911 Researcher collects PROOF that 911 was a false flag op created for oligarch OIL PROFIT by Bush/Cheney!
911 was a Lifetime PassKey for Oil-o-garchs to wage MILLENIUM OIL
PIRACY Wars that would end up bankrupting America! Your Grandkids will
starve so that ARCO can make billions? Where's the logic in that?From: http://www.wanttoknow.info/911/9-11_perspective
As we arrive at the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, it's a good time to reflect on all that has happened in our world in the last 10 years. 9/11 served as a huge wake up call for millions of people around the world. I have personally been in contact with many dozens of influential people who told me that 9/11 is what awakened them to deeper realities and shifted their life work to focus more on building a better world. 9/11 also inspired me personally to become active on the Internet and develop WantToKnow.info and PEERS as a way to make a bigger difference in our world.
Literally thousands of people in positions of power around the world were called to action by what happened on 9/11. Many commercial and military pilots, for instance, knew on the day of 9/11 that it was impossible for alleged hijacker pilot Hani Hanjour, who had very limited flight experience and poor flying skills, to execute a 330 degree turn with a large commercial airliner in under four minutes to make a precision hit on the Pentagon (click here for more information on this).
Numerous senior military and government officials not only in the U.S., but around the world, also knew that it was virtually impossible for the Pentagon's powerful defenses to be defeated when the U.S. military had already been on high alert after two planes hit the World Trade Center towers. Sadly, many of these leaders have kept their suspicions quiet, particularly as it has proven to be political suicide to question the official government story of 9/11.
9/11 also served as a huge awakening to me personally. At the time, I had worked as a language interpreter with top U.S. generals who bragged about being able to have fighter jets on any errant plane anywhere in the country in 10 minutes or less. So the moment it was announced on the morning of 9/11 that a plane had hit the Pentagon, I suspected that, at the very least, this tragic act was allowed to happen. And like many others, I question to this day why the Pentagon has refused to release all but a few of the many dozens of videotapes of the Pentagon strike that are known to exist, especially as none of those released show anything conclusive about what hit the Pentagon.
After 9/11, millions of people with open minds began to explore what really happened on 9/11. Thanks to excellent websites like WantToKnow.info, these caring individuals were able to find reliable, verifiable information which showed them a level of manipulation far beyond what they had previously known. And many who work in the field of intelligence, which once depended heavily on carefully fostered personal connections for gathering secret information, have made good use of the Internet to discover how they were being used not for the good of the public, but rather for the benefit of a wealthy elite who pull the strings of global politics behind the scenes.
At least two key individuals were awakened to the deeper realities of 9/11 by WantToKnow. In personal communications, Dr. David Ray Griffin informed me that he first had his eyes opened to the 9/11 cover-up in early 2003 by the two-page 9/11 summary there. Dr. Griffin is a renowned theologian who has now become the most respected spokesperson for the 9/11 movement. In the 10 years since that fateful day, he has authored or edited more than a dozen scholarly books which explore the deeper realities of 9/11 and global politics.
Architect Richard Gage, in turn, learned of the 9/11 cover-up through the work of Dr. Griffin. Mr. Gage has gone on to become the most visible scientific voice of the 9/11 movement. He founded and heads up Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, which now has over 1,500 architects and engineers who have signed a petition demanding a new, independent investigation of the collapse of the three World Trade Center buildings on 9/11 (click here for more).
So the work of WantToKnow.info has played a key role in the awakening of these two major figures in the 9/11 movement and many, many others. Our website has now received over 7.5 million visits, and our email list has nearly 10,000 subscribers from more than 120 countries. We've received many hundreds of messages from supporters who are most grateful for our work.
The mainstream media post 9/11 sadly continues to focus largely on spreading fear and sensationalism. The corporate owners of the media have been quite successful in keeping key information on 9/11 and other critically important issues from getting the headlines they deserve. Yet the good news is that the corporate-owned major media is rapidly losing credibility as the public increasingly looks for quality, unfiltered information on the Internet.
Though there is a lot of trash and baseless speculation on many Internet websites, those with a discerning eye are able to find reliable information from verifiable sources as they begin to unravel the mystery of 9/11 and of all that goes on in our world. Some like myself also open to inner spiritual guidance as they put the pieces of the puzzle together.
