, and in the adult world there was no appreciation or acknowledgement.

I have a friend totally addicted, who went on the fast, quit smoking and drinking, he cleaned out his colon and now he is in ecstasy but all those traits of avoidance are exactly the same. Nothing changed in that domain because he doesn’t look at the space that he occupies as the being who needs to actually graduate from this infantile level and he doesn’t see it.

As Werner said, he doesn’t see what’s missing as it doesn’t show up for him as missing. If someone points it out and says this is missing, you can’t hear what they’re saying to you. You have to be cognisant. The part about health. The most obvious. If you look in the mirror naked, every day, your face, posture, the fat, the softness, you’d see what you're avoiding in the health, diet, cleansing program. If you’d see that part that you’re avoiding and then say ‘o.k, that’s what I’m doing, I’m willing to start anywhere being conscious.’ That’s all it takes. Being conscious of it. The rest will fall into place. Each thing will happen as you roll along in life. As EST said. This is not a prescription or formula you can take home but it’s just in the process of life itself. It will show up. The work. The transformation.

So, now we’re at the secret which is avoided in the dogshit level of life, which is in the being part. In the doing part, we’re always faking it. Trying to show up looking good. I’m doing the right thing, I’m getting the job done. I’m treating others right. That’s how we show up as doing things. But in our being things, we’re manipulating, lying, worrying and living in survival and hoping for the best and worrying about our bills and what we should do is reverse it. We should have in our BEING an absolute openness, clarity and generosity no matter what the shape of things look like, and be a contributor from your BEING, that I am totally open to give, be a brother, be in the family and be a real server. And in the doing level, you don’t even care about. The body, the physical world never stops doing whether you're sitting in a chair listening or speaking, or making some food or eating or driving the car, or sleeping, the body is always doing something. But it’s the being that is the mother of it all and it’s also the m(&*#(%r that will get you totally miserable when you are not being true to this aliveness, serving level. You’ll have total happiness if you live at that level. If you’re at a disloyal level,---which means lying to oneself that you’re really doing everything that you could to be ONE, but in reality, your being is fragmented, separate and selfish—at the lowest level of disloyalty—then, you will be miserable.

That’s the game. Now, we’re going to do this cafe. It doesn’t matter whether you’re the architect who’s just going to get paid and you’re not really going to profit from it. Or you’re my friend who’s going to help and not really profit in terms of the day to day income and the success of it, yet the spiritual profit for those people could be bigger than anything for them. On the subtle level, whatever his relationship with me, he’s going to be elevated, inspired, get other jobs, have relationships out of it. He’s going to love what happens. He’s going to have it as a trophy in his scrapbook, and be able to show it so in that sense, there’s a lot of reward in it but the reward doesn’t count. Doesn’t matter because the reward is the thing that God, your soul, always gives you when you do things selflessly. The other thing that your soul gives you is suffering—when you do things selfishly. That’s a reward too. One’s a positive reward, one is not. Just two sides of the same thing. The soul doesn’t care. It lives in absolute oneness with the negative and the positive. If you do something that shows you suffering, the soul says ‘ah great.’ If you do something that’s wonderful and ecstatic, the soul says ‘look what I did, there.’ That’s what evolution is about. Eventually, you only do what the soul wants, which is to live in absolute harmony.

When you are able to experience both the results, the experience of the negative and the positive, you then get to choose the beauty that you wish to create, and you get to choose not to create that which you don’t want. So that’s ultimately the secret. Perhaps it’s in your genes, three generations or a hundred, l00 lifetimes or a l00 million years, perhaps. You’ve acquired this addiction of being in survival and treating people the way you treat them which means you’re not creating unselfish, magnanimous giving. You’re not serving for the art and the joy of serving but you’re serving so that you can survive. Perhaps that’s an addiction, a habit, what we call karma, and maybe it’s something you can’t do anything about.

If you can’t do anything about it, you have to stop look and listen and be able to humbly get off it and for that moment, go into complete silence and surrender and say ‘I need help.’ When you’re an addict, you can’t do anything about it. You’ve got to seek help. That’s why in AA they say the only answer is surrender your life to a higher power. You see it on bumper stickers. I’m powerless. When you’re powerless, you can get power. When you surrender, you can receive the teacher. When you open yourself to saying ‘I’m addicted,’ you can quit. The admission of your addiction allows us to have some power over it because in that moment, we really surrender our will and let another will come in, someone who can say to us, ‘you know, if you go on this fast, and you do this program for a week, you won’t be addicted to coffee or cigarettes.’