What I have learned in my research over the years since 9/11 is that there are many factions within the power elite of our world. And thanks to the after effects of 9/11, these factions are now fighting against each other more than ever. Those factions which are most focused on dominating and even destroying our world are gradually being shut down and marginalized. A few of their members are even waking up and now beginning to work for the good of all humanity.
This is not to say that there aren't still some crazy things being pulled off. There are, but I believe the chances of a major event of the scale of 9/11 happening again are very slim. Thanks to both the wake-up call of 9/11 and the rapid availability of reliable, verifiable information on the Internet, I suspect there are too many good people in high places now who are aware of the deeper, hidden political agendas to allow for the coordination of a complex event like 9/11 to happen again.
One of the biggest cover-ups besides 9/11 that I've come across is also drawing increasing attention, even in the major media. We're seeing an ever increasing amount of good coverage on the UFO cover-up in the news. You can see the abundance of excellent major media articles on this most fascinating topic at this link. And the History Channel has just come out with an amazingly well done documentary on this fascinating topic, which you can watch at this link.
I personally believe that advanced ET species, likely millions of years ahead of humanity in both their technological and spiritual development, are carefully monitoring us. They have developed scientific and spiritual principles that go far beyond our current understanding of reality and are thus able to travel much faster than the speed of light by shifting into other dimensions.
Like the prime directive in Star Trek, these highly evolved beings only intervene when absolutely necessary and with minimal impact to keep us from destroying our planet. For an inspiring essay I've written which dives deep into this topic, click here.
In addition, I have received information that there are growing numbers of military and government intelligence officers around the world who are working to stop the craziness and expose the many manipulations being carried out by the global power elite. A few years ago, I learned about an intelligence organization called "The Library" which plays an active role in blocking key destructive plans of the power elite.
Working quietly behind the scenes, this unusual group of intelligence professionals has both leaked key documents at crucial moments, and carried out small, but effective activities which prevented major destructive plans of the power-hungry factions of the global elite from being implemented. For more fascinating information on this, click here.
In the old paradigm, global politics operated based largely on hierarchical structures which placed a small number of chosen people and groups at the top of the hierarchy. For many centuries, the common folk willingly surrendered their power to those above them in the political and military hierarchies in exchange for safety and protection.
Yet many individuals and groups in the top rungs of this global hierarchy secretly used the power given them for personal profit and gain. For thousands of years, selfish factions of the power elite have controlled the general population by promoting fear, secrecy, and polarization, and through distracting people from their deeper purpose in life. This is what has led to much of the craziness in the world even today. For more on this, click here.
In the new paradigm which is rapidly manifesting all around us, ever increasing numbers of people are realizing that it's time to stop looking up to the higher ranks of the hierarchy for protection and guidance, and to instead look around at our fellow humans and look inside ourselves in our quest for a better world. We are increasingly less dependent on hierarchical leadership from the top, and are trusting more our own inner resources as we work cooperatively with many others who are now dedicated to ushering in this new paradigm.
We are realizing that it's time to let go of the old polarizing us vs. them paradigm and start working together for a new paradigm which supports the good of all on our planet. We are embracing the understanding that each of us has unlimited power within, and that we are all interconnected. And the Internet is making it easier for us to connect and even to come together in person to promote ever more love and understanding in our world. It's really an exciting time to be alive!
I'm not at all saying that everything is going to be nice and easy in the years ahead of us. I suspect that as we give birth to the new paradigm, the world will experience birth pains, particularly as the old hierarchical power structures of this world begin to crumble. How much pain is experienced will likely be a matter of how fast and how hard this collapse happens.
I'm very hopeful that the collapse of the old paradigm structures will be relatively slow, which I believe would make it easier on all of us. This would more easily allow the grass roots, new paradigm networks rapidly growing around the world to catch the pieces as the old hierarchy falls apart and the new paradigm takes its place. Once an ever increasing number of people see the need for this change, I suspect we will all join in co-creating a new way of life that is much healthier and more cooperative than ever before. To understand that, CLICK HERE: http://www.wanttoknow.info/divinewisdomunderstanding
Original piece is twice this size. To read the rest, with all the LIVE LINKS IN IT, Little 'Segues' Go HERE: http://www.wanttoknow.info/911/9-11_perspective