The family is about creativity, oneness, serving, honesty, giving to each other, total unity, practice and perfecting and mastering the thing we’re doing together and always serving each other. So, whatever project that we have, whatever job, we come together and serve each other to make it, finish it, complete it. Whether it comes out great, works and makes money is not important. What’s important is the family, the job. If he’s down and I’m up, he’s ok. If he’s up and I’m down, I’m ok. But this other game .. if you’re down, the only thing that’s important is for you to get up. Crazy. When I’m down, the only thing important is to get up so that we’re back into the harmony that I can serve you even better. So, we’ve lost a lot of time but time doesn’t mean anything. We’re always in this now. The time that we’ve lost and the things that are going by and the vibrations that are increasing on the planet are to prove to us that if we don’t come together, we are not going to be together. If we don’t be together in our heads, we’re not going to come together. We have to be together in our head, think about the whole, and be giving and serving or you’re not going to come together. If you don’t come together, you’re not going to have that being in your head. It’s a dual edged sword. You have to have these meetings, come to the job, work together, cut the trees, do the foundation, build the place by coming together but you can’t do that unless you’re a being of one mind, unity, one idea of mastery of this thing and sharing it with each other so that everybody’s ideas are on the table and everybody is going to do their job.

You’re addicted to not serving. It’s not a fault. It’s in your character, your M.O, the way of being that you have that you are karmically addicted to. Like I have a posture that’s bad. To change it, I have to constantly think about where the positions of my chest, abdomen are, and how I’m sitting. Otherwise my addiction will be there. I don’t care how much my vision is to have good posture. I don’t care how much your vision is to do the things you want to do and that you talk about if the addiction is to not be able to come up on line and do the results. if I cannot come up on line and change my breathing, posture and position of my chest, I will live and die with a structure that’s going to disintegrate into the addiction, not into my vision. Now, what is unclear about that is only going to be to the degree that you’re unable to kill your addiction. What’s unclear about that for my body—we’re talking about the physical world, now.. this is not a spiritual problem. It’s the spiritual, psychic part of us that will cure the problem that is physical. It’s not a spiritual problem, it’s only where a spiritual cure and the spiritual cure is when I have the attention and the discipline to make my chest stand up and pull my stomach in and have the right posture. That’s because I’m conscious and spiritually aware that I have to do that because my addiction is to have bad posture.

No one should be arrogant enough or egotistical enough to say ‘I am God’ and everyone’s being tested to see if they’re going to measure up to the standards but the truth is that we are all being tested to measure up to our own soul’s standards. That’s why I say your vision which is your soul’s vision, you are testing yourself all the time and you’re not living up to it. There’s no reason, not because of this you’re not living up to it.. because you’re not living up to it. Because I don’t have good posture. I have bad posture. It’s not because I didn’t think and I’m not aware or conscious. Even though my consciousness will make me aware but where it comes down to where the rubber hits the road, it’s because I have good posture that I’ll have good posture. That’s how amazingly insane it is.

In the realm of reality you do not function as a server like in the realm of reality I don’t have good posture. Even though I want it and even though you want to serve you’re no good. Because you must be trained. You can’t play that instrument just because you want to. You’ve got to be trained, got to practice, got to see what you don’t know, what your fingers can’t do. Your soul knows it all but we’re talking about transferring your soul into your doing and the only way you can do that is to correct your soul. Your soul has to get the being part. This is the difficult thing. This is not something anybody can do. Your son cannot become aware and conscious being until he gets it that it’s important, then you’ll see the results in the external world. Because one is a goody goody for one week or two weeks? No, when my being gets it that I’m a musician, I’ll practice for twenty years. The answer of one of my piano teacher’s when I asked him how did Oscar Peterson get to play like that.. he said ‘he practiced twelve hours a day for ten years.’ You have not, I have not done certain things in my life 12 hours a day for l0 years or I would have perfect posture and you would be a true server. So, what is a perfectly trained being? One who serves and can do the result and be a talented genius at whatever he does and that’s what a trained being is and we call that a master, whether he’s a musician or a swimmer or a juice bar guy or a gardener or farmer. So when I look at your being, I see you struggling with things that you don’t need to do.

Werner Erhardt said in the early 70’s ‘the definition of evil is trading your aliveness for survival.’ What did he mean? He meant that when you thought about your survival, when survival was on the line, when it was me, mine and my—when I had to worry about my success, job, money, rent and relationships, that was called survival. He said that was evil when you traded off aliveness, or the ability to be a server, to go for the gold, to always create, to be in the family, to have aliveness in your relationships no matter what it was, that you never went for the survival part. So that ‘live’ is ‘evil’ spelled backwards. That’s what I’m talking about. If we as a group, as a family matter what happens to me in my monetary situation, these kids we will always think about. So why don’t we think about each other as kids. Why aren’t we all kids? Why aren’t we all children to each other and all of us the father in back of the pure, childish soul?  Our soul, our awareness is the father and it’s always thinking about us as its child. I’m always thinking about you as my child but you don’t think about me, because you’re into survival. When I’m down I don’t think about survival any more I still think about you. I’m not saying I’m God, I’m not walking around testing all of you. I’m walking around as the soul that is one with God walking around testing ME. Therefore I know the same thing about you, that’s what’s happening with you